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Some recent comic page for you all.

Following the inks there, you'll see the old first draft of this page. It was way too busy - too many panels, feels like a bad Modern Hollywood conversation full of jumpcuts. Gross.

Next up is the revised rough sketch (in blue lines). Fewer words, fewer panels, which gave me more space to work with and give my eyes time to take in what's going on.

After that I did a sketchy but more precise anatomy pass on the characters. This helps make sure everything is accurate with their figure, after which I can start inking. When it comes to backgrounds I usually sketch really loose and interpret a lot in the inking stage. For characters I've been taking more time to get the anatomy as exact as possible before inking, which helps me avoid having to make frustrating corrections to muscoskeletal construction in the inking stage. I usually draw the clothing in the inking stage.

Anyways, felt that this page is mysterious enough to not spoil anything, but has enough ink happening to be of interest.

Keep an eye out for another post this week!


First draft
Second draft
Anatomy-check before inks



This is awesome, great work man!

Picori Kirby

Thats interesting to see how you use to draw back then and critique it to how you have revised and adjusted to your new style. Shows alot of work and love is going through the pages over and over again.