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So.. I've talked a lot about a superhero comic.. like.. a lot.. but so far all the work that has been done on it has been behind the scenes. Figuring things out, creating the story, rewriting the story, rewriting the story a second time.. yeah.. i'm not easily satisfied..

Regardless.. words are very nice.. actually showing something tells a lot more of course..

So here, at long last, you might feel you already know her but no, she has been overhauled, changed, molded and perfected (well.. almost, perfection doesn't really exist I suppose..).

I present: Vanessa!

I've tried to put more focus on her most striking features: her white hair and teal eyes. Gave her a more modern hairstyle while still trying to maintain her more "mature" look. Her outfit has been built from the ground up to be something unique. Something that is both functional and (at least in my eyes) pretty stylish. The outfit has been specifically designed to allow rapid muscle growth without ripping out of her clothing (I know I know.. you guys want her to rip out of her clothes.. don't worry.. it'll be a while until she figures out this is the way to go!). I've just gone full out with the white/teal color scheme to match her two most unique features. With a bit of blue metal to break the whole thing up. 

After Lee's and Lexi's comics are finished we will fully dive into Vanessa's story, with obviously Hailey joining in on the fun shortly after! 

This whole package has been a work in progress for longer then I'm willing to admit.. and honestly still is. However, I myself am in love with the design.. would love to hear your opinion!




Love it! Getting a CDR/Ultra Charged kinda vibe, which is awesome!

Henk Nijsingh

She looks compact to me. Not very sexy. Also small hands.

Elek Szerep

Love the outfit, I think that's absolutely perfect. Like you said, balanced between sexy and practicality. Can't wait for her origin story and how her story will continue. The teal colour is absolutely gorgeous, brilliant pick.


I can not deny that SuperCDR has been of noticeable influence on her development :)


Her hands looking small is a thing of perspective. Her hands are angled backwards slightly. As for her looking compact. I did indeed notice this as well, made her neck a bit taller to compensate for it. Might make her legs slightly longer as well. But.. but.. not sexy? :(

Henk Nijsingh

Well it's your new character, need to get used to it probably and I'm already getting that. As well I want to start drawing seriously myself, so this is just an opinion from my point of view.


And it's hugely appreciated! Will definitely be taken into account!

Kim Danver

What good news ! I love Vanessa's outfit as well as the details of her face.: as usual, you've made an awesome job ! The boots are very much in the spirit of superheroes, but I think a powerful woman as Vanessa would have looked even more beautiful and sexy with open lace sandals, like the Greek goddesses or Wonder Woman in the 1970s comics. Moreover, I can't wait to see Hailey, she's your best and most interesting character for me. ;-)


And here I was thinking you loved heels! :P It will be a little while before Hailey comes in the picture, as we first focus a bit on Vanessa, her origins and how she became a superhero..


Looking great! Loving all the thought that has been put into this!