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Yep. His daddy named him that.

I figured now would be a good time to give you all a status update on the comic. If my original estimate of 70 to 80 pages holds true, then we’re less than halfway through the comic at this point. Chapter 2 was always going to be different than Chapter 1 in that the focus of the comic would be placed on the characters and the story, but don’t worry. This is still definitely a hentai comic, and that’s where all this is headed... I’ve spent a long time setting this one up and I really hope it works the way I want it to. So there is ONE more scene before the fun stuff begins, but it will be the transition that will set us off. Thank-you for sticking with me and being patient. This should be fun.




the psychic link! Can he save our hero?!?


Looking forward to see how this teacher can save Marvin and Sharlene!


My spidey sense is tingling.


Does anybody know if the HSH2 April High Res pack is out? I can't find it on this wall.


So, is there gonna be any sex in this comic?


Yes. The story is important to the sex. That's what I was getting at with my post above. Thank-you for your patience <3