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‘Did I just turn Albus Dumbledore into the Joker?’ As Bruce sat there watching the Headmaster laugh, he couldn’t help but worry.

He lives in a world where even Martha Wayne could end up as the joker, so the thought of a Joker with magic and equipped with the elder wand was truly terrifying.

Seeing the odd look on Bruce’s face, Albus contained his laughter and straightened his robes before clearing his throat.

After seeing Dumbledore go back to normal. Bruce let out a sigh he didn’t know he was holding.

“Mr. Wayne, would you like to become my student?” Albus asks.

“I thought I already was...” Bruce asks with a raised brow.

“Yes, you could say that every child who attends Hogwarts is my student, but that’s not exactly what I mean. I would like to offer to teach you everything I know. You would become my successor so to speak.” Albus states, causing Bruce’s eyes to widen in shock.

‘Is it this easy to win people over? Do I have high charisma or something? Is this a gamer reincarnation? Do I have a system I don’t know about? Status... nothing. Guess not.’ Bruce was thrown for a loop.

He understands that winning over Harry, Hermione, and Ron would be easy, as they’re children, but Bruce thought the man before him wouldn’t be so easily swayed. Nor did he expect to hear the Headmaster offer to make Bruce his successor.

‘Maybe I made the right choice by being upfront and not asking for anything but friendship. Good guy types like stuff like that after all.’ Bruce thought.

“Are you dying, Headmaster?” Bruce blurts out without thinking.

“Not yet, my boy.” Albus says with a small chuckle. “Though we will all die someday and I would like to be prepared before taking on my next great adventure.” He says with a far-off look but soon turns his attention back to Bruce. ”You are by far the most impressive student I’ve ever seen. If I didn’t make you this offer, I would be a true dunderhead.”

“What If I was horrible with magic?” Bruce asks.

“Magic can be taught and practiced-” Albus says as his eyes shine for a few moments as he looks Bruce up and down. “-and based on what I can see, you’ve either been practicing very diligently, or you’re a prodigy of some sort.”

‘Did he just use magic to check my progress with magic?’ Bruce thought in shock. “How do you know that?”

“Based on your answer I’d say you practiced, though that doesn’t mean you’re not a prodigy.” Albus says with a nod. “And yes, that was a small trick to see someone’s aptitude with magic. Now, would you like to be my student or not?”

“Hmm. If I didn’t accept, then that would make me a dunderhead, wouldn’t it?” Bruce repeats the Headmaster's earlier words with a smile that was soon matched by Albus.

“I suppose it would.” Dumbledore answers with a smile as he stands up and begins to collect books from around the room. “You’re going to need some things...”

“So should I call you anything special now? Like teacher, Master or?” Bruce makes conversation while he waits.

“Hmm, I don’t mind anything in particular. Though I’m not a fan of Master.” Albus replies offhandedly as he goes through the bookshelves.

“Teacher it is then.” Bruce says and receives a nod from his new teacher.

Soon enough, a tall stack of old books towered above Bruce, who picked one up and blew some dust off to read the title.

“The Sumerian Language and its connection to magic. Sounds old and boring.” Bruce remarks as he opens the book and sees a language he’s never seen before.

“Oh, it’s dreadfully mind-numbing alright.” Albus says with a laugh. “Though that doesn’t mean it isn’t helpful. Which is why I expect that book and all the others to be read and memorized by the end of the week.”

“T-That’s impossible...” Bruce mutters as he looks up at the large stack of books.

“Oh, certainly. Especially when you have your first-year classes starting in two days.” Albus nods in complete agreement.

“Okay, so give me a few weeks instead...” Bruce offers but Albus cuts him off.

“No, one week is enough.” He says and opens one of the drawers on his desk.

“Huh?” Bruce grunts in confusion, but suddenly something dawns on him. ‘He wouldn’t give that to me, would he?’

The aged Headmaster pulls out a wooden box from his desk and pulls out his wand.

‘Is that the elder wand...’ Bruce thought as he watched Albus tap the wooden box with the tip of his wand.

Suddenly, the wooden box began to hover in the air and twist like a Rubik’s Cube. After twisting in the air for a few moments the box broke apart as if it were made of Tetris blocks.

As the blocks of wood fall to the side, what's left in the air is a small golden hourglass suspended by a chain-like necklace.

“Okay, that was cool. I’ll give you that.” Bruce complements Albus on the show.

“I aim to please.” Albus says and gives a small bow, similar to a muggle magician.

“What’s that? Some sort of time machine? Because that’s what I’d need to get through that tower of boredom.” Bruce scoffs, knowing exactly what that object floating before him is.

“Actually yes it is.” Albus replies, happily surprised at how perceptive his new student is.

“Wait, time travel exists?” Bruce puts his acting skills to good use.

“Yes, but it can only send you back five hours, which will allow you to make the deadline.” Albus explains as he takes the hourglass necklace from the air. “This is called a time turner. Older students can get permission to use it for their studies.”

“And you’re giving this to me?” Bruce asked incredulously.

“Oh, heavens no.” Albus shakes his head with a small laugh. “You’re very mature and smart for your age, but I would be mad to trust a child with something like this.”

“Okay... so why are you showing me it?” Bruce asked with disappointment clear in his voice.

“I said I wasn’t giving it to you. I never said you couldn’t use it. Once your classes are out, you will come here and use the time turner. I will schedule it so I’m here to overlook the past and future you.” Albus explains as he taps his wand on the fallen pieces of the box.

Soon, the pieces join together and make an open box. Albus takes the time turner and places it into the box, which seals itself shut as it was before.

“You won’t be allowed to use it without my supervision, but an extra five hours a day should be enough, no?” Albus smiles as he puts the box away again.

“Uhh... yeah.” Bruce was speechless.

He could do so much with this.


Federico chaves

Can you imagine I don't know if it would be lame or awesome