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All right - this page took a bit longer than I wanted it to, but I appreciate your patience. 🙏

This page marks the beginning of a new day at Hot Shit High, and it’s a direct call-back to the beginning of the comic, when Marvin nervously walked through a hallway of admiring coeds. The scene here is very similar, only this time Marvin is a little less shy about it. Could he finally be gaining some confidence on his own?



Stone Quillian III

Wonder how things with Sharlene has gotten.


That girl on the far left is still cute as fuck and sexy as can be.


Hot as fuck girls, man! Great page!


Man what a page! You can just see the admira-er... desire oozing from everyone in the scene (to include that fellow in the back, heh). This is a pretty awesome turn of the story to boot considering how he was when he first walked through the school. Great job man. This comic's been a hoot so far and is seriously *chef's kiss*.


The library gal is just MMMFFF


He gunna get jumped by that cheer squad during free period


As always amazing work and that cooking class has the right idea after all the fastest way to a mans heart (or in this case penis) is through his stomach. 😂🤣😂


Will we get to see an outro with some of those girls in different instances? Or will he stay loyal to the cheer squad lol


This is a great page but now I want to see Marvin with all these ladies too.


Wish I was this popular with the ladies...


I've screwed the pooch it seems. You see, I can't just draw "a hallway full of girls" as the script calls for, and not make them look at least somewhat appealing.


Well, this chapter is just about done, so we won't see them again. But maybe in Chapter 3?


Well it's not the same girl as before, if that's what you're thinking. But I like her just the same.


Thanks. This was an interesting little bit of story technique I picked up from somewhere (can't remember where), but you see it pretty often in movies. In the beginning, the main character is shown in an unprepared (or unacceptable) state. Towards the end, you see the same scene as before, but the character has changed a little. It's an easy way to show some character development, and a good way to cap off a story - most recently, I saw an example of this technique in the Spider-verse movie.


I read this page on my phone just after waking up and managed to take the "fuck me in the ass" line from the dude in the back shouting, was thinking damn, even the guys want some... I approve of the dress code at this place mind you, loving these designs even if they are probably one shot, especially the girl on the right with the cake, beautiful!


Hahaha, yea... maybe there are a few guys who would want it from him - but in this case, that fellow is just a newly minted admirer.