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Some more poses for you all. I was trying to focus more on dynamic perspective with some of these, with mixed relults. Also pardon the delay, been an exhausting past week or so with what I think are some freak stress-headaches (normally I don't get headaches more than once or twice a year). I'll keep March's update on time, promise!

Got some more comic page inks done as well, I just gotta pick a page or preview-panels that aren't too spoiler intensive before I post those next, so keep an eye out for that soon too.






I love that you can rotate these guys around and pose them so dynamically. Inspiring to look at, and it gives me something to strive toward with my own stuff.


It took a while to get used to, really. If you go way back into the figure drawing archives (I might post em all in a collected folder for easy access) they were really rough and inconsistent at first. Over time the figures became a little more modular and structured as I built up a system of recurring shapes for them. There's really not an easy lesson plan for it, it just kinda came out of necessity for needing shortcuts.