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“Hahaha~!!! And then I sent him crashing into the ground!” Natsu yelled, boasting about his recent quest. Many girls from the guild surrounded him and showered him with compliments.

“Grrr!!! That jerk! He shouldn’t let them get this close to him!” Lucy said to herself, watching everything from a distance. She was pissed that Natsu was openly flirting with these girls without even knowing what he was doing. However, this was about to change. Thanks to all of her research, she has discovered a way to make Natsu solely belong to her. She would monopolize not only his love and attention but his body as well. There would be nothing anyone could do to stop her.

“Natsu! Over here~!” Lucy yelled, running over to Natsu, putting on her best acting display so that he wouldn’t suspect a thing.

“Huh? Lucy, what’s up?” Natsu asked, leaving the other girls behind.

“I just got this new quest today!” she happily said, showing him the fake quest poster, she had made. “It pays really well, but the only condition is that it can only be done with two people. That means that we can’t bring anyone else with us.”

“Hmm, I don’t know,” Natsu said to her.

“Please! Come on, Natsu, I need this to pay my rent~!” Lucy pleaded with him.

“…Fine, I guess one mission without Happy and the others should be fine,” he said, agreeing with her. “So where are we going, and how long is this going to take?”

“About a week, and I knew the way so you just have to follow me, and don’t worry, it’s close enough for us to walk to~,” Lucy said, convincing him to join her.

After that, they wasted no time heading over to where the quest was. Just outside of Magnolia was a house once thought to be abandoned, but thanks to Virgo, Lucy made all of the preparations that she needed to make sure that Natsu wouldn’t be able to escape once inside.

“Hey Lucy, what did you say the quest needed us to do again?” Natsu asked her, looking around to see a normal house.


“Oh, I never did mention, did I?” Lucy said, locking to door behind her and activating the magic that she placed on the house. “I have to transform you into my twin sister, and then for the next week. I shall train you to become my perfect lover~.”

“…Pfft~!!! Hahahaha~!!! You had me going there for a second~!” Natsu yelled, unable to hold back his laughter. “For a second, I thought you were serious. Now come on, tell me what the real quest is.”

“But I just did tell you~,” Lucy said, taking out her Gemini key as she slowly walked towards him. “Don’t worry, soon you’ll be all mine~.”

“Lucy? Lucy, this isn’t funny anymore,” Natsu said, trying to activate his magic, but it wouldn’t work. “Lucy, what have you done!?”

“Fufufu~. Natsu, the fact that you have no idea what you’ve done wrong and why you deserve this just makes me want to do this even more. From time and time again, I’ve had to put up with you flirting with other girls and treating me as nothing more than a friend when you should already know how I feel/ For the longest time, I have loved you, and today I lose my patience. If you won’t love me under normal conditions, then I now have another choice than to make you see it my way. Open Gate of The Twins, Gemini!” she yelled, summoning Gemini as her copy.

“Lucy, stop. We can talk about this,” Natsu said, trying to figure a way out of this before it was too late.

“Sorry, Natsu, but I won’t do that,” Lucy said to him, knowing that the time had finally come~! “Gemini, use your secret magic power to permanently transform Natsu into my twin and lover~!”

“Lucy, please don-arghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!” Natsu fell to his knees, screaming in pain as Gemini zapped him with their magic. His muscles felt like they were on fire as they began to contract inward. His bones began to snap and break all over the place, reshaping themselves while his joints began to pop in and out of place multiple times. His arms and legs began to shrink, becoming the exact same length as Lucy’s.

His skin started to become smoother, and his hair started growing down to the base of his spine, but it maintained its pink color. Within seconds his face began to reshape itself into that of Lucy’s, and his body started to become more feminine.

“Pl-please st-stop this… b-big sister,” Natsu begged, unable to bear the pain as he was scared that his mind was slowly being corrupted by Lucy’s desires through Gemini’s magic.

“Aww, it’s alright. Big sister will stay by your side until the changes are complete~,” Lucy said to him, kneeling done to observe the process. The book that she found in the celestial library did mention that the target of the spell would be in pain in the beginning. “Though, it would be much better for you just to give in. In fact, the most pleasurable part of your transformation is about to begin~,” she said to him with a bright smile across her face.

Just as big sister Lucy had said, the pain soon started to vanish as a warm pleasurable feeling went throughout Natsu’s body. His hips started to become thiccer and his flat ass began to balloon outward. It wasn’t long after that a pair of breasts formed on his chest, which were the exact size as Lucy’s beautiful L-cup breasts.

Natsu began to cry as his manhood was stripped away from him along with his Fairy tattoo, which was moved down to her right hand while her scars vanished. All that was left of her original form was her pink hair. Wait, her? Natsu found it impossible to refer to herself as a man anymore. Everything she once was had been stripped away from her. She had never felt so powerless before.

“Lovely, absolutely lovely, though that hair has to be changed,” Lucy said as Gemini slowly transformed Natsu's pink hair into her glossy blonde hair, making them look exactly the same.

“Ple-please change me back,” Natsu begged her, unable to control the wave of new emotions she was feeling thanks to her change. She didn’t know what to do. She hated this and wanted this to be nothing more than a bad dream, but it wasn’t.

“Sorry if you didn’t hear me the first time. Allow me to say it again~. This transformation is permanent~,” Lucy said to her, not in the slightest sorry for what she had done to the one she loved. This was exactly what she had wanted. Natsu was now her win, and soon, with enough training and memory manipulation, she would be the perfect sister and lover~.

“N-No, please, you have to turn me back!” Natsu begged her, grabbing onto her hands. “Please don’t leave me like this! I’m sorry I should have accepted your love!”

“That is a little too late~,” Lucy said to her twin. “If only you were more open before this could have all been prevented. But don’t worry, I’m sure that with enough time you’ll learn to love your new form, and everything will be perfect~. Now come along~,” Lucy said to her twin, helping her to her feet. “It’s time that we get you something proper to wear. If I asked Gemini to fit you with a set of clothes, they would just disappear within the hour. But you’re lucky that I came prepared. What kind of sister would I be if I let you walk around looking like that.”

Lucy led the now docile and scared Natsu up the stairs to the room that Lucy had prepared just for her. Here Natsu would learn how to talk like her, act like her, share the same hobbies as her, dress like her, and most importantly, this is where they would share their first night together~.

“L-Lucy, do I have to?” Natsu nervously asked, watching Lucy open up the closest to reveal a ton of her spare clothes. Each one was prepared for Natsu to wear so that she could learn to love being a woman and, more importantly, love being Lucy.

Without warning, Lucy stripped Natsu down, who was unable to fight back in her current state, before wedging a tight pair of pure white panties and a bra on her. From there, she grabbed a spare white mini-skirt and a light blue and gray sleeveless button shirt from her closet and forced it into Natsu against her will. These clothes helped showcase her new and lovely curves. To finish off her sister's outfit, she put on a pair her brown boots that reached up to her middle calves.

Natsu tried to take the skirt off as she felt totally exposed wearing it, but before she could, her big sister sat her down in front of her vanity and started to style her hair tying it up into a side ponytail, just like hers. When she was done, no one would be able to tell them apart.

All Natsu could do was stare back in shock at the new her. She never knew that she could be this pretty or feel this good by being this pretty. Is this why Lucy spent so much time getting ready each day? Plus, her breasts. Along with Happy, she had made many puns about her weight because of her breasts in the past, but now she couldn’t help but realize that they enhanced her beauty.

“There, now you are perfect,” Lucy said to her dear younger sister. “Now, all that is left is to fix that impure mind of yours. Though we have the entire week to do just that, for now, let me ask if you have anything to say to your loving big sister~?” Lucy asked Natsu, who was too focused on her current beauty and breasts, to notice that Gemini was still there. They used their magic to further manipulate Natsu’s memories so that she would begin to accept her new form and her new big sister, smiling gleefully as they did.

“Thank you, big sister,” Natsu said back to her sister. She didn’t understand this, but for some reason, she didn’t even mind that she thought of herself as a girl or of Lucy as her big sister now. It was as if her new form had awakened something that had long since been trapped inside of her, just waiting to burst out.

“Good girl~,” Lucy said, slowly raising her sister to her feet. “Now, it’s time that we begin your training~.”

“Training?” Natsu asked, confused, thinking that everything would be over after her change, but she still wasn’t thinking ahead like her sister, proving that there was still a long way for her to go before she was ready.

“Of course, training, silly~,” Lucy said, teasing Natsu for thinking that it would end when she had already told her that there was so much more planned. “There is so much more to being my sister than just looks. You need to embrace my mentality and learn how to act just like me.”

“J-just like you?” Natsu asked her sister. What did it mean to act like Lucy? For all Natsu knew, Lucy was a girl that liked to read and make money. Was there anything else besides that? It was sad just how little she knew about the girl that had desperately loved her for years.

“Of course, though if you don’t want to be my sister and be just like me, I could just turn you back to the way that you were before the change~,” Lucy said, knowing that Natsu would not want to turn back thanks to Gemini’s magic.

“No! Don’t!” Natsu yelled back to her, unaware that she was being manipulated into wanting this .

“Then be the good girl that I know you are and follow me to your new desk,” Lucy said, leading her to the room directly connected to hers. “As my sister, you must be a wonderful writer, so for your first task, you have to make a decent short story. The story can be about whatever you want, so don’t feel pressured by this and take as much time as you need,” she said, sitting her sister down at the desk before leaving the room.

For the next several hours, Natsu did as her sister told her to do and tried to create a story. At first, she didn’t understand what she was doing, but eventually thought back to her life experiences and thought about turning those into stories. Surprisingly enough, once she started writing, it became easier for her, almost as if it was second nature. She actually found it quite fun and eventually got lost in writing. Though just as before, Gemini stood behind her, using their magic to further manipulate her memories and mind so that she would begin just like Lucy.

It was time for her new sister to shine, and Lucy was counting on this magic to work perfectly.  For the next, Lucy continued Natsu’s training. This stemmed from having her practice her writing, trying on clothes, posing for future Sorcerer Weekly modeling jobs, and even learning how to satisfy each other in bed~. This one she took extra time with as she couldn’t stop herself from enjoying it so much~. This continued until she deemed that Nastu was ready to go back to their guild.

“Are you ready, Nancy~?” Lucy asked her adorable twin sister, using her new name, who was dressed just like her. To increase her sister’s femininity, she would have her sister dress just like her. Nancy belonged to her, and she had every intention of showing that off to everyone in the guild. They would all realize just how much they loved each other.

“Of course, big sister~!” Nancy said happily. Over this past week, she had finally realized that she was foolish not to love Lucy before. Lucy was the perfect girl for her, and she was blind to that fact this entire time. She hated remembering her time as Natsu, regretting not showing Lucy the love that she deserved. Now as her sister and lover, she would do everything in her power to make Lucy the happiest woman in the world!

“Perfect~. The guild has missed you,” Lucy said as they left their home. “Though that would be as Nancy, not Natsu. As of now, everyone that knew Natsu would only be able to remember you as my lovely sister, who belongs solely to me. This is all thanks to Gemini’s black magic. It was easy to manipulate everyone’s minds into believing that we were lovers from the beginning~.”

“Indeed sister~,” Nancy said, holding her hand as they walked. “I belong to you, forever and always~.”

“The two sisters spent the next several minutes holding each other’s hands, attracting the attention of everyone that they passed by, much to their delight. Eventually, they made it to Fairy Tail, and it was time for them to show off~.

“We’re back~!!!” they yelled at the same time, allowing everyone who was in the guild to notice them.

“Nancy, you’ve finally come back~!” Mirajane said to her, looking at her hands before realizing what was going on. “Fufufu~. I can see that the two of you had some fun during Nancy’s break~.”

“Indeed~,” Lucy said back to her. “I had to teach Nancy a few new “techniques,” if you know what I mean~.”

“Fufufu~. I most certainly do~,” Mirajane said, taking note of how they were dressed. “You know there is an empty room in the back of the guild. It hasn’t been used in quite some time~. Perhaps the two of you could find a use for it~.”

“Why of course we can ~,” Lucy said, happy that Mirajane understood their relationship. “I think that I can do an extra inspection while we’re there~,” she said, looking at Nancy, who started to blush~. It was time to have some fun~.



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