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*This is a fun ABDL story for My Hero Academia. It does not represent underage sexual content. If you are not a fan of ABDL stories, then please do not read past this point. For those that do decide to read past this point, they understand that this is supposed to be a fun story and nothing more. All characters are 18 years old.*

“Ribbit~?” Tsuyu watched as Rikka, Momo, and Kenkou ate lunch together. She was curious as to how Rikka was so popular when she felt like nothing more than a background character, She had always hoped to be more of an outgoing person, but she found it hard to break out of her shell. She was a blunt person, always saying what was on her mind, but that made her fear what others thought about her.   

“Tsuyu! There you are~!” Ochako yelled, running over to her. “Come on, let's eat lunch together~!”  

“Ribbit. Sure,” Tsuyu said, allowing Ochako to drag her along with her to their usual spot to eat.   

“Tsuyu, is everything alright?” Ochako asked her, seeing that Tsuyu looked a bit depressed.   

“Ribbit. I don’t know,” Tsuyu said to her. “Whenever I see Rikka having fun with everyone else I can’t help but feel jealous. I’ve been here longer, yet why is she the one that everyone likes? Is there something wrong with me?”  

“Tsuyu, there’s nothing wrong with you~,” Ochako said, comforting her best friend. “Rikka is fun, sure, but that doesn’t mean that you have to act like them to be popular. Everyone in the class loves and cares for you. And that includes Bakugo if he was still here. We know that you have a hard time communicating with others, but we are more than happy to see you try your best. You don’t have to be like Rikka to be our friend. All you have to be is you~. You support all of us in a way that only you can do.  Though if it makes you feel better, we can ask Rikka during the slumber party tonight~.   

“Ribbit. You’re right! I don’t have to be Rikka; I can just be me!” Tsuyu said, feeling more confident in herself than she did before. As she and Ochako continued to talk, neither of them was aware of the tiny duck baby monitor in the tree above them, relaying everything that they said to Rikka, Mono, and Kenkou.   

“Hmm, so Tsuyu is jealous of my growing popularity. How interesting~.” Rikka said in their male form.   

“Mommy, did I do well ~?” Momo asked Rika, who had personally requested Momo to create a device to spy on several of her new potential targets. Among the girls that they were currently looking at, Tsuyu drew the most attention. Ochako may have been more vocal and outgoing than Tsuyu, but Tsuyu was the glue that held the class together. She was the one that got everyone together when Bakugo was captured by the League before they joined, and she was the one that was always there to support others. Though what she lacked was a backbone. Tsuyu never had the courage to believe in herself, ultimately having to force herself to help everyone else. It was a truly admirable trait, one of which Rikka would not waste.   

“Mother, what shall we do?” Kenkou asked her, seeing that her mother was thinking up yet another plan.   

Later that night, the girls and Rikka were all gathered in the common area, where all other boys besides Rikka were barred from entering. Though ever since Mineta left, things had been really peaceful. 

“Kyaa~!!! You look so cute~!!!” the girls yelled, fawning over Kenkou in her adorable teddy bear onesie.  

“Th-thanks, everyone~,” Kenkou said, happy that her class was more accepting of her change than she thought, and that made things much easier for her to enact her mothers plan. “I actually have a bunch of spares; would you perhaps want to try them on~?” 

“OMG~!!! Yes~!!!” all the girls yelled together at the same time. This was going to be amazing~. 

Kenkou soon began to pass out animal-themed pajama onesies to her classmates. For Ochako she got an ottar, Momo a cat, Rikka a sliver fox. And as for Tsuyu, she received a cute frog onesie. She thought it was quite cute and put it on without any hesitation, but when she did, she noticed that it felt oddly softer and fluffier in the crotch than anywhere else in the onesie. She decided that it was nothing to worry about since the other onesies probably had the same level of padding as hers. Little did she know that the other onesies that were padded were Momo, Kenkou, and Rikka. The three of them were eager to see Tsuyu’s new uniform start to take hold of her body~. It was specially made using Rikka’s and Momo’s quirk as a test to see how far their abilities could go.  

“Ribbit. Thank you Kenkou-chan,” Tsuyu said, happy to be a part of the group.  

“Don’t m-mention it,” Kenkou replied as everyone started to gather around the tv to watch a scary movie as was tradition, despite knowing that Ochako always picked the most terrifying ones.  


As the movie progressed, the girls continued to scream in fear, not noticing that an extra girl in a silver fox suit sneaked past them. All at the same time, Rikka was busy holding onto Momo and Kenkou, knowing that if he let them go, they would stop screaming and bawling their eyes out. They were such babies, and soon he’ll (she’ll) have another.  

Rikka watched as Tsuyu clung to Ochako and tried her best not to look at the movie. Though as she did, Tsuyu was unaware that she was currently wetting herself out of fear. Luckily for her, she had a diaper installed in her onesie. And luckily for Rikka, this was only the start of Tsuyu’s descent into babyhood~ 

Once the movie had finally ended and the lights were turned on it was time for everyone to have some proper girl talk~. As they began to talk, Tsuyu could help but notice that something felt off with her onesie. It felt warm and damp. Was this because she was sweating during the movies?’ 

“Fufufu~.” Rikka could help but let out a tiny laugh, watching Tsuyu, who was clearly still unaware of the fact that she wet herself; how cute. She wanted nothing more than to embarrass this little one before her, but she would have to wait until the time was right.  

“So Tsuyu, do you have a crush on anyone~?” Momo asked for her mommy, going into talks of romance. 

“Rribbit? I… I…” 

“Shame on you, Momo; you already know that Tsuyu likes Deku, just like Ochako~,” Mina said, both defending and teasing them at the same time.“If you’re confident enough to ask that question, why don’t you tell Rikka and Kenkou who you have a crush on since they’re new to the group~.” 

“That’s easy. I’m in love with mo-” Momo was about to say Mommy when Rikka gave her a cold look to stop her. She wouldn’t allow one of her own children to reveal her plans like this. 

While that may have been true at the time, Momo has long since moved passed that point. Her only desire towards him now was to have her mommy transform him into a cute adult baby just like her. But that would have to wait as their mommy's desires come first. 

“Of course,” Momo said, agreeing with her. “Aren’t we all board telling the same old stories about the boys we have crushes on when we have two new candidates to interrogate~.” 

“Fufufufu~. Your right,” Mina said to them, knowing that they were all dying to know if Rikka and Kenkou had someone they liked. Momo arrived and knew the answer, though it was unfair of her to keep this information to herself, or at least that was what her mommy told her to say. 

“So Kenkou, do you have anyone that you like~,” Mina asked, seeing if the new girl of the group had anyone she liked~.” 

“Well, I… I l-like Sugar Daddy~,” she said, remembering her crush before she decided to dedicate herself to her mother.  

“Kyaaaaa~!!!!” You two would be perfect together~!!!” The girls yelled, screaming in joy~.  

“What about you, Rikka? Is there someone you like~?”  

“In a matter a fact there is~,” Rikka said as the second girl wearing a silver fox onesie sat down next to her, to everyone’s surprise. “May I introduce the girl who saved me when I was at my lowest. My girlfriend~.” 

“Kyaaaaaaaaaa~!!!!” The girls squealed again after hearing that Rikka had a girlfriend. They couldn’t tell who it was, thanks to the hood covering her face, but they couldn’t help but show their support.  

Meanwhile, Himiko’s face was blushing red from embarrassment. Rikka had told her to come here today since it would be easy for her to sneak into the slumber party thanks to the hooded onesies. She was prepared to help Rikka acquire their next baby, hearing that it was Tsuyu, but she never expected this. Momo and Kenkou were overjoyed that their mommies had finally made their relationship official. 

“Who is she? Who is she?” Mina asked, excited to know who this mystery girl was. Was she a member of a different class, a student of another school, or a childhood friend? This was just too good to be true.  

“Sorry, but that is on a need-to-know basis~,” Rikka said, proud that they caught Himiko off guard with her announcement of love. For the longest time, these feelings had been growing inside of her, and she couldn’t hold it back any further, especially since their family was growing. They needed a solid relationship with their children~. “Her name is Hime, and she’s a bit shy, so even coming here while hiding her face was a big step for her. I’m sorry about not telling you all about her coming before, but I wanted it to be a surprise~.” 

“It’s so nice to meet you~!”  

All the girls started to introduce themselves, and the slumber party continued for the next several hours until, one by one, everyone fell asleep except for three people. 


 Tsuyu had trouble falling asleep thanks to the weird wetting that she was feeling, not to mention that every time she moved, she could have sworn that she was hearing something crinkling.  

Himiko and Rikka(female) smiled as they watched the poor baby. She needed a warm glass of milk to help her sleep, and it was exactly what Rikka planned to give her. 

“Here,” Rikka said, walking over to Tsuyu several minutes later with a warm glass in milk in her hands. 

“Ribbit. Thank you, Tsuyu said, taking a sip of the milk and feeling much better as she did, “Rikka, how are you so perfect?” Tsuyu asked, her feeling her own insecurities rise up as she talked to Rikka, who looked a tad bit different, but that could have been due to that lack of light.  

“I could tell you, but I think that it is best if we go somewhere else~,” Rikka said, not wanting to wake up anyone else.  

“Ribbit, you’re right, lead the way,” Tsuyu said, taking Rikka’s hand, allowing them to lead them out of the room towards Rikka’s bedroom, which was not what Tsuyu thought it would be. In the center of the room, there was a lily pad inflatable pool, and all around it were frog-themed diapers! 

“Ribbit!  What is that!” Tsuyu yelled, strangely feeling drawn towards the diapers and kiddie pool. 

“It’s for you~,” Rikka said, showing her female form to Tsuyu. “This is to make you the perfect version of yourself~.”

“What? But I’m not a baby~,” Tsuyu said, trying to deny her, not noticing that she was wetting herself yet again. 

“Hehehe~. Of course, you are~,” Himiko said, teasing her. “What kind of grown-up would ever wear a pajama onesie with a diaper installed~. And by the looks of it, I can see that you already used it~.”

“Ribbut! What! There is no way that I-“


“No! it can’t be!” Tsuyu yelled, feeling less like herself. There was even a part of herself that felt good that she used her diapers.


Himiko and Rikka pushed Tsuyu into the kiddie pool, drenching her.

“Aww, would you look at that? The baby is all wet~,” Rikka said, mocking her as her mind started to crumble. The onesie that she was wearing was made to make her diaper dependent and well as destroy her mind, transforming her into a baby. And the funny thing was that this would only be in effect when she wore the onesie~.

“Wahhh- ga… ribbit… ribbit.” Just as Tsuyu started to cry, Rikka pulled the frog hood over her head, finalizing the effects of the onesie. 

“Good girl,” Himiko said, happy to see that Tsuyu was now under their control. “Now, let’s go to bed. There is much that we have to do~.”


-1 Week Later-

“And once again, the city has been struck by this nighttime-only villain,” the reporter said on the news while everyone was in the common area. “While this villain’s full quirk is still unknown, she does wear a frog onesie and only utters the phrase “ribbit.” If she spots you outside at night, she will forcibly dress you into an animal-themed onesie and force you to fall asleep. Please, all citizens, be careful as some of the people that she puts to sleep are never seen again.”

“Wow, this Ribbit villain is insane,” Mina said, getting ready for bed, not noticing that Tsuyu was wearing a similar onesie as the villain Ribbit. Only time could tell if they would ever find out. Until then, it was time for Ribbit to get to work and find proper candidates for her mommy's army~. 



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