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I’ve been playing through Nier Automata, and was feeling inspired, so here’s another illustration featuring 2B. Remember when you ride the rollercoaster through the amusement park? Yeah. I imagine there being some funny dialog along with this one like “So that’s what this attachment is for... humans sure are weird creatures huh?.” or “People who know me well usually call me nine inches” Oh yeah... the pod is recording the action too of course.

Also, the rewards for illustrations posted last month are now up. My apologies for the delay. 




this is fantastic, can't wait for it to be finished


I can't help but play the amusement park music in my head when looking at this, which in itself is pretty amusing. Also noticed the helper robot recording it, 2B and 9S are going to make a killing off that one :P


Great idea, love the dialog to go with it. Now excited to see it finished


Excellent always love your high action and energy drawings


"W-Will you call me 'Nines?'"


Love this. I don’t know how far you are in the game, but I hope you like A2 as much as I do.


“Weight of the World” indeed.


I just started her segment actually. I love her snarky personality and the way she talks back to her pod. She's pretty sexy too, but I kinda wish she kept the long hair. 2B and 9S both have short hair already ;__; I love long hair.