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“No… it can’t be,” Tanjiro said in shock upon returning home. He had recently gone to a nearby while in order to sell coal for his family and was gone for a few days. He had expected that his family would rush out to see him, but he was shocked upon seeing stains of blood scattered across the snow.

He couldn’t see his family, but he feared the worst. And he was right. The day before, Muzan’s servant Susamaru had slaughtered his family for being a part of that accursed clan. He knew that there was one left and waited for Tanjiro to arrive.

“Mom! Nezuko! Anyone!” Tanjiro yelled, screaming for his family, though this only alerted Susamaru of his presence.

The door of Tanjiro’s home slid open, and Susamaru slowly walked out. She was prepared to kill Tanjiro without hesitation, but the moment she saw his face, he stopped. Muzan’s cells that resided inside of her prevented her from attacking him.”

“Hmm, it cannot be~,” Muzan said, speaking in her mind thanks to his cells in her body. That boy reminded him of Yoriichi. For a brief second, Muzan was able to see his future and knew that if she let Tanjiro live, he would one-day posse the same markings as Yoriichi.

“You!!! What are you doing at my home!? Where is my family!?” Tanjiro yelled at him, pulling out his axe.

“Susamaru leave this one alive,” Muzan said, seeing a use for Tanjiro.

“As you wish, master. I will not allow the talent you see in him to be wasted,” Susamaru said to herself, wiping her mouth. 

“Be glad, human, for my master has given you a gift. I am going to transform you into something more suitable for Master Muzan to look at, using the special blood and blood demon art that he has taught me~,” Susamaru said as she grew two new sets of arms, shocking Tanjiro even further.

“What are you!?” Tanjiro yelled, ready to fight, but he was ever the fool to think that he even stood a chance to fight back against her. He was nothing more than a weak human. Susamaru found it curious that her master would take such an interest in this weak looking human, but it did not matter as her master’s orders were absolute.

“What am I?” Susamaru calmly asked as she walked towards the trembling Tanjrio. “I am someone that you’ll be getting to know very well in just a few seconds~.”

“Stay away!” Tanjiro yelled, trying to attack her, but he was so slow and weak that nothing he did mattered. She knocked the axe out of his hands and grabbed him, dragging him back inside of his family’s home.

“N-no… what is this!?” Tanjiro screamed, seeing blood splattered across the floor and walls of his home.

“Hmm, sorry about the mess. I don’t want little my food to move around too much. It makes things a tad bit messy~,” Susamaru said to Tanjiro, throwing him onto his mother's bed. “You’ll be glad to know that they were at least delicious, especially the one they called Nezuko~.”

“…What?” Tanjiro couldn’t believe what he was hearing. It couldn’t be true. It just couldn’t!

“Yes, that’s right, I slaughtered your family and ate them one by one, forcing them to watch. Their screams made eating them that much more enjoyable~.”

“…No…” Tanjiro started to fall into despair, but Susamaru didn’t care. Soon he would be just like her. As per her master's orders, she would transform him into her~. ‘

“Open up~,” Susamaru said, forcing Tanjiro’s mouth open before forcing him to drink the special blood that her master had prepared.

“Ack! Ack! Wh-what was that~? “Why can’t I move?” Tanjiro asked, barely able to hold onto his conscious mind, wishing nothing more than to die so that he could be with his family again.

“Shh~. This is something to help you relax~,” Susamaru said to him, seeing that his body was now unable to move. “You will soon be a servant of the great and powerful Lord Muzan, the ruler of all demons. You should be honored that he decided to grant you this gift~

“Pl-please just kill me!” Tanjiro yelled, begging for it, but Susamaru would never comply with his wishes. All that mattered was fulfilling her master’s wishes.

“You are quite foolish~,” Susamaru said, teasing Tanjiro, lightly running her fingers up his chest before slowly ripping off his clothes.

“Stop that!” Tanjiro yelled at her, watching her leaning in towards him.

“Sorry, but there is nothing you can do now, is there~,” Susamaru said, mocking Tanjiro. “This demon blood art takes a lot of skin-to-skin contact~. There is no other way~. Just take a look at this~.” Susamaru said, running all of her arms across his body, sending jolts of energy across it. “Would you look at that~? Your body is already reacting to my touch~. It knows who it will soon become~.”

“What the hell are you talking about!?” Tanjiro yelled at her, scared out of his mind now, struggling to move his body to no avail. He wanted to die, not this! “Let me-mmmppphhhh~!!!” Without warning, Susamaru shoved her tongue straight down Tanjiro’s throat, wrapping her tongue around his, dominating him as if his sole purpose was to belong to her~.

“Fufufu~. This face suits you much more~,” Susamaru said after slowly pulling her tongue out of his mouth. Their blood connected them as if it was a thread of fate, which was more true than Tanjiro could ever know. She was going to have fun turning him. Her master was indeed better at picking her victims than she was. Now it was time that she made this boy understand what was going to happen couldn’t be stopped~.

“Fufufu~, that’s right, just stay still like that and accept my love~ Accept your fate~. If you do, then this won’t have to be the hard way~,” Susamaru said, teasing him. Most of her “toys” break, so she was hoping that this would be different.

“…” Tanjiro wanted to scream and shout and her, but he was too shocked by what just happened that he didn’t utter a word. His body was feeling weird, and he didn’t understand this increasing urge to be near Susamaru.

“Pathetic, just look at the state you’re in. Your family would be disappointed in you~,” she said, mocking him again, seeing that he was still drooling from their kiss before. “How does it feel knowing that you will soon possess the same body as the one that slaughtered your family~?”

“Shut up, you bitch!” Tanjiro yelled at her, starting to feel his anger rise up, giving him a new meaning to living again.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk~. If only you showed such drive before~,” Susamaru said, mocking him as she slowly took off her kimono, revealing her muscular body.

“Wh-what…what are you doing~?” Tanjiro asked, feeling hot and irritated right now. He didn’t understand why, but he couldn’t help but feel attracted to her muscular form. He wanted nothing more than to be wrapped around in her arms~. …Wait! No! That was him! He didn’t want this, or did he?

“Shh~. There is no need to fear if my master wanted you dead, then you would be dea~,.” Susamaru said to him.

“Shut up! I’ll-mmppphhh!”

“Mmm~, you’ll what?” Susamaru said, ramming her tongue inside his mouth yet again and then slowly biting Tanjiro’s lower lip. Tanjiro’s body was warm and pleasant to the touch~. The more she made out with him, the more she became addicted to the thought of making him her clone. Her master was right. He knew her so well~.  Susamaru eagerly watched as Tanjiro’s lips started to become plumper.

“Mmm~, look at that. Doesn’t that feel better~,” Susamaru said, running her fingers across Tanjiro’s hair, turning the several strands of hair she touched orange to add to his black hair? With each stroke from her fingers, Tanjiro’s hair slowly began to grow longer until it was the same length as hers.

“You-mmm~, belong to me now, so you best not resist~,” Susamaru said, eager to take Tanjiro’s transformation to the next level. They had only just begun, and there was so much more for them to have fun with~.

“N-no! I don’t want this!” Tanjiro yelled, still trying to resist as he was getting lost in the pleasure. “You killed my family!”

“Did we kill your family~?” Susamaru asked, thinking of a way to make him a loyal and obedient clone. “It wasn't us; it was the Demon Slayers~. They killed your family because they were demons~.’

“Nnnnhhh~!!! No, We are-ahhhhh~!!!?” Tanjiro moaned as shocks of pleasure rippled across his body as she slowly ran four of her hand down his bare chest and two of her hands up his legs.

“There, there~,” Susamaru said as she began to stroke his chest. As she did, Tanjiro’s heart began to beat faster, and his body started to become more sensitive. “It’s alright. You must have forgotten because of the trauma that you experienced~. Demon Slayers murdered your family and tried to blame it on us~. We’re here to give you the power to avenge them~.”

“Power to… avenge…” Tanjiro's mind was spiraling as he tried to remember the truth, but only the words that Susamaru spoke came to his mind.

“You love it, don’t you~,” Susamaru said, teasing him, seeing that he was looking more and more like her with each passing second. She embraced him with all six of her arms as she knew he wanted, making him want her more. “Go on, admit it~.”

“N-no…” Tanjiro could feel his body get weaker and more sensitive by the second. He had to fight back. If he did, he would be- “Ahhhhhhhhh~!!!!” He couldn’t help but moan out in pleasure as Susamaru slowly began to squeeze his sensitive chest.

“Ahhhhhhh~!!!” Tanjiro moaned out again, unable to realize that his voice was getting higher becoming more and more like Susamaru’s as the seconds passed. With each squeeze, Susamaru gave him. He could feel the extra fat of his body work its way into his chest and into his muscles. He could feel a small pair of breasts begin to form, becoming the exact same size as Susamaru’s beautiful C-cups. He was slowly becoming just like her, perfect~.

“That’s right, you like this, don’t you~?” Susamaru said teasing Tanjiro. “Now get ready because this next part is going to hurt~.”

“What are you-aghhhhhhh!!!!!” Tanjiro screamed out in pain as two sets of each arm began to grow out of his body. Scared and confused, Tanjiro began to clench onto Susamaru, digging her nails into her back~. Susamaru smiled as Tanjiro began to cause her to bleed.

“Aww, it’s okay, you did good, now stop being a baby~,” Susamaru said to him, seeing his face turn red. “You like this~. You like being me~. You know that if you become me, you can get the revenge that you deserve~.

“Ahhhhhhhhh~!!! N-no…I…I-ahhhh~!!!” Tanjiro tried to deny Susamaru ‘s words, but he soon found himself moaning as his face became more feminine, resembling more and more of Susamaru’s. He wanted ever so much to deny her words, but she was right. He did want revenge on the ones that killed his family, but who killed them again?

“That’s right, don’t fight it~,” Susamaru said to him. “Lord Muzan is granting you this gift! The gift to kill all Demon Slayers! You were always meant to be me~. Come on, let’s enjoy ourselves some more, and then let’s kill them together!!!!”

“Ahhhhhhhh~!!!! Please! Y-yes… m-more~!!!” Tanjiro moaned out, unable to speak properly, feeling his body become more than he could have ever dreamed of. He never imagined that he could feel this good~.

“Hehehehe~. Finally, you’re starting to shape out quite well, my dear clone~,” Susamaru said, teasing him some more, running her hands down Tanjiro’s breasts all the way to his flat ass. “I’m glad you’re seeing things my way, as this would be a waste of potential~. Creating the perfect body to kill Demon Slayers and to serve Lord Muzan takes time~.”

“Yesssss~!!!!!” Tanjiro screamed and moaned as Susamaru began to grope his flat ass, but she wasn’t going to stop there~.  “Morrrrreeee!!!!!” Tanjiro couldn’t help but moan over and over again. She continued to grope his ass, slowly making his ass, hips, and thighs firmer and stronger as they soon engulfed his manhood, welcoming her to the glory of womanhood and to the glory of becoming a Muzan’s dog.

“Ahhhhhhh~!!!!” Tanjiro moaned as Susamaru finished up, shoving her wet and juicy tongue into her mouth. Finally, her transformation was complete, and to Susamaru’s surprise, this little bitch underneath her was stronger than she was. She could tell that her clone had the strength of the real twelve kizuki kagen.

“Ahh~!” Tanjiro moaned out again, no longer able to think straight as Susamaru began to play with her new clone’s body.

“Fufufu~. How does it feel to know how the perfect body to take revenge on those that took everything from you~? How does it feel to be a servant of Lord Muzan~?” Susamaru asked, showing Tnajiro how to flex her new body. Tanjiro, couldn’t help but submit to her at this point. She had played with her body, and it was clear that she was nothing more than a plaything for Susamaru’s amusement, but she could also feel that she was much stronger than she was before. This was her destiny.

“I feel… I feel…”

“Go on~. Tsusamaru, tell your dear sister how you feel about your new form~. There is no need to feel shy~,” Susamaru said, eager to hear her response.

“Sister?” Tsusamaru asked, unsure if she was even allowed to call the original her sister. …Wait, wasn’t she a boy? Why was she a girl again? No, that isn’t right. She was the clone of Susamaru and her sister. Susamaru was the one that granted her power. She wanted this. Yes, she wanted this power all for herself.  Susamaru’s Demon Blood Art had successfully modified Tanjiro’s or, rather, Tsusamaru ‘s mind, making her believe that this was what she had always wanted. To her, Susamaru did this for her to help her get her revenge against those vile Demons Slayers.

“I feel amazing, sister~,” Tsusamaru said to her precious sister, making out with her some more. Once they were done, they hid their extra arms and wore the same orange kimono before making their way to Lord Muzan.

“Master, she is ready,” Susamaru said, presenting Tsusamaru to their master.

When Tsusamaru looked at her master, the only feeling that could be described as dominance, he held all the control wherever he went. She was nothing more than a plaything for his amusement, one that he would use thoroughly.

“My, my,” Master Muzan said, assumed, caressing her cheek before moving up and petting his lowly minion. “Susamaru has done a most wonderful job with you. The effort that she put into making you into a lovely younger sister and pet can be seen down to your very soul. I am sure that you understand your purpose~?”

“Yes, Master! I, Tsusamaru, will kill each and every one of those vile Demon Slayers so that I may avenge my family and so that you may rule! No demon should have to fear the Demon Slayers!”

“Good~. Very good~,” Muzan said, sensing the potential that his new pet had. She would take her place amongst his strongest and kill many of those annoying Demon Slayers. Such is her destiny~.

-3 Days Later-

“No! Stay back!” the Demon Slayer yelled, falling on his ass into a pool of his fallen brethren’s blood. Over a dozen Demon Slayers were slaughtered by two Demon sisters. How could this be?

“Ohohohoho~!!! Look at the pathetic bug try to run away~,” Tsusamaru yelled, laughing at the pathetic Demon Slayer.

“Ohohohoho~!!! You are right, sister~. What a pathetic coward he is~,” Susamaru said, agreeing with her sister. “Let’s crush this one as well~.”

“With pleasure, dear sister~,” Tsusamaru said as they made it so that Demon Slayer wished he was never born. Now it was time to find their next victims~.



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