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Hey everyone just a quick update on what’s coming up next on Patreon

- Doctor Who “New Earth” & “Tooth and Claw” double upload

- Attack on Titan 23-25 (Early access + Full length together)

- Black Mirror “crocodile”



I'm really happy that you watched the first season of AoT!


That Black Mirror episode took "postponing your problems only for them to pile on harder" to quite a level.


That would make my weekend


From what I understand that kind of thing will come if he's able to do this full time. Right now he doesn't make enough from this to live off of, so he has to do another job. IMO if he's able to react to season 3 as it airs, his patreon will explode, so lets hope he can manage it:P




What's wrong with the last comment I edited ? The fact that I quote an episod which FilmBuff has already watched? I mean, I hate spoilers af. However, I noticed that sometimes there are moderators that can be worst than spoilers. In other words, they kind of expect from reactors to understand the show as these moderators did in the past. This unfortunately open the doors to power abuse, as deleting comments without notification. Making sure reactors are on the good track of reflexion is not a spoil. What would you like ? That a reactor keeps theoryzing on wrong idea during several minutes ? Read again my comment (in this section) and point out what's wrong because as for now I feel like I missed stg


If he's theorizing on wrong stuff after watching the material in front of him, let him? Let him watch the show and say completely wrong stuff sometimes? Who cares? In a couple years from now he'll know the entire story start to finish regardless of if we wrote hints along the way or not, why alter his path by saying "focus on this, think back to this episode, think back to that question, female titan doesn't have x ability! think like this!". If you sit down and watch an episode of something with a cliffhanger in any show and you start thinking theory A and someone comes along and starts saying "theory A doesn't exist in this show, it's not that kinda show, think back to x and analyze it that way instead" you stray him 100% off of theory A forever and narrow his choices down. Then if you have 50 comments like yours from different people every batch he uploads, you don't see how it'll affect how he watches the show? At all? Seriously? The less we talk about what's happening in the show the better, unless it's explicitly shown in his face and he didn't understand the exposition (when it was meant to be understood I mean, not subtly at all) like Armin's talk in episode 21. Come on man I really don't want to be annoying like this but it gets frustrating reading so many of those kinda comments day in and day out when I know he reads almost all of these.


No you don't seem to get it, its not about spoiling. Its about " getting someone on the right track" This is exactly what you have done wrong, he doesnt need someone like you guiding him, if he is wrong in something, he is wrong and thats amusing as well. When you watched the for the first timr show, did someone tell you what you need to pay attention to as well?!


Sephizen do you realy think that a reactor who keeps on having wrong theories will get many views/followers ? If you want my opinion, I dont think he'll think of getting a Patreon. Thus, making sure that a reactor is on the good track without spoiling him (either by asking questions on point that he have missed, by giving advices or rejecting a wrong theory if it lasts long) is 100% in the interest of the reactor. Just my 2 cents


Getting shit wrong comes with a reaction, the amount of other AoT reactors with more Patreon followers but worse quality (or accuracy in theories) is in the dozens. Come on man, you've seen how good his videos are (which is why you're here in the first place), you know that what's stopping him from exploding isn't the fact that he gets a few things wrong sometimes lmao, the problem was always consistent uploading. As soon as he started consistently uploading for 2 weeks his Patrons doubled. It didn't double because he started being more right about things in 17-22 over 1-16. I wouldn't want someone sitting next to me whispering in my ear leading me the right way during each episode credits if I was binge watching some mystery themed show, that's crazy.

oscar campos

Lynxeyed You're so stubborn! You're not helping anyone, please stop ;)


Can someone explain to me his last post? Did he get spoiled?


Nah, he just got warned about a little too much hinting going on in the comments.


AoT was blocked again?