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The students aren't too dumb!

No WiPs from this one... because honestly, it was just a tedious page (classroom scenes are just...ugh), but we'll have some rowdy sex scenes coming up soon as Marvin and Sharlene start to heat up! So there will be some nice sketches as the planning process gets underway. I have a particularly fun pose, and some improvised dialog coming up for you next!

Thanks for your support, and see you again soon!





I like where this is going.


Oh I felt the paint of this classroom scene. Look at all those characters and props, Haha. It looks really good though! I like the energy this little group's bringing. What's more crazy is that you've done a different design for each character. Holy smokes, would love to see that reference page Lol Great work man!


One the one hand, bless their faith in Marvin. On the other, THIS WILL NOT END WELL.


Oh God there going to see marvin ducking the cheer squad


Believe it or not, I didn't use too much reference for the student designs. But I did reuse some NPCs from the first and second comic for consistency. You may recognize a few of them: https://i.imgur.com/IA8OoZW.jpg I took a photo of myself for Davy's arm, and the girl holding the book. I also used a 3D model I found online for the classroom as a reference. The desks changed a little from an earlier scene (a minor detail), but what can you do.