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Hello everyone, I am going to go ahead and offer refunds instead. It’s just much more practical at this point, and it’s a large enough disruption where I feel that I simply have to offer refunds.

I also don’t like the idea of putting anyone in a position to binge/watch stuff before a deadline, especially all of you who might be in a different time zone which might be ahead of me.

All refunds will be processed by the first few days of April, all you have to do is drop a direct message requesting a refund.

I don’t want anyone to feel rushed, so if you don’t get a chance to drop a direct message here on Patreon before your March membership runs out, then please email me at filmbuff.productionsyt@gmail.com for a refund request. Please make sure to include your Patreon username so I can locate you in the audience database here on Patreon. That email is listed on Twitter and YouTube as well.

HXH Episode 1 - 1999

I would also like to get your take on the release of this video. I have watched/recorded it, and I am thinking of using one of the HXH upload days to drop it. So for one of the upcoming HXH upload days on April, this would be going up instead of one of the Greed Island uploads, which would get pushed to the next HXH upload day.

Unless there is a more natural insert point for it, open to suggestions.

I’ll have an end of Month update post coming up as well.

Thank you.


Business Goose

Hey, I was just wondering if we are still going to get the uploads tonight?

Scooby Doo

Probably coming soon today. The end of month update, that is. Dont know about the episodes

Wolf Hunter

I guesse the fact that there has been no update yet. Has nothing to do with the fact that it is april 1st 🤣😉😋 Ps: Still hoping for some HxH today. The hype is to real.


The post with plans for April is coming. Just finalizing the schedule and trying to get things back on track and running smoothly ✌🏼