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since he already watch episode 6 it safe to point out when Ymir about to collapse the castle Berthold is about to bite his hand. It just nice little detail many people missed.


I think it's safe to say that Ymir's focus took us all by surprise. Definitely a great written character. I'm glad that you like the flashbacks. Some people might get annoyed because they interrupt the current timeline, but I love them as well and they are a crucial part in this story.

Muhd Zulhilmi

Definitely one of the more emotional episodes of the series. And to think Ymir was there all along since S1 and only was credited as ‘Freckles’. Like Im said, to be emotionally invested in this character who started to voice out and be more relevant just a few episodes ago is a compliment to the writers, animators and the soundtrack. Great reactions once again, beautiful episode and Christa... I mean Historia, never stop being so pure.


Your reaction made me cry over this episode again. ♡


godDamn!!! so FREAKING gOOD!!


You made me tear up ;')


link expired :/


Hey, didn't you want to wait until the edited videos anyway? Also, this always happens when he releases new full lengths, the drive links reach their limits. The links should be back up during the day.


Rewatching this, I just noticed that when Reiner grabs Historia's leg and goes into a trance because he recognized Ymir's titan form, you were also in your own trance at the exact same time because of the same revelation. Both of you also snapped out of it because of Connie (though Reiner took a little longer), that was pretty funny.


This one doesn't work too


Damn, looks like they hit this as well, uploading again right now. I don't know how this is even happening. These are privately shared links, someone with access would have to report them, which makes no sense.