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I never said he was smart...




Can’t wait to see how the rest unfold


Makes ya wonder if a screen would register an input from a nose through a pair of panties. This needs investigation. Edit: confirmed to work


Well... once people in the school show up and see Marvin the Sex God in action...


Omg Billy, you slimeball! All this carnage going on and he's still up to his tricks! (Mind you that's some good character writing right there, I love it.) I love the desperation in his face at the first panel, I was like "He's gonna try to get awa-- OMG" Got some good reaction out of me this time, man haha.


Biggest surprise of the HSH series so far: Billy is religious lol


Or, at least, opportunistically religious. That would be less surprising...


You know, considering how he's tied up it might actually be possible to stand up, and hop away. He could probably even wiggle himself out of the hair ties... I almost drew his knife on the ground (with his other contraband) because It'll be relevant for another panel, but then I realized somebody would say "Billy, just grab the knife and cut yourself free!" If you play your cards right and manage the character's reactions accordingly you make an unbelievable situation believable. Maybe those hair ties are really really tight.