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Hey all. I’ve uploaded the $5 steps and PSD reward files for the past few illustrations. I’ll also be opening up a sketch request pool for the $10 tier again soon.

For those who haven’t participated in the pool before it works like this. You leave a request (or vote for someone else’s request via likes), and I choose one or two of those requests to draw. Prior to this the request pool used to be a raffle – that is until Patreon clarified their rules to disallow raffles. Honestly, there isn’t much difference between a raffle and a pool, other than the fact that raffle winners were chosen at random, whereas the pool is selective, and supporters at this level can vote up requests they like.

To be completely honest though, I kind of regret having this reward at all. It’s not that I don’t enjoy drawing things for my supporters, but I feel as though this style of reward isn’t fair or equally rewarding to all of my patrons. Plenty of people make the effort to leave requests, but never get chosen. And because I tend to take my time on the drawings I only ever do one at a time. I feel like this can be discouraging for some supporters.

For the time being I’ll continue to hold sketch requests and keep the pool open, but in the future when the new Patreon page launches I’ll be offering a more simple reward set that delivers additional content to my supporters without leaving anyone out.

If you’ve been supporting me at the $10 level (or used to support me at this level), for a lengthy period of time and HAVE NOT received a sketch from me, please let me know either by messaging me, or by saying so when you leave your request in the pool. I will try to prioritize these requests. I can’t get to everyone (because doing every single request was never what this reward was about really), but I will try to take care of those who have supported me for a while and haven’t received a reward.

Anyways, just wanted to say thanks so much for your continued support, and that I always look forward to sharing the art that you make possible with everyone here. Feel free to leave me any feedback or questions you have here. See ya again soon!



Thanks for sharing your awesome art and artistic knowledge! I've become a patreon supporter just a few months ago but i'll point out this: -Issue about pools is that popular characters will always be picked leaving us with minor characters request with no chances at all


Not necessarily so. The pool is for me to choose a request to sketch out of the posts made in the sketch pool. This isn't to be confused with the character illustration poll where I choose the most popular or interesting characters for supporters to vote on. I've drawn plenty of minor characters for supporters who leave requests. The issue is, in my eyes, that most people don't get their requests chosen. But like I said, I'll figure out a better kind of reward going forward.


Thanks for this update! I was actually unaware of the raffle being against ToS. I'm going to have to update my own rewards now. The request pool is an excellent alternative! Keep up the awesome work! I love your art.


Yeah it's unfortunate. The raffle kept things rather simple. I got an ok from Patreon to hold a pool, but I don't think it works quite as well since it requires ongoing participation from your supporters and sometimes their participation isn't rewarded, whereas with the raffle you simply contact the winner and wait for their request. Well anyways, thanks for dropping a line, hope you find something that works for you. Had a peek at your art. Super cute stuff! And that's a real slick website you've got too! Consider me impressed.