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“Respectfully we don’t want your “help,” Aster said, being the voice of the group. Zane wasn’t much of a people person, and there was no way that Syrus would wish to talk to her. We’re little more than allies at most.”

“Agreed,” Zane said to her. “I’m only here to search for strong opponents and nothing more. If you stay out of my way, you can keep this petty kingdom of yours.” He wanted nothing more than to duel the one called The Supreme Queen, but he would allow himself to be patient for now. If she were truly the best duelist in the realm, he would have to save her for last.

“My, my, however generous you are,” The Supreme Queen said back to them. “While Alice may have been close to the two of you it is difficult to call you friends, and compared to the rest, neither of you requires my protection. The others were skilled, but they can’t compare to the two of you. However, even if I let the two of you go, Syrus, I will not. He belongs with me.”

“No, Syrus stays with us,” Zane said, stepping in between The Supreme Queen and Syrus.

“Oh my, is this a bit of brotherly love? Coming from you of all people~,” The Supreme Queen said, teasing Zane.

“It’s not that,” Zane said back to her., “He says he saw Alexis.”

“What!? Where is she!” The Supreme Queen yelled, losing her composure.

“Syrus will tell you on two conditions. The first is you grant us free passage throughout your lands, so we aren’t bothered by your weak soldiers and second, Rainbow Dragon is mine. You can have Juliana or whatever her name is back, but I get to duel her first.”

“Fine,” The Supreme Queen said, knowing that it would be easier for her to work with Zane and Aster rather than have them as enemies.


“Pink come here,” The Supreme Queen said, snapping her fingers, and seconds later Ojama Princess came over to her. “Inform Hazel that I will be stepping out for a while. She is to help my sister Alicia rule in my absence. And make sure that they know I’ll be back. Oh, and send Ojama Yellow over here as well. I’ll need him  to keep an eye on Syrus.”

“Yes, my Queen!” Pink yelled, flying away to complete her tasks.

“What the hell was that?” Aster asked, creeped out by the flying pink goblin-looking creature.

“That right there was Ojama Princess, formerly Chazz~,” The Supreme Queen said, eager to see the fear spread across his face.

“No way!? There’s no way that your telling me that thing was Chazz!” Aster yelled out in disbelief.

“You just saw me turn Jim, Shirley, and Axel into children, and you still think that you have the right to doubt me. No matter, let’s go. There is much ground for us to cover. Syrus, if you would, please lead the way.

“Fine,” Syrus said, leading them to where he last saw Alexis a few days ago.

After he ran away, Syrus was distraught, Everything they were going through was thanks to Alice. She tricked them into coming here, and it was because of her that everything was so messed up. While he was lost in thought, he saw a carriage pass by, and there she was, wearing a midnight blue dress, Alexis. And by the looks of it, she wasn’t alone. There was someone else there with her, but he couldn’t tell who it was.

“Here were,” Syrus said, leading them to the same tree he was at when he saw Alexis.

“Hmm, it’s faint, but he is right. She was here,” The Supreme Queen said, feeling the darkness that Yubel left behind wherever she was. If Yubel was here, then the others were here as well. Finally, she was once again moving in the right direction.

“Let’s rest here for… we’re being watched,” The Supreme Queen said, feeling a set of creepy eyes on her. “Come out before I make you.”

“Wait! Wait! It’s me~!” Professor Crowler yelled, rushing out of the bushes with a young short-haired woman wearing a military uniform behind him.

“Professor Crowler?” Syrus said, finally speaking to express his bewilderment.

“Oh, thank heavens I finally found you~!!!” Crowler squealed, clinging to Syrus’ legs, much to his displeasure.

“Professor~! Stoppp~!!!” Syrus cried, sounding like his normal goofy self.

“…Ahem, where are my manners,” Crowler said, looking around to see that Syrus wasn’t alone.

“Crowler, how are you here?” Zane asked, curious to see how he got here. Zane and Aster entered the portal after everyone else. And it closed right after. There should have been no way for them to have entered unless…

“Well, you see, I was taking a midnight stroll when I happened around Miss Echo over here,” he said, motioning towards the woman. “I saw her fall into this strange portal, and I tried to rescue her, but in the end I was dragged along with her into this strange place. We have been searching for a way back ever since.”

“Your name is Echo, correct?” The Supreme Queen asked her, feeling something familiar about her.

“Yes, that’s right,” Echo said, keeping her words short and to the point.

“Um, excuse me, but who is this young woman that you’re with?” Crowler asked, not noticing that The Supreme Queen was Alice.

“What? Can’t you tell? That’s Alice, or as she refers to herself, The Supreme Queen,” Aster said,. He came here to help Alice, and after seeing her become this Supreme Queen, he knew that the only way to do so would be to find Alexis and Juliana. If anyone could return her back to the way she was, it would be the two of them.

“Whaaaat~!!?? That beautiful young woman is Alice Rhodes!” Crowler yelled in disbelief, leaving Aster and Syrus to explain what happened. Zane didn’t bother to get involved as he thought of it as no more than a waste of time. He only cared about who he had to duel next.

This left Echo alone to look at the picture inside of her locket, which was of none other than Adrian Gecko.

“I knew it,” The Supreme Queen said, looking at the locket. “I knew that you felt familiar. Now spit it out. Where is he?”

“W-what? What do you want with Adrian?” Echo asked, shivering under the presence of The Supreme Queen.

“That is none of your concern,” The Supreme Queen said to her. The answer was obvious. What she desired was to make Adrian pay. He was the one that brought Alexis to Yubel. It’s his fault that Alexis was possessed and his fault that Juliana sacrificed herself. It was all his fault!

“A-Adrian is d-destined to rule this world!” Echo yelled, trying to stand her ground against The Supreme Queen, but it was helpless.

“Fufufu~., Do you really think that someone like him who uses a secondhand power could even stand a chance against me?

“Shut up! Adrian deserves this far more than you could ever understand!” Echo yelled, drawing everyone’s attention. “All his life, he has sacrificed his own wants and desires for others, and in this world, he can finally acquire the power he rightfully deserves. He’ll- ack!!!!”

“You’re going to shut your annoying mouth right now,” The Supreme Queen said, annoyed by this foolish bitch that dared look down upon her. “I make this question simple, do you know where Adrian is? And don’t answer with words. I don’t want to have to hear your annoying voice anymore.”

Echo slowly shook her head no, to The Supreme Queen’s disappointment. “Hmm, you may not know where he is, but he knows where you are~,” she said, seeing a thick fog started to swarm around them as she let Echo go. Within a matter of seconds, they all found themselves inside a dark cave, and Adrian was there waiting for them.

“Welcome, friends. I’m so glad that you can make it,” Adrian said to them with a fake smile etched across his face. “Ever since I decided to stay behind in this world, I have been waiting to see you all again. Especially you, Echo.”

“Adrian, I knew that you would come for me~!” Echo yelled, running into his arms.

“Yes, Echo, you see I need your help. This is something that only you can do. Something that I can’t do without you.”

“I’ll do whatever you ask~,” Echo said to him as more of the fog dispersed, and it was revealed that there was a giant door.

“Good, now let’s begin!” Adrian yelled, shoving Echo into a glowing ring and seconds later, a giant hand grabbed her!

“Ahhhh~!!! Adrian, what is going on!?” Echo yelled, scared of what was happening.

“Let her go!” Aster yelled, wanting to play the hero

“No, can do,” Adrian said to him. Behind this door is the power that I need to take over this realm. This power will help me take down Yubel and even you, Alice, or should I say, The Supreme Queen. This power will make me unstoppable.

“Adrian, you will pay for taking Alexis from me,” The Supreme Queen said, not caring what plan Adrian had.

“Good luck with that!” Adrian yelled at her. Once I have this power, it won’t matter what grudge you have against me. I will rule this world~!!!”

“Pathetic,” The Supreme Queen said back to him. “It doesn’t matter what power you get; you’ll be nothing more than a lap dog. “I would most definitely like to make you pay for all that you have done, but it would seem that I was a step too late. I’ll have to wait until Aster has his turn,” she said, allowing the two of them to duel.

As they dueled Adrian continued with his sob backstory and how this was his destiny, both of which The Supreme Queen did her best not to listen to. It was pointless because his fate was already sealed. She knew the outcome of this duel, and in the end, she would be one step closer to Alexis and Juliana.

“Give it up, Aster! Soon the power of Exodia will belong to me and me alone! You cannot hope to defeat the forbidden one!” Adrian yelled as Echo became weaker and weaker.


“Echo! Hold on!” Aster yelled, refusing to let her be sacrificed, but it didn’t matter what he wanted. Echo had already made up her mind.

“Adrian, I… I will always love you~,” Echo said as Adrian finally finished what he had to do to summon Exodia, The Forbidden Lord, killing Echo.

“Ahahahahahaha~!!!! Finally, true power is finally mine!” Adrian yelled, becoming hysterical. “Now it’s time to say goodbye. Exodia, destroy him!”

“Exodia tried to kill Aster as instructed to be its new master, but this was where The Supreme Queen knew her presence was needed and decided to step in, using her powers to create Broken Doll-Joint Hero Shield, blocking all physical damage from hitting Aster. He still lost the duel, but this kept him from being killed as well.

“Tsk! Fine, have it your way then!” Adrian yelled at them, using Exodia to break open the walls of the cave. “Once I deal with Yubel, I will make sure to take care of all of you! There can only be one ruler of this world, and The Supreme Queen’s reign will soon come to an end!”

Adrian and Exodia soon left as The Supreme Queen and the rest pulled themselves out from the rubble of the cave.

“W-what are we going to do now?” Crowler nervously asked as Syrus helped him to his feet.

“We follow the trail that Adrian is leading us,” The Supreme Queen said to them. “He knows where Yubel is, and Yubel should know where Alexis and Juliana are.”

“And why should we keep following you?” Syrus asked her. “You can do as you like, but that won’t stop me from coming back for you once this is all over.

“I think I’ll stay back for now,” Aster said to them. “Right now, Adrian is currently out of my league, and that duel took too much out of me. I’ll only be a burden if I go with you.”

“I’m going with you. Yubel knows where Juliana is, and she is the one I need to fight the Rainbow Dragon.”

“If Zane is going, I’m going!” Crowler whined, clinging to Zane, who was trying to push him away.

“…Fine, but I’m not going for you,” Syrus said to her. “I’m going to be there for Zane, he’s-”

“Quiet, there is no need to talk about that,” Zane said, cutting Syrus off. “Let’s get moving.”

“Agreed,” The Supreme Queen said as they began their quest again. Next stop Yubel and hopefully clue to Alexis and Juliana.

-A Few Days Later-

“How’s he doing?” Syrus asked, watching as Crowler tended to Zane. For a while now, he had been unwell. Thanks to all of his underground dueling, his body was dying.

“Not good. I’m afraid that he doesn’t have much time left,” Crowler said, sorry that he couldn’t do more for his former student.

“It’s fine,” Zane said to them, forcing himself to stand. “I don’t care if I die, so long as it’s in a duel,”

“Zane.” Syrus was disheartened, knowing that there was nothing that he could do for his brother.

“If that is true, my boy, then make sure to live your last moments to the fullest,” Crowler said to him. He knew that he wasn’t much of a teacher, but when it came down to it he was always there for them.

“I plan on doing just that,” Zane said, looking at the giant black gate before them.

“Zane, please! You can’t!” Syrus yelled, trying to convince him to stop. One more duel would kill him. “Perhaps Alice could help you! Please, Zane! I can’t lose you!”

“Little brother, the hardest thing is letting something go,” Zane said, refusing to go to The Supreme Queen for help. If he was going to die, then he was going to go out the way he wanted. The Supreme knew this and would not let a dying warrior's last wish go to waste. She could have easily healed him if that was what he wanted, but the facts remain that he didn’t. This was his choice to make.

The gate began to open, and Zane walked towards it, knowing that the opponent he had been chasing after this entire time. Though no one could have guessed that the person to walk out of the gate was none other than Juliana.



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