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Here’s a peek at a side character in the upcoming story. Although Chadwick won’t be a major part of the story, he’ll be featured prominently in the first chapter, and then occasionally later on.

The design on the right is one of the many Castle Guards stationed around Stellar’s castle. As guards in service of the King’s order, they share the same uniform, which I fashioned to look similar to Templar Knights.

Still undecided if male characters get tails in this world or not. I think it’s a good idea for the female variety, but maybe it will be specific to them… or maybe the male characters will get shorter tails, like little nubs lol. 

Anyways. I think I’m satisfied with these designs. Simple enough to replicate groups of them in scenes if needed. Next up, we’ll take a look at the King’s design.




Very cool, I always love simple, realistic knight designs


Yeah. I tried a few different abstract designs, but none of them were as effective as a simple one that conveys "knight" or "soldier" at a glance.