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“Young Miss, it’s time to wake up~,” a sweet voice called out to me.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a blond-haired maid standing over me. The bed crib that I was currently in felt like I was lying on clouds. For a second, I questioned where I was, but then I remembered that the night before, I was taken in by the commander after he dealt with the orphanage director.

“There, are we awake now?” the maid asked, picking me up into her arms. She then quickly took care of my needs and then changed my grey romper with a cute blue baby dress. Huh, how did they get a dress my size so soon? It was weird, though. The dress wasn’t what mattered right now. Where were Sola and Tully? I looked around and the room was almost three times as big as the director’s office in the orphanage.

“Tu-we? So-wa?” I asked the maid who was putting baby booties on my feet.

“Oh my~. What an adorable little voice our Young Miss has~,” the maid said, looking at me with loving eyes. “Those two are busy right now. It’s already passed noon. You must have been very tired. Don’t worry. You’ll be seeing them again shortly~,” she said, picking me up into the air and carrying me out of the room.

Several minutes later, I was brought into another room where the commander and Sara were. To my surprise, Sara was wearing a lovely green dress, and the commander was wearing a high-end suit.

“Thank you for bringing her,” the commander said as the maid placed me down on a nearby couch.

“It was my pleasure,” the maid said, bowing to the commander. “The Young Miss is a very behaved child. She didn’t fuss at all while being changed or waking up in an unfamiliar environment.”

Young Miss? That was the third time that she called me that. What did it mean? I felt like I was forgetting something… wait… last night… he called me his great-granddaughter! Was that really true?

No, it couldn’t be true. If it was, that means that he killed his granddaughter, my mother! There was no way that I would believe that something that messed up was even possible.

“Thank you again,” the commander said before dismissing the maid.

“As for you, come here,” he said gently, walking over and picking me up into the air before placing me in his lap to face him. “Illya. You look so much like her. I can’t believe that I didn’t see it sooner.” His voice was full of remorse as he looked at me.

“You’re still just a baby, so this memory will eventually fade and be forgotten, but I need to say that I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” He repeated the same words to me several times to me. Tears started to flow out of his eyes, and I could even see the remorse spread across Sara’s face when I looked at her.

“I took your mother away from you. I’m the real monster here.”

“Uncle, you didn’t know,” Sara said, trying to comfort him, but it didn’t work. “I should have known the moment that I saw Illya or the moment that witch came. She had a part to play in this; I know she did.”

“How can I call her my granddaughter after what happened? How can I raise her, knowing that she’ll be hunted down when they realize what she is?”

It was true! I am his great-granddaughter! And he knew! He knew that I was a goblin… but he hasn’t killed me yet? That’s right. He should have killed me by now. What was he thinking? If goblins were the enemies of humans, then even as a hybrid, he should still want to kill me. Wait, Sola and Tully! Did he kill them!?”

“Uncle, what matters right now is not trying to forgive yourself or worrying about what others think about her. What matters is how she feels. And based on that uncomfortable expression she’s making, I don’t think that she likes seeing her great-grandfather crying more than she does~,” Sara said, winking at me, though I doubt she meant anything by it.

“You’re right,” he said, whipping his tears. He seemed genuinely sorry for what he did, but that didn’t mean that I would forgive him just yet. “And I think before anything else, I should give this back to you,” he said, taking off my mother's necklace and placing it around my neck.

It was a bit too big for me, but just wearing it reminded me of the love that my mother had for me. I smiled, happy that it was finally returned to me.

“That necklace originally belonged to your grandmother, my daughter. It was a gift from her mother, my late wife. That pendant has been passed down from mother to daughter for generations. It is only fitting that it is returned to its rightful owner, though I do believe that I will have to tell you this again once you are older,” he said. He tried his best not to show it, but I could see the sad look on his face when he gave me the necklace.

“But enough of that, for now. Babies only need to hear good news. So I will do my best to help my great-granddaughter live a life that she will never want again.”

“Uncle, please don’t spoil her,” Sara said to him. “You were like this with me as well when I was born.”

“Well, you were just so cute back then, I had to spoil you, and you turned out fine,” the comm-grandfather said. Ugh, that sounded weird to say, even in my head.

“Uncle, goblins have the tendency to become addicted to things faster than humans,” Sara said to him, which was news to me as well. “She’ll grow up rotten if you spoil her too much.”

“Ugh, fine, in moderation, but that can wait until after today, can’t it?” my …grandfather asked, sounding excited.

“Tu-we? So-wa?” I couldn’t say much in my current state, but at least I could ask where they were.

“Don’t worry about those two,” he said back to me with a smile. “Today’s a very special day for you, and they are helping everyone prepare~.” Huh? What was he talking about?”

“Sara, if you would, please bring Illya to get changed into her party dress. I know that we are a bit late, but it did take more time than I would have liked to finalize all of the paperwork. Though that doesn’t mean that we have to wait to celebrate today’s event!”

“Pfft! Calm down a bit, uncle. If the servants saw you like this, they would lose all respect for you.”

“Let them think what they want to think,” he said, smiling at us while we left the room.

“Let’s get you cleaned and changed,” Sara said, carrying me back the way that I came to get here. “Today’s a big day for everyone. I’m sure that they will just love you~.”

“Alright, ladies, I want her cleaned up and looking like the princess she is!” Sara yelled, entering the room I woke up in, where five maids were waiting. She placed me down on the couch in the room, and all of the maids started to crowd me.

“She’s so cute!” one of the maids yelled. “Is she really the great-granddaughter of the duke?” “Are her ears pointed?” “Does that mean that the young Miss is an elf?”


“That’s enough, all of you,” Sara said, clapping her hands together. “Get her ready and do so without another word.”

An hour had passed, and the maids did as they were told. They bathed me and then redressed me into a light-yellow party dress, allowing me to wear both of my necklaces. They even put my hair up into cute twin tails and placed a tiara on my head before placing me in front of a mirror. I have to admit I looked like a baby fairy tale princess right now, but that didn’t make me happy in the sightliest.

Back in the goblin village and the orphanage, there was nothing cute like this for me to wear, so the only thing that made it noticeable that I was a girl was my name. Now looking at myself like this made me actually feel that I was becoming further and further away from being a man.

“Aww, she’s adorable!” one of the maids said, resisting the urge to pinch my cheeks. “Well, she is the princess of Vst. Have you seen pictures of her grandmother; they look almost identical.” “I know, right.”

“Hmm, I do admit that you did a fine job here, but what did I say about no talking,” Sara said, appearing behind them, looking even more gorgeous than before. She was wearing an elegant dark evening party dress and black heels and had a lovely diamond necklace around her neck. Her makeup seemed minimal, but it was more than enough to draw anyone’s attention.

“Mistress, we’re sorry!” The maids yelled, bowing down on the ground, begging for forgiveness.

I didn’t understand why they were so afraid of her. Sara was the kindest human that I have met so far.

“Relax,” Sara said to them. “If I wanted to punish you, I would have already done that. “Today is a day that is supposed to be filled with happiness. You girls really did a fine good. Even the Emperor wouldn’t be able to stare at her and not call her cute right now.”

“Thank you, Mistress!!!” They all yelled at the same time.

“Alright, little lady, let’s get you down there already~,” Sara said, picking me up herself. “It’s a bit early in the afternoon, but we wanted to make sure that you got the full experience~!”

The full experience of what? What was going on here? Sara left the room with only a short brown-haired maid following her. It didn’t take us long to arrive in front of a huge set of doors, surrounded by several dozen guards, butlers, and maids!

Each one turned their head when they saw us approach. They must have wanted to see Sara. She was truly stunning.

“Right, this way Mistress,” an older-looking butler said, escorting her to the door.

“Now, introducing Lady Sara Vst and the princess of the Vst Duchy Illya Vst!”



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