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"I lived bitch"




Oh nooooooo!


This chapter has so many twists and turns! Keep up the great work :3


Honey Slut cereal though


Sounds legit bro


Honey Slut Cheerios sound like a wonderfully educational cereal brand for Junior High students.

Stone Quillian III

Oh Marvin's the bomb alright. to Charlene and then to the girls who gave him a foot job. It doesn't surprise me if those two become part of his harem... if he gets one.


Would love me some Honey Slut Cheerios TBH.


Everybody wants Marvin to have a harem... well I'm not so sure I'm going the easy route yet!


The dramatic moments in this manga is so fucking hilarious! I came for tiddies but stayed for the sheer coolness!

George MP

Will Marvin's schlong save the day?


As to the harem we just want to see your side characters from a few months ago, im still in love with the freckled one!


Envy just does NOT care about Billy and his bullshit. XD I'm still eager to see this situation blow up in his face somehow. >:3c


​Is Billy Spud's brother or just his friend?


Daaaam... Spud Just a Billy bitch (look at his face on last pic)?! Or a bff?? Hehehehehe...


Remind me not to design cute side characters lol. She was just supposed to be an extra! 😭

George MP

Envy must be probed deep and hard by a certain someone whose name begins with the letter M.


Honey Slut Cheerios. Not just a cool name, but the picture on the box! Great stuff as usual. Love the attention to detail. Too many artists try to put all the detail in the background, I like how you don't waste time with unimportant details.


That's always a delicate balance. Here I found a fun technique of turning the line art into tiny dots (keeping in line with the screen tone look), so it fades into the background a bit more, allowing the line art in front to pop out. It's always fun experimenting to get that balance just right :)