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Lexi is a little too embarrased to join a figure competition.. but luckily Rachel convinces her!

Also added the pin-ups which show her progression really nicely!




A wonderful Lexi post, possible my new favourite. A pumped and huge looking Lexi, a bunch of very impressive looking feat of strengths and a heart-warming chat between the two ladies. Honestly, I cannot decide who was cuter between those two, either it is Rachel, who is internally ripping herself apart because of her love towards Lexi while experiencing something incredible physical close and intimate by being used as literal weight by the latter … and multiple times too! Or the amazonian Lexi who keeps bulking up and more shredded to the point she can easily overpower the vast majority of the male population now while still being nearly as shy as at the start of the story and it took some major convincing to persuade her to take part of that contest. And in the meantime, she still seems to be completely obvious to advancements to herself too. Like dammit, I kinda expected she would guess Rachel is into Richard instead with herself but there is a big difference between imaging things and reading and seeing it in front of you. Rachel afterwards acting like a dead weight which Lexi can abuse for her training really seems like an appropriate reaction. Well not everything can be easy in life so the payoff between those two will be even sweeter … whenever that is and hopefully Rachel did not pull her hair out by then. 😅 Damn, that are a lot of amazing feats and emotional scenes. Picking a favourite page will be hard, especially since I am so bad at picking favourites. 😅 Again, the first page or I guess page 181 starts off strong. The adult and curvaceous as hell Rachel looks like a little child on Lexi’s massive lap. Honestly, this scene reminds me of those Santa events except this Santa is both so incredible close and yet so far from guessing the wish of the kid in front of her … and I do not remember Santa being portrayed with a rippling 8 pack instead of a beer belly. Looking at her expression, she looks surprised but in a bad way sadly. There is always a next time Rachel, just don’t give up because surely the sheer amount of hints will sooner or later breach into Lexi’s head. Wow, pages 182 and 183 left me a bit speechless the first time I saw them. This woman used to be a slim and curvy sexy chick not long ago but in just a few months, both in her own story but also in real life time in which we readers follow her story, she turned herself into a sculptured amazon. Her body easily rivals a medium sized body builder and is already approaching heavy weight territory so that figure competition might as well a slaughter if they do not promote her up from the light category. And not only is she massive but there is also real strength inside of her too. If not for Richard’s arrival, I feel like Rachel would have been stuck there for a long time … which seems to be the opposite of a problem as long you ignore the physical pain from a rather uncomfortable position but after the mental blow she received in the first page, it is not like she could enjoy this anyway. 😅 The pages 187 and 188 are amazing. The perfect mix of fan service and pushing the plot forward. Internally rationalising the sheer insanity of the situation while motivating her best friend, including dropping another hint of the importance of that brother plot point, to take part in that contest. And in the meantime, Lexi is doing push ups with an adult woman on her back while already training heavily before too and still got enough power and concentration left to reply to Rachel’s conversation attempt. … too bad Lexi is using that effort to down talk herself further but luckily Rachel does not give up either. 189 and 190 gives this scene a deserving strong ending too. Finally, those ridiculous pants are gone and we can see Lexi’s legs in all their glory. Looking at their huge size and definition, yeah, it is no wonder she does not notice Rachel hopeless attempt to make her workout more challenging and it is even less surprising that afterwards Lexi opts out to lift Rachel up too … just with her own legs only which is an incredible display of balance and strength. And finally, a proper and genuine smile on Lexi after Rachel convinced her to participate in that contest. The Lexi in page 190 should easily wipe the floor with the competition, especially if she can add another cm or two before the fated day. A simple magnificent chapter with things going into the right track now since that competition should be the point in which Lexi breaks out of her shell or at least it will be a very big step towards.