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The danger rises as we get closer and closer to the climax of our story. Will they be successful in putting out the fuse? Does it even matter? Nobody knows...

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See you again soon! <3




Well, I don't want them to end up like Spud did (especially not Envy), so I hope that bomb doesn't detonate.


I really love that last panel, actually.


I love these two so much. They're such a good pair of girls, haha. Meanwhile Sharlene is just having her way on the other side. In all this action, I'd been wondering what Billy was going to do with that nasty little surprise laying around. Knowing this story, the bomb will detonate when Sharlene gets reaches that summit! Great job on that first panel, reading that, I could just hear these girls just arguing and fighting the whole while haha.


Finally back here, I miss so much update of Hot Shit High &lt;3


Why does no one YANK OUT THE FUSE?


Probably for the same reason I didn't write it that way... You can do that?! I guess we'll just pretend these girls don't know either.


You always leave me the best comments Tahldon. Not that I expect them, or anything, oh no - but I always enjoy reading your feedback. You've got some keen intuition, but I'm not giving anything away just yet. I will say that uh... there was some *slight* foreshadowing earlier in the comic, but I'm not expecting anyone to remember that.


Well if it's a plain old fuse and not a detonation device, then yeah. It is essentially a super flammable string. I was speaking more generally though. I've seen this scenario play out in a number of comics and cartoons.


I'm going with the "they're too dumb and panicked, and if they weren't, the story wouldn't have a climax" writer's excuse. On a side note. I considered making the cluster of dynamite a detonation device instead, but it didn't make sense with the ending I had planned, and I didn't want to have a timer countdown. The fuse works nicely for my purposes, and I knew I'd have to keep the girls distracted during the end sequence... Ah well you gotta pick and choose your folly when writing I suppose!


Fair point. It's easy spot the solution from the outside, armchair quarterbacking and such.


This is awesome! The action is perfectly paced and intense. The first panel in particular is sublime! (and Envy's butt dimple is so cute!) You've done a remarkable job remaining consistent in style and tone throughout your work on this issue, but I can notice your improvement since you started. :)


OMG, that is such a sweet comment 🤎 Thank-you. As an artist, it's difficult to notice your own growth, so when a reader points it out, it really means something. I'm always thinking that I'm regressing somehow, so your comment comes as a boost of sweet motivation.