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Okay. So I'm posting a creation (so the system pays me for the update). Due to Patreon policies I won't be posting any NSFW material here. Everyone should get the files send to them shortly! Maybe I can figure out a better way to do this...




...finally got to your oldest post......took a while though as Firefox kept freezing trying to load the next lot......crashed a few times too which meant I would need to restart loading the segments *again*.......but yeah that's quite a bit of scrolling to go through....! Hahahaha... I'll stay for a while and support as long as I can(no hard feelings when I stop, right? :P), you got some nice drawings well worth even the highest tier - $10, looking back at your older posts! Plus you seem to take care of your users well, having them priority over earnings and trying to keep as transparent as possible to all pledgers(and even down to replying back to every comment a patreon user has left to all your posts, as to acknowledge their thoughts, well almost which is good enough for me!), and not just siphon as much out of them before taking off or doing very little work for the siphoned amount.... I respect that! The only issue is are you able to keep churning out quality illustrations or and drawings at a decent enough rate for those who are supporting at $10 or more? Maybe I'm just expecting too much for a $10 pledge....but that is like, at least in my life, quite chunk of money to be sending someone each month; some of us aren't on 100k salary jobs you know(or even have a job much less able to fork over $10 a month, though why would we be here if we couldn't afford it? Good question.....I guess curiosity got the better of us....)!! hahaha Oh I guess you're not doing as much random doodles coz you're focusing on your comic ebook and will only do random doodles to take a break from it, which is fair enough I guess....