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I never really wanted to write anything like this out, but this has been weighing on me really heavily... and for the sake of full transparency with my supporters I think sharing a little information is best. I'll be posting this elsewhere for casual readers and anyone wanting to know why things have been so slow lately. 

Hey all, 

It’s been a long while since I’ve written much of anything, and indeed it’s been some time since I’ve seen stage light for more than a mere second before vanishing back into unlit corners. I wouldn’t doubt if a few of you noticed, but I figure that I owe those of you invested in my work a meager explanation, at the very least.

I can’t pinpoint exactly when, but sometime late last year I found myself psychologically, at the bottom of a very deep well. In actuality, I had been there for years without realizing it, having only recently opened my eyes to take it all in. I was physically, mentally, and spiritually drained from years of poor health, neglect, and self-abuse. Suffering from chronic disease, chronic insomnia, and malnourishment, I existed by propping myself up with caffeine, drugs, alcohol, and any form of stimulation I could find. There were so many dark days where I could barely see the point in living anymore, let alone trying to do much of anything.

To make matter worse, fear and anxiety caught up with me and exasperated all of problems. Productivity ground to a near halt as I moved through life with the energy of a shriveled up husk – avoiding my family and running from friends. What little energy I had was spent trying to channel some level of creativity into my projects in spite of it all, but the ambition and reasoning to do so felt so hollow and meaningless to me.  

The result of this loss of productivity is that my support plummeted and I’ve lost over a third of my monthly income (a result I feel fully responsible for). When I started working on my comic I had high hopes that my finances would stabilize, maybe even grow, but I’ve learned that a sporadic and unpredictable release schedule does not suit a webcomic, nor does it foster any engagement – and the events of my life did little to encourage me to try harder.

But it isn’t all bad. Otherwise I might not be here to write this. I’ve spent a lot of time in self-examination, sorting through all the muck, trying to get at the root of things, and I’m happy to say that things are finally starting to look up. Some recent changes in my life, and a shift in my way of thinking has been challenging me to do better, and I may, at last (as I knock on wood) have a handle on my health issues. I feel better, anyways, so pity me not.  

There are still a lot of things I’m trying to figure out (like how to enjoy my work again), but I feel like this is the final piece in my puzzle. As I write this, I am feeling quite positive about the future, about getting back on track, producing more work and putting out more timely and frequent updates.

To all of my readers, thank-you for sticking with Hot Shit High. To those of you who have been patiently waiting for each and every new page – I apologize. I am grateful for your attention, as frustrating as it might seem at times.

To all my supporters, thank-you for sticking with me, even when it seemed like you’ve received less than what you’ve given me. I still wake up in disbelief for the opportunity you’ve granted me to create my comics. Now it’s on me to figure out how to do better. I still have stories to tell, after all.  

Moving forward I’m going to be adding some new features to my Patreon page, but in the mean time, to express my love and gratitude to all of you reading this, please enjoy a drawing of my forever muse, the cheery, bright, and beautiful Sharlene.

XOXO Erotibot




We all go through some dark tunnels, my dude. The important thing is finding the light at the end and getting through it. Glad to hear you’re improving, looking forward to more of your awesome work in the future!


Thank you for sharing. It can't have been easy. Know that we're here for you and not just your art. I'm so sorry you were in a dark place but I'm so glad you're working towards something better 💖


I read the The Tick back when Ben Edlund was writing/drawing it. I'm used to long waits. Take your time.


Im glad that you are doing better!


You know you have my support sir. I reach out to you on Discord to see how you are doing , and this explains a lot. Please keep it up.

Stone Quillian III

You have my support as well. I just hope you continue to finish this story. This is too good to end


We'll keep supporting you no matter what, Ero! Focus on recovery in the meantime!


I had no idea that you're having such a hard time. 😥 I hope you feel much better soon. We'll be here for you, always! 😉


Sometimes the weight of things just grinds us down, man. I, for one, totally understand. For a period of time things work out well, but there's always those times where every little thing can seem turbulent and spiral your entire mood, energy level, and everything else down. I'm sure, at some point or magnitude, we've all been there. You're only human, my friend, so it's understandable if you encounter a series of cloudy days. What's best is that you were able to introspect and come out of it with your chin up - let that attest to your amount of resiliency. I'm just glad you've found the energy to tell your stories again and to continue your work, not just for us (or me at least), but for you. A storyteller is at their best when they're able to tell their stories their way on their own time. You're a passionate guy when it comes to drawing and comics and honestly enough, I have to say that it's incredibly infectious. I still pour over your videos, not just for the information that was in them, but just to hear that raw adoration in your voice when discussing art. Keep on keeping on, man. I, for one, got your back. /fistbump


Hey man, your human we totally understand. I just maxed out my tier because your art brings humor and happiness to my days. Know that for me, I am a happier person because of what you create, I can not thank you enough!


Glad to read that you are felling better ...never give up, you deserve the best! ;) :)


Glad to know you are better now. I've been to some dark places of the soul myself, to find the wish in yourself to get better is the first and most important step. Everything else follows. With you all the way!


The muck, as you called it, is a painful place to be, but it's an EASY place to be in. It's good that you're going THROUGH it, and that you CHOSE to go through it and not let go of control. It's easy to enjoy the process of work when it goes smooth, but it's so much more meaningful to stick to work when it gets hard, that's how you grow. Take care of your body and mind, not for your own sake, but for your followers' and your art's. Your message is full of gratitude, and that gratitude is the fire that will give you strength. When one thinks about the people silently sticking to you through hard times, it's hard not to cry and still push forward. Nourish your body with food that builds you, talk to your friends and family because those are Your People and they're there for you, and you're there for them, and always feel the silent cheer of your fans, because now that you've taken on an art path, these are Your People, too. Wake up early every day not to business, activities; but to growth and appreciation, and you will be unstoppable.


I hope you can feel better and continue to do an amazing work.


Not always easy, but relieving to get it off my chest. Thanks for listening, and for your support.


Oh, I will. Still a long road, but we're getting there one way or another.


Thanks for the encouragement Tahldon. It's always refreshing to have your voice of sincerity in my replies. Your positive feedback and observations are among my favorite to read.


This is beautiful advice, and in line with everything I have been practicing over the past month or so. The beauty of this turmoil is that I see much clearer now. It's not easy, but I can see a path. Thank-you for stopping by and leaving me some kind words. May your day be blessed and filled with sunshine.


Oh man! Sorry hear about your trouble Erotibot. I know how hard it can be to not only get a handle on but also come out with it.. I myself have a number of mental problems.. ADHD Asperger and to top it of a lovely dose of Winter Depression.. I had a break down a few weeks back where I would start crying for no reason.. I was even considering if my life really where worth living and I honestly think that had it not been for a few very very dear friends and my kitty I wouldn't have been here today. It is terrible and it is hard to get out of such a dark place but the first step is to acknowledge that your "ill" For lack of a better word and accept that one you need help, Two you can't do it alone. So I say keep the flame light and push on..


Your art is great, the story engaging so far. But sometimes real life tacks precedence. I'm glad you are coming out of it, and getting help. That is always a hard choice.


Your state's climate could be a contributing factor to your negative emotions. Almost every time I'm in town it rains and it can get pretty gloomy. Whenever you feel down, remember that you have lots of fans who support you. All of us have issues too so your not alone. Thanks for the new pic of our resident cutie Sharlene.


Man, it's crazy how your art's energy and vibrancy masked your personal struggles so well to your endearing fans! I had no idea you were going thru such a tough patch! I've been a bit miserly with my money as I've been supporting my own free comic, but I will pitch in from March 1 as I've nothing but pure admiration for your stories and incredible talent! But in the meantime, be sure to get all the rest and recovery as you can! We'll still be here!


One metric tonne of support express delivered from Norway (crovid19, gluten and gmo free. Extra salt) Keep up the good work and enjoy the warmer weather thats approaching.

A Man with Joe Name

The number of likes you have on this post should be a good indicator as to how many people appreciate all you do. I'm not yet a patreon due to the number of comics I already support, and that I only just found your comic, but I'll try to figure out a way to donate here soon. Good luck and I look forward to many years more of your work.


Speaking as a writer who spent close to two years drooling on the floor from a devastating tide of depression that washed over me and pulled me into an ocean of despair..... I completely understand this. I've found that taking up old interests, going out to try some new things, or discovering good people/groups with common interests helps a lot. Good luck, stanger.


I’m glad you shared this homie. I can relate so remember moving forward doesn’t have to be a leap it can be a step!!!


I'm really proud of you sharing this. It's hard to talk about things like this. Keep on the track of self love man!


Fantastic artwork

Matt Ruecker

We definitely are here for the artwork but don't mistake that we get to appreciate you the artist through it. Your style and humor and perfectionism are things we see and appreciate as much as boobs and sspooge. i'd encourage you to share more about yourself and your plans and whatnot on patron etc and not less, while it's not a page we all can feel connected to you and the work that way too