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Seconds after I entered the mansion again, the doorbell rang. It would seem that my grandmother was right, and there was a guest waiting for me at the door. Hmm, it would do me no good to stay in these clothes to greet them. A change was needed. Using the knowledge that my grandmother had taught me, I transformed my black gothic Lolita dress into a cute frilly pink gothic Lolita dress. In this form, frills always looked the best on me. Now let us see just who is at the front door.

Upon opening the front door, I was surprised to see a very bland-looking brown-haired man standing over me.

“Hi, I’m Hugh. I live across the street, and one of my friends threw our ball into your backyard. I tried to convince them otherwise, but they decided to go back there without permission. Please don’t press charges. I promise that I’ll keep them from doing such things again.”

“My friends don’t mean to cause trouble, but they usually do, and I’m the one that has to clean up after them. So just this once would you-”

“Ah, you must be the new dog trainer,” I said, cutting him off before he could finish. While I knew he wasn’t a dog trainer, I thought that it would be a perfect time to get one. Chloe would need constant attention, and dealing with this mansion at the same time was not possible. And who better to take care of her than one of her old friends? Hmm, I was more like my grandmother than I thought.

“I have heard great things about your company. Please come in.” I opened the door to let him in, and I was quite interested to see that he didn’t hesitate at all. What a brave young man he was. “Please don’t mind the mess,” I said, leading him to the living room, which was still covered with my boxes and dust. If I had known that I would have been entertaining a guest, I would have focused on cleaning this area sooner.

“It’s fine,” the young man said, sitting down across from me. I could see that he was nervous, but that wasn’t a problem. As soon as he gets into his new job, that nervousness will disappear.

“I am so glad that you came. As you can see, I’m still cleaning this place up after inheriting it from my grandmother. She never was one for cleaning, I have been meaning to hire a maid, but I have yet to find the right candidate. For now, I thought that it would be best if I hire someone to take care of my dear Chloe.”

“Chloe?” Hugh asked, looking confused about who I was talking about. However, it wouldn’t be long before they were reacquainted.

“Oh, please forgive me. If you’re going to be taking care of her, then you should at least meet her first,” I said, teasing him, seeing that my grandmother had floated into the room. It would seem that she wasn’t able to hold Chloe back. Though, to be honest, this was perfect. “Chloe, come here, dear!”

Several seconds later, Chole ran into the room on all fours, jumping up onto the couch to sit next to me. I patted her on the head gently as the young man looked at us in horror. To be honest, his reaction to her was quite tame, but it was clear that he was on edge now.

“This is Chloe,” I said to him. “As you can see, she is quite the energetic one.”

“Look, little girl, I don’t know what kind of sick game you and that black-haired girl are playing, but the only reason I'm here is to find my friend. I don’t care about this stupid job or whatever is going on here. Just tell me where my friend is, and I’ll be on my way.”  The young man didn’t seem happy to see his friend again. How odd. And his manners were quite rude.

“Quite the naughty one this is,” my grandmother said, flying closer to me. “What do you plan to do? You shouldn’t have to deal with someone like.” My grandmother was right. I couldn’t let his rude behavior go unpunished.

“Well, it is unfortunate that you didn’t come here to accept the position, but I can assure you that he isn’t here,” I said to him, thinking of a proper way of making him learn his lesson, and then the answer came to me.

“Wait, I never mentioned that my friend was male. Also, that hoodie looks a bit familiar… wait, that’s Charles’ hoodie! I know it from anywhere! What did you do to him!” the young man couldn’t help but shout at me upon putting the pieces together of what happened to his friend. Unfortunately for him, his friend was now my precious Chloe, and I had no intention of giving her back.

“Grrrr!!! Bark! Bark!” And Chloe shared the same sentiment. Right after the young man started yelling at me, she jumped on him, knocking him to the ground, Pinning him in place so that he couldn’t escape.

“Now, now Chloe, that is no way to treat your trainer,” I said, rising to my feet before slowly making my way over to them. “And you, that is no way to speak to your employer. It would seem that you are in need of proper punishment.”

“Punishment? …Is that what you did to Charles? Is that thing Charles!?” the young man yelled, finally putting all the pieces together. “Let me go! I don’t want your stupid job! Turn Charles back now or else!”

“Or else what?” I asked him, knowing that his threats were meaningless. “That is no way to talk to your employer.” Before he could say another word, I used the magic that grandmother had taught me and summoned a gold collar into my hands and then placed it around his neck. It was time that he learned his lesson.  placing a golden collar around his neck!

“What the hell!? Get this thing off of me!” the young man yelled, trying to take off the collar, but the transformation had already begun. The young man’s body gradually became smaller as his extra weight was distributed to his chest, ass, and thighs. In mere seconds a pair of voluptuous F-cup breasts formed on his chest, and his ass and thighs became so big that they tore apart his pants! His hair changed from a bland brown to a beautiful snow white, growing all the way down to his ass, along with beautiful fox ears. A beautiful white fox tail grew out from the base of his spine as his manhood was taken away from him, returning her to who she was always meant to be,

“Where am I? Who am I?” the girl asked, looking around the room nervously.

“Oh my, this is a first,” my grandmother said. looking at the girl. “Looks like she lost her memory thanks to the change. Not a bad first attempt, my lovely granddaughter, but we should work on the whole memory problem next time.

“Yes, grandmother,” I said, happy that my first transformation went pretty well. Now all that was left was to make sure that her new employee knew what her new job was. “Oh, my. Miss Himiko, don’t you remember that you were hired today to take care of my dear Chloe?”


“That’s right~. What’s your name,” I said, convincing her with relative ease.

“Hmm… yeah, that sound right,” Himiko said back to me. “I’m sorry I must have spaced out a bit. I can get distracted a bit and…. OMG, my clothes! What happened to them?”

“I’m sorry, but it would seem that while you were distracted, Chloe must have ruined your clothes,” I said to her, holding in the urge to laugh at how cute she was.  “Here, allow me to replace them for you.”

I snapped my fingers, and a set of black clothes appeared before her. They were just extra clothes that I had as a male that I modified to fit her. This was just one of the perks that I received by becoming a spirit like my grandmother.

“I assure you that these clothes will not be so easily damaged as your previous ones. Now please take your time and get to know Chloe. I’m sure that there is a lot that a kitsune such as yourself can teach, my dear pup.”

“Yes, ma’am~!” Himiko said, happy to once again be with her friend. Her past was no longer a burden to hold her down.

“You have done well,” my grandmother said, complimenting me. “Though this is only the beginning. There are many spots left to fill in this mansion, and we have only just begun. Yes, grandmother. Whatever you say~.”



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