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Here’s the design for The King in the upcoming comic. As you can see, he’s not exactly the soft and cuddly type of king. And although Stellar is a princess, The King is not her father, making his presence and tenure as king… a bit unwelcome.

While The King represents an oppressive force, he won’t be the main antagonist in the series. Although he will play a role and we’ll likely see him pop up more than a few times in the story.

I had a lot of fun designing this character, as I decided to make him a bit of a cross between a sorcerer and a king, by giving him a long wizard staff but styling it in the shape of a royal scepter, and fitting an oversized hood to his robe. Magic will likely play a role in the story as well - although it’ll be a more limited-use kind of thing, and not a common occurrence. 




Looking epic. I can imagine him being a bad guy in something like Ultima


Yeah, he's definitely a bad guy, just not THE bad guy. That title will be reserved for somebody else...