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Now at some point I started making this.. then stopped after like three images? It's really just not enjoyable for me to make something without a story.. but then I said fuck it.. might as well make it all the way..

I'm not particulary proud of it nor do I feel it represents the quality of content I want to create.. on the other hand.. why shouldn't I post it? There is no harm in it right?

So maybe enjoy? Maybe not.. expect far more better content in the future :P




The bigger the muscle, the less verisimilitude the modeling software can offer. Nevertheless, I think you struck a nice balance, here.

Patrick Schweigardt

I love her design. I would love to see a story about how she gained that bulk


I admit I had to look up that word. It is indeed always a challenge to get the right balance :P


I normally prefer stuff with story too, but this kinda works because of her particualr design. But if you ever have a story for her i'd love to see it too.


Between Lee's story, Lexi's story, the main comic series and the weekly sets I'm afraid I wont have a lot of time for any story about her. Maybe one day :)


Digging the aesthetics pretty much as well as her expression with each phase change.