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dark premonition...

whoo boy this page took some work. A lot of trial and error here, but I learned a few important things about screen tones, so I think I'll be turning this page into a tutorial of sorts for the $10 tier, and then I'm going to work on a character drawing for those in the upper tier as well.

I hope you're having a swell Sunday :) Thank-you very much for support!!




The endless pornography..... He forgot to delete his browser history


That vanity (and the reflection within it) would have to represent Marvin's own vanity. Question is, will he give in?


Yo, the layout of these panels combined with the backdrop of that insane wild energy, the porn, and the girls takes all that prior energy that Marvin was keeping at bay, rolls it up, and compacts it into a small bundle with enough force to shatter a planet. The fact that this flaming entity is rioting him up even more just triples that effect. Marvin is just floating there lost in himself about to erupt. This man is about to transform and bust a nut explosive enough to shatter the stratosphere. Lmao. Billy, you absolute buffoon. Envy and Mihee are gonna get thrust into the next dimension.


Hmmm, not a representation of vanity per-se, but I'll let you be the judge on that :)


It's certainly a persuasive pitch. I'd buy some!!!!!


Never have I read a more sophisticated sex comic in my life. Hats off to you dude.


Daaaaaamn son... Marvin's gonna explode with all that pent-up sex energy.


Time to unleash the beast. There are 3 beautiful girls in your proximity. Time for them to experience your magic.


Girls in the bottom panel are same as in top panel from page 9?


that last panel...I want it too, where do I sign to encounter magic mirror ? :D


Wow, great work! This right here is why I am subscribed.


Wow, I love how well you're able to portray various body types. From hips and tummies to breasts and nipples every girl is realistically unique but still ridiculously hot.


Great paneling and texture/tonal work! What a pleasure to see! BTW, don't forget the hi-res pack for this month before it's over! Cheers!


At the end of the day, all I want is to entertain and leave you with something fun. I'm glad you're enjoying it :)


I second the comment about every body being different but unique. All unique, all hot. On the other hand, Marvin's pose is rather feminine in the last panel. The pidgin toed stance and the way his shirt flairs up reminiscent of a skirt doing the same. Is this a premonition of Marvin the Otoko no ko? Pick a girly body, it's all yours! The genie in the mirror that can't quite get wishes right...


LOOL, noooooooo. those were just random girls, and these are just random bodies 😭 both were just to serve a point. But I'll let you use your imagination if you want!


That's... not a part of the story. But if you wanted to draw it I certainly wouldn't stop you!


Wow Erotibot, how rich of details this page is. The lines describing the context looks awesome! And what about this new character! Marvin inner desires takin form!