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I was gonna wait until Sat or Sun to post this, but I've been stuck at home nursing a painful injury, unable to do much. Anyways, careful readers should notice the swirling texture from the gutters of the last page now is in the background. Getting the texture just right took some experimentation but I'm pleased with the results. 

It should be obvious... but having been knocked unconscious, Marvin is now in a dream state, where he awakens to hear the mysterious voice from earlier in the comic. I made sure to give this part of the story a full page so we could see our perilous protagonist at the bottom of a dark pit. Consolidating the events of the next few pages should be fun, but challenging.

See you again soon, and as always thanks for your support!




This looks promising! Looking forward to the next pages! ;W;9


Some Junji Ito vibes going on in the background. O_o


First of all, hope that your injury heals quickly and that you get well soon. Sorry to hear, man. Secondly, man what a page. I can basically hear the thrum of dark music in this. The swirls gives some super heavy energy, and Marvin is the only bit of light right at the bottom of it. For some reason it gives me some Berserk vibes, but in like a strongly sexual sort of sense within context, of course. Really great work, man.


What? Plot advancement and no sex? Time to nix my patreon donation. There should be naked ladies on every page. ;) I kid of course.

Winton Kidd

That texture is delicious, it's a lovely page. Feel better soon!


WTF... Does Marvin has an inner and hidden power?


Thank-you Tahldon (I think I will be okay in a few days...) The texture does most of the work here. It's the same screen tone I used in a similar panel back on pg 11, but it's been combined with another texture and blended gradations to create more atmosphere. One important thing I've learned is that a story isn't merely told in dialog, but in visuals as well. In order to convey the feeling of the scene, I have to make the right choices visually. Although simple, this page was one of the most fun I've done recently. Getting exactly what I wanted felt good.