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All right, this isn’t the sexiest or most exciting thing I’ve ever posted, but it’s still work that I’ve done and I figured some of you might find this interesting all the same.

These are some 3D models I’ve built to use as environmental references in the upcoming comic. First, you’ll see my initial attempt at designing a castle (it’s just okay). I had to research how castles are traditionally built in order to understand their layout, but the castle I had in mind also needed to have its own specific layout in order for the characters to move through it as the story develops. Although the first attempt is functional, it’s lacking in character and doesn’t feel like anything special. So I decided to try again.

On the second attempt, I decided to design around an octagonal base shape, and use it as a repeating motif to give the castle a sense of identity. On the left hand side, you’ll see my mock up “sketch” where I composed the height of the towers and arrangement of the buildings. I then used this sketch as a reference to keep my proportions in check when developing the castle and adding extra details.

The benefit of having these models on hand isn’t to trace over them, or to drop them into the background, but to have something I can rotate, zoom in on, and use as a reference to maintain consistency and scale while working on the comic. They also serve as inspiration to help mitigate artist’s block, when you need to see things from a different point of view… so I tried to make sure the castle looked good from every angle. 

Lastly, you’ll see a simple interior design showcasing Stellar’s bedroom (again, with an octagonal floor plan). This model was actually built before I started the second castle, so I’ll likely update the windows, balcony, and furniture with angular edges to keep with the octagonal theme.

Anyways, I had been meaning to create these for a while now, and was kind of dreading it, but I’m happy to say that I’m pleased with these assets and feel a bit of relief having made them. The first chapter of the comic is going to take place inside this very castle, and we’ll be seeing plenty of Stellar’s bedroom too, so these are going to be a huge help for me.

Up next, I’ll be tweaking the character designs one more time, but before that I’m going to work on some more illustration commissions.

I’m not entirely sure yet when the comic will begin as I want to tackle a few more designs yet, create a cover image, and do a test page for color and style, but I feel myself getting closer. Oh, and did I mention that the script is done? The script is done. For the first chapter anyways… 

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this little behind-the-scenes peek, and that it "piques" your interest in the upcoming comic.

See you again soon with something more exciting!




I dunno, as a 3D artist, this is pretty sexy. Those turrets, the tall windows fit for magnificent stained glass, the walkway to the secluded tower...ok yeah it's not cute girl in a skirt sexy but it's looking good 😂 Having some basic 3D models is great for reference, look forward to seeing what erotic shenanigans you take us through in this castle.


😅 You know what's funny? I keep telling myself that I'm going to write a serious story, but somehow shenanigans keep appearing in the plot anyways. Like I can't help myself. And I'm glad to see you've noticed the details here. Although you may have already surmised, the room at the top of the secluded tower you mentioned is Stellar's bedroom. I wanted to make a point of her room being a little removed from the rest of the castle, but still a part of it. Hence the walkway.


I can clearly see how you're creating this from scratch, but: Hellooo Neuschwanstein 😂 (If you don't know what I mean, google the name, it will hit you.)


Yeah, that was actually one of the castles I was looking at when designing my own. You can see it in the shape of the tower and in the A-frame buildings. Ultimately I decided to design something different, but I kept the building shape because I liked how they made the castle feel more like a residence, and less like a fortress.