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As Bruce and Albus exit the Great Hall, Bruce waves and calls out.

“Wait for me with Ron and Hermione! I won’t be long!” Bruce yells as they turn the corner, leaving everyone else behind.

After walking in silence for a moment, Headmaster Dumbledore spoke up.

“I was nervous about having a muggle celebrity attend Hogwarts, as you never know how fame can cloud the mind, but you seem to be well put together.” Albus comments offhandedly.

“Thank you, I’ve been told many times I’m very mature for my age.” Bruce says with a small chuckle.

He’s obviously mature. He was almost out of high school in his past life.

“Yes, I would say you’re one of the most mature first-year students I’ve ever spoken with.” Albus agrees easily.

Soon, they reach the statue leading to his office and Bruce gets to see the stairs rise from the floor, leading to the top of the headmaster's tower.

“Have a seat.” Dumbledore offers as they enter his office.

Taking a seat in front of a large oak desk, Bruce gives the room a once-over, impressed by every inch of the office.

“I may rebuild my study back in Gotham. After seeing this, I feel like mine is far too inferior...” Bruce says self-deprecatingly, eliciting a laugh from the Headmaster sat before him.

“Yes, not many can claim to work in such a grand office.” Dumbledore admits with a smile. “Now, what did you want to speak with me about?”

“I read that orphans and muggle-borns are assigned a magical guardian, who holds the legal rights and responsibility for them in the Wizarding world. Do you know who mine is?” Bruce asked.

“That would be your head of house, Professor McGonagall. Where did you read this?” Albus asked in surprise as this information wasn’t in any course books for first-years.

Having Minerva McGonagall as his magical guardian wasn’t so bad. At least she’s the type of person that would never overstep her bounds and take advantage of him.

“I bought a lot of extra books out of curiosity. I have to say, the law books I read were a surprise, but that can be saved for another time.” Bruce explains with a shake of his head.

“I see... Sadly, I don’t have to guess as to what you saw in those books. Compared to the muggle world, we live in a very archaic society.” Albus says with a sad sigh.

“Yes, this brings me to why I’m here.” Bruce straightens himself up to appear more professional. “Would you like some funding?”


For a moment, Albus thought he may have misheard the young man before him.

“What brought this on?” Albus asks before answering.

“You’re the leader of the light faction of the Wizengamot, correct?” Bruce asks in return.

“Yes, but how do you know that already?” Albus questions.

“That doesn’t matter.” Bruce waves him off. “What I’m trying to say is, it must be hard working against these noble families with such deep pockets? I mean, no wonder all of those horrible laws are passed. They have the capital, while you may have a few deep pockets on your side as well, they can’t compare, can they?” Bruce says and Albus could do nothing but agree with a nod.

“You are far more impressive than I originally thought...” Albus comments unbelievably.

“I come from a very wealthy and old family, Headmaster. We understand that knowledge is power, and with knowledge, we find problems. Then throw money at our problems. Which is what I’m offering to do for you. Would you like me to fund you?” Bruce offers with a devilish smile.

“I-I would be a fool to say no, but what do you want in return?” Albus asks with a slightly suspicious gaze.

“Friendship.” Bruce answers simply.

Hearing Bruce’s answer, Albus couldn’t believe his ears. This very wealthy first-year student is willing to fund the light faction for his friendship. Odd, very odd indeed.

Bruce knows that any tricks would be seen through by an old veteran like Albus, so he decided to take the simple and straightforward route with him. Gaining the friendship of the most powerful wizard in the world would make any amount of money worth it.

Especially to someone like Bruce, who has more money than he’ll ever be able to spend. Scratch that, his monthly income is more than he’ll ever be able to spend. Also, this income will only skyrocket after the investments he gave to Alfred begin to bear fruit.

“That’s it?!” Albus exclaims.

He thought Bruce would ask for some crazy request, or maybe to become his personal student. He wouldn’t be the first to ask.

“Yes, I’ll be straight with you.” Bruce says and leans forward. “I believe in being on the good side, but I would much rather be on the winning side. You, Headmaster, have been on the winning side of two wars. You’re the best of both worlds. Good and a winner. I would much rather throw my hat in with you, than a bunch of madmen that blindly followed a psychopath.-“

“-They aren’t worth my time or money, but you, you’re a good investment so to speak. Especially since two Dark Lords have appeared in the last 50 years. Who knows when another will pop up, touting whatever backward ideologies they tricked themselves and their followers into believing.” Bruce explains with a scoff at the end.


For the first time in a long time, Albus Dumbledore was speechless. If he heard this from anyone other than an 11-year-old muggle-born student then he would be ecstatic and accept immediately, but hearing it from someone so young and new to the Wizarding World is scary.

Though, he’s unsure if he would say it’s a bad kind of scary...

There’s no doubt in his mind that the boy before him is a genius. To be able to learn about all of this and accurately explain it in such depths is nothing short of amazing.

‘Maybe this is what I’ve been hoping and waiting for...’ Albus thought.

Suddenly, Albus broke out in roaring laughter, which greatly surprised Bruce.

‘Did I just turn Albus Dumbledore into the Joker?’


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