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Okay, found a blog post breaking it down further.


There's an update if you scroll halfway down that explains the reasoning behind the changes. 

Still not sure this is the best way to go, but at least I can see what they're getting at here. To be honest, I'd prefer to offer a monthly subscription to my patrons when the comic picks back up again, and I'd prefer it if their monthly cycle begins on the day they pledge (rather than the beginning of the month). Maybe things will work out in the end, but the frustration behind these changes is completely understandable too. Regardless... I hope we don't see some kind of mass exodus from Patreon, as my livelihood kind of depends on it now. I think I speak for most creators when I say stability is near the top of our interests. 



Would be rather ironic (in a completely bad way) if this change actually resulted in creators earning less from a large number of people cancelling patronages.

Diana Greenhalgh

I forsee a lot of us losing patrons... I've already lost a bunch after the summer, with people losing their jobs or going back to school. Patreon isn't at all a reliable source of income for me.


just find alternative ways for people to pledge, thats all


Might be worth looking into Kickstarters drip services to see if it's any better for you and patrons


If you calculate the change, you will see that the company Patreon had made that change only to increase their own profit, not for you, it's a way to hide it. If you pledge 10$ from Europe, they will take 13.21 $ in fact, 21% tax (that I'm sure as an American company they don't pay back to Europe, profit profit) and their new personal tax. It goes to 32.1% more on us. I'm sure they had taken less percentage than that from you before. I have cancelled all my patreon pledge as I want to give money to artist, not greedy company.

Todd Whitesel

The "update" starts off solid-- the old scheme was far from perfect. But they are full of shit when they claim there was no better solution. This is just a smokescreen excuse for dinging Patrons many many times on transaction fees compared to the previous system. To me the whole point of Patreon is the monthly batch charge that allows me to give $1 each to dozens of different creators and have it get treated as a single transaction. It's bad enough that I can't put new pledges in a shopping cart and pay for a bunch of them at once (spreading the $0.35 ding across the whole batch whenever I want to actually start having access to the content). Now they want to make every pledge every month act like the initial charge???? That ruins Patreon for me.


Yeah, that's no good. They really need to address this and take some steps to change this from happening.


Maybe, but now isn't a good time. If another platform takes off and creators and supporters prefer it and migrate there then maybe... I tend to play things safe and I'd rather not manage two platforms at once as I prefer to focus on my art. We'll see what happens I guess.


Yeah, it would be. I'd imagine that would be enough for Patreon to change course. Either way this proposal sounds like it needs some adjusting.