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Hello everyone ✌🏼

March Refunds

All requested refunds have been processed. Please get in contact again if I happen to miss anyone. There was a decent amount to get through, so it's possible I may have missed someone, thank you.

It took a few days to get this post up because I was planning the road map for April and beyond, I really want to bring consistency and stability back to the content creation side of things. It's quite regrettable that the end of March had to end being a write off because of an unpredictable situation, and I want to make sure something like that doesn't happen again. So I had to take a few days to figure out some stuff, try a different approach with life stuff and scheduling for the content creation side of things.

I have a lot of unfinished business (EVA/Vinland/HOTD) and plans for future content, so I do want to make progress with that as well, bit by bit.

First change is to make sure both Full Length + Early Access go up together again. That's how it will be starting Wednesday and beyond.

  • HXH EP 70 edited version will be going up on Tuesday.
  • HXH EP 71/69 will go up on Wednesday for their respective Tiers
  • The New HXH Tier is finally set to go up on Friday, April 12th. Which would have three immediate uploads, taking it to Eight Early Access episodes, and then the Three upload days beyond that. Which would be Sunday/Wednesday/Friday.
  • I do Hope to bring Monster/Doctor Who back in at some point in the second half of April, and then back on a regular schedule in May. Bit by bit I want to restore the channel back to what it used to be.

I believe that is all for now, I would like to thank everyone for the support, I know I'm not the easiest content creator to follow, but I do believe the actual content itself remains solid and something I am proud to release and share with all you lovely people.

Still open to providing March refunds to anyone who might be interested.

Thank you.


Colin Huckestein

You are very correct in that the content remains solid :)


When is Monster coming back? You said you would start in April and still nothing so far. And in May you said you would be on a regular schedule. All I see are HXH uploads. When are you going to give a correct date? When are other shows coming back on this Patreon?