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So in the Cities Skylines 2 series I try and add in a bit of knowledge about how things are designed, why they are like they are- like in the most recent ones it was a bit on road signs, why they are the size they are and how the sign faces are designed. I don't always have an idea of what to talk to about so I figured it was worth asking you guys if there's anything you've ever wondered "why?" about anything to do with roads and highways. Leave a comment below with your question and I'll try and answer it in a future video!



Could you tell us more about the different types of asphalt?


I don’t know how much you have traveled but you could talk about different countries road systems or something like that

Haikal Hernowo

Not specifically about highways but more general on roads. I wonder, in Cities Skylines when we picked a road we could see types of vehicles that are using the roads, from where are they coming from and where are they going, etc. How irl we know that kind of information? Ohh, and how to make people to use public transport or sustainable transportation more rather than private vehicles, cus currently I am writing my thesis about Green Infrastructure and it would help 😂


Just driven to my parents who live in the highlands of Scotland and I'm from Dorest. It's like 12 hours (I have appreciated some good highway drainage along the way). I want to know what is wrong with the M6 and why is it always the worst bit of that journey?! Thank you!