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Whoop Whoop, It's the sound of da POOlice!

Plus a whole bunch of road signage talk!


Cities: Skylines 2 Part 10 - The Poolice (plus road sign talk!)

Part 10 of Cities Skylines, an exclusive series for my Patreon supporters!


Tiki Cowboy

I too am a member of the vocal minority - love the silly level of detail regarding signage!


Not feeling so much like a traditional minority....

Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated

Not a member of the vocal minority as of yet, but I love the real life explainations that you're doing! To me it's quite intresting that the UK has so many rules about signage and yet doesn't seem to have a Priority Road Sign (I remember a video on a road maintenance game based in Germany :p ) to indicate to drivers that others on intersections/crossings need to give way.


I really enjoyed the talk about the path of least resistance in the last episode. I live in the United States and it's really interesting to me learning about how other countries control traffic.