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Had the idea for this funny little strip a while back. I don't know what it means really, but it was a good excuse to draw a puffy mound. Got a list of ideas for some illustrations coming up, but I really need to get back into the swing of using color. 




That lil guy's determination is so goddamn cuuuute!


Any excuse to draw a puffy mound is a good one


Absolutely love it you did King and Diane proud!


Even in colors, your style is prominent and distinctive. I wouldn't mind seeing more of it


Ah, those sweet sweet, Erotibot colors. Look at those soft transitions into the terminator and them thicc lines. *chef's kiss* Awesome work, man! This is a pretty funny premise. His girl just keeps getting bigger meanwhile he's like "I'll do my best!" Ganbatte, little dude. Ganbatte.


Thanks! I've drawn them a few times before. I'll have to upload the other pics to my gallery.


Actually, it's funny... I didn't color very much during comic production, so I feel incredibly rusty... Guess this will be a good time to brush up on my color theory, and to try some new things again.

Matt Ruecker

love 7 deadly encourage more. I'd love your take on Cala and the monsters from viper rsr!

Domi Schell

Maybe King needs to change into his *big* ugly form to help this poor little girl 😁