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I always wanted to try a little POV adventure.. but it never gets voted for in the weekly sets! I don't understand.. maybe this will sway your minds!

I also tagged this under "weekly set" since I suppose it's a bit like that, only a extra one :)



Rook Errant

Great idea, and that last panel is amazing!


Dude. You are a genius ...

Bernard Phillips

This was a very pleasant surprise on my feed..great work.will definitely vote for more.

Christopher Huddleston

Away a surprised great work I wouldn’t mind seeing more like this!!!


“A surprise to be sure but a welcome one” When I checked patreon, I certainly did not expect a 10-page mini comic and especially such a great one too! I admit I was in the camp of people who did not care about first person point of view stories or comics, but this post easily proved my lack of interest as (grave) mistake and I really hope to see more of them, in fact of this particular lady too. I often praise the angles in your renders since they help highlight or enhance certain aspects of your amazonian characters and because of the nature of this post, it takes full advantage in every single page to an amazing degree. The woman looks incredible, easily another entry to my favourite designs of yours. An insane amount of muscles but not too huge either with a fitting amount of shredded definition, a magnificent figure featuring both a very curvy hourglass and a massive bodybuilder v shape and a heavenly pair of breasts, each multiple times bigger than the average head. Makes me curious how being smouldered or receiving a tit fuck must look like in a first-person point of view render, especially since she must be twice as wide as him too. Big fan of her face and hair too. A nice balance between youthfulness and a certain degree of matureness and she can easily switch between a cuteish grin while teasing her supposedly future flatmat and a serious, angry but still very hot expression because his brain was still out of commission despite trying to seduce him with the former. And well, I like shorter and more practical hair styles and a ponytail is a great example. I really enjoy the guy too. First his mind is running wild with thoughts because of the very suspicious situation, only for it to overload and causing the rest of his body to grind to a halt, sadly to the anger of the amazon. So, I already praised the art in general and the design of that goddess, so I might as well get in detail of my favourite renders. Holy shit, that second page is incredible! The reader looks from the viewpoint of a tall male adult and yet her freaking head is not in our sight field and even her humongous bust is above eye levels. And no matter where you look, bulging huge and defined muscles try to block any glances into her room with great success overall. … but who would even try to look behind her when you have such a divine sight in front of you. 😜 Page 3 is the same situation but one second later and us looking up instead of straight forward. She completely towers over him in height and obviously in sheer bulk too but the focus on the former in this render. Again, the tits sit higher than our eyes which at this point remind me of this powergirl comic stripe: http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/505/540/282.jpg Sorry, giant amazon, normally you are supposed to look forward but all I can see is your magnificent chest. And speaking of tits, she is obviously aware of that fact too looking at page 6. A huge chuck of our vision is taken up by just them alone now and if you somehow manage to focus on the rest of her, you are greeted by a wonderful and teasing grin or her downright legendary arms. I might prefer my girls nice and friendly, but page 7 is my overall favourite of this comic. We are even closer and from the whole comic, this is the closest we get to her yet and damn, she truly deserves to be called an amazon. There are still some cm distance between us but nearly the whole page is taken up by her incredible body. I already described her glorious appearance before so I won’t do it again, but I do have to mention how I am a tits man and the biceps are my favourite muscles … so you can guess I like this page a lot. Page 8 is very interesting for me too. I enjoy contrasts a lot and between the main character/reader being choked into nearly unconscious or worse if she is not careful, her rage is already withering away and she is still in underwear only while her nipples are free. Guy might be in possible danger … but danger was never that sexy before. Really hope to see more of her or at least of pov type comics.

Elek Szerep

Great work, lovely idea. who would not say to that? :)