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Working out some ideas for a Fenathkin cuirass-type armored vest which Wyit acquires at some point. The bottom page was the first round of ideas, and the top one was most recent. 

Trying to get that perfect balance of near-medieval armor meant to protect vital organs from blades AND bullets. Still think there's a long ways to go before the design feels totally there so expect to see me play around with this some more and post additional sketches here.

I DO think there's something in the design on the 2 vests on the right of the top page that holds up better than all the others. It's not quite there, but it's something.



Eddie Santiago

Absolutely dig the style. Takes me back to the days of your older bodysuit designs.


I'm really curious to learn how Wyit acquires the armor. Did you draw this while listening to VNV Nation's Noire album? I'm sure this will be an epic turning point in the story. Love the design of the armor in the top right corner.

Garrett Simpson

He looks Ratchet and Clank-y! ^^


Thanks Eddie, yeah I'll never really leave that stylistic hook behind. It just makes sense from a mobility and coverage standpoint to me. Glad you appreciate!


Thanks Aimee, the design still has a way to go but it's maybe 60% there I think. Wasn't listening to VNV when I drew this but I could definitely see how you might get that impression


Glad Wyit finally got his armor.


The armor reminds me of that cyborg jackal character you had in that rpg game you used to run, though I can't remember it's name