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Been touching up a few of the older pages in Chapter 1 to give them a bit more visual clarity, correcting stuff like head proportions, snout lengths,  and just making it more obvious to the reader what's going on in each panel. Here's a few spoiler-safe ones to give you an idea.

I started working on this book before I had all the skill necessary for it, but just planned to improve as I worked on it. Some level of style-drift is inevitable in any huge-length comic like this, and I consider it part of the visual journey in some ways. BUT there were some pages where it was just too visually cluttered and needed a little more precision.

Normally I'd have saved these touchups for the final editing phase, but I'm sending pages to my translator and we decided it was best to do the edits up front.

Once I wrap these last few Ch.1 page edits, I'll resume inking the final 40 on Ch.3 (Chapter 2 won't need any edits since my style was pretty solidified by then)




Love the clean ups 👌👌😍


Thanks Lancelot. It's TEMPTING to get too perfectionistic and try to redo things whenever I see how I could've done it better with my current skill levels, but I'm sticking to the "Make it Finished, Not Perfect" line here. Just giving some old pages more visual clarity, and correcting OBVIOUS inconsistencies, then moving on.

Mitchell Coleman

Much better clean up with line work and inking


Thanks Mitchell! Good to hear that you folks approve of the cleanups so far. Like I said before, I'm avoiding going into perfectionism-spiraling with them, just focusing on making it read clearly where it didn't before.


Good philosophy, just adding clarity to the ones that need it. Seriously, perfectionism can sap all the joy out of drawing. The improvements here make a big difference…though the originals were still really cool.