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Hey all, sorry for the wait and radio silence since the last update. Been going through a lot of personal motions, but things are okay. I'll have another post up shortly explaining --

Thank-you for your support!! <3 <3 <3




That's an accurate AF kick :o And bye-bye to that banner, looks like, judging by the cig's trajectory.


Dammnit! That was my last CIG !


Sharlene is so -badass-! She's damn near doing capoeira on him... or on the Cig, rather. That ciggy got bodied almost as much as Billy did. But now it's whirling into the horizon. I'm sure Sharlene isn't getting back at just Billy, someone's going to get the business end of that cig somewhere. Overall, I super dig this page. The flow was really good and the cigarette being the tertiary character in them is pretty funny, actually. But you know what really caught my eye? The bottom of Sharlene's shoe. That's some insane detail, man. Also, don't think, for a second, I didn't notice a lit cigarette flying up towards a literal signal of an explosive lol. Big RIP everybody in there.