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Here’s the latest (and final) redesign for Stellar, of the upcoming comic series Stellar & Stiletto (old design attached for reference). You’ll probably notice right away that her attire is much more modest, and there’s a reason for that. 

Stellar is the princess of a Kingdom that has effectively outlawed sexuality, and sexual expression, so she isn’t allowed to wear any less. Having been raised and held captive in her own castle, she may have the virtues of a princess, but she is naive, and knows little about life outside her castle walls.

In updating her design I wanted to accomplish a couple of things. First, she really needs to look like a princess. That meant working with more traditional shapes so that her identity comes across visually. Second, I needed to simplify her design (and style) so that the comic is easier to produce. 

Overall, I’m happy with these changes, and I can feel a bit more of her personality coming through now... and just in case you're worried about me skimping on the naughty - don’t be. There will be plenty of erotic action in the new series. These changes are just a way for me to balance the story and character with how I want to explore sexual ideas. Her look will also change as the story develops, so you can consider this her "starting point", hehehe… 

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this updated look for now. I’m currently redesigning Stiletto, and she’ll get a similar treatment, but you can expect her design to be a bit more revealing than Stellar's, as she isn’t bound by the same conventions.

See ya again soon!



Brandon Shane

Very cool I love the redesign!


I think this looks a lot better, it gives that royal look you were going for. Has hints of Shantae and Zelda. More modest maybe, but don't think I don't see all the arrows pointing and guiding the eye to her crotch. And just when you reach it there's one big one to point you back up. Even her head with the ears pointing down at the chin, making full use of shape language haha


It's all subliminal, I swear! I'm trying to keep her as sweet and pure as possible. It'll make the sexy scenes more fun!