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And here's the cover for Chapter 2!

I decided to keep this one simple, with basic cell shading and soft gradients keeping the style inline with the interior pages. Whereas last time the cover illustration set a scene with Sharlene on the bathroom floor, this time the image is more graphic, placing the character fully in focus. Had a lot of fun doing this, and I think it suits Chapter 2 pretty nicely. What do you think?




I love the color of her outfit, it's lovely.


It is perfect!


Thanks, friend. Colors are difficult for me (being colorblind and all), but the Mrs. always offers a helping hand (the shade of green on Sharlene's skirt being her choice). Nice to see you here, and I hope you've been well!


The illustration is of course lovely, the bouncing skirt and the flowing hair with that cute face are just delicious. I really like the title being on the roof too, very nice. It's quite simple as you said but very good at what it does. Also is that an unintended line on her right wrist (Looks like a left over bit from the pompom)?


Not bad I say this is an improvement to the last one.


The title being on the roof is a leftover from the idea I had of it appearing on a ceiling banner inside the gymnasium. Well that idea didn't work out, but I kept the position of the title. Oh - and good eye! The line on her wrist is indeed an intentional line (sometimes I separate body parts with a little segmenting line), but I hadn't considered it looking like a part of the pom pom. I'll likely clean that up since it does kind of read as a part of the pom I forgot to fill in!


Holy hell does this look good.


Perhaps not quite as ambitious, but the style has definitely solidified since then!


Bruh this was amazing when I got to see you work on it the other day. Great work!!




I believe it's right and proper after her gymnastics on Marvin 🙂


I see, so it's more like the lines on her stomach. I did think it's surely not a line from the pom pom since the outer most lines on it are a lot thicker but I couldn't work out what else it was!


I honestly forgot anyone was watching me since all I did was laugh at how funny you guys are.


Fantastic cover!


We support our friends and work while having a good time doing it lol.