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*This is a fun ABDL story for My Hero Academia. It does not represent underage sexual content. If you are not a fan of ABDL stories then please do not read past this point. For those that do decide to read past this point, they understand that this is supposed to be a fun story and nothing more. All characters are 18 years old.*

“Are you two fucking insane!?” Tomura yelled at Himiko and Rikka who were sitting across from him while taking care of their children. “Why the fuck did you bring them here!?”

“Mommy Himiko, why is hand man yelling at you?”  Kitty asked, playing with the supervillain dollies with her baby sister Minnie that their mommies bought them.

“Could you not yell,” Rikka said to Tomura, picking up Minnie into her arms as she was about to cry. Minnie didn’t like mean men like him and was scared of the creepy man with a hand for a face.

“There, there, mommy is here~,” Rikka said gently, rocking her back and forth as she sucked her thumb, putting herself to sleep. It was her first weekend since joining U.A. and she wanted some time to spend with Himiko and the kids, but Tomura just had to call them in.

“Are you serious?” Tomura said, looking at them as if they were insane. “Why would you bring those brats to my hideout? Are you two fucking idiots!?”

“You a bad man!” Kitty yelled at Tomura. “You leave my mommies alone you big meanie!!!” she yelled, preparing to make boom-boom, but luckily Tomura Himiko stopped her.

“Sweety please don’t~,” Himiko said to her handing her a pink pacifier. “We didn’t bring enough diapers for you to go boom-boom. Don’t worry Tomura is just a grumpy pants.”

“A what!?” Tomura yelled, pissed off that he was being talked down like a child. This was his League of Villains, not some daycare.

“Tomura do you really want to continue this foolish conversation, or do you want to tell us the reason why you called us here?” Rikka asked him. She was supposed to be undercover. The longer she stayed closer to him the more suspicion that she would face. Besides, she needed to lay low for a bit she turned two of her classmates into her babies in a single week. If he wanted her to speed up the process she would outright refuse. Her boss was All For One, not him.

“You were told to turn the heroes into villains, not babies!” Tomura yelled pointing at Kitty who was eagerly sucking her pacifier. She didn’t like this mean man and wished that her mommies would teach him a lesson.

“…Um, do you seriously not remember what my quirk is?” Rikka asked, feeling offended right now. “It allows me to turn anyone I touch into a diaper-dependent person just like me. In addition, I have the power to alter their minds and bodies. Though this is not all-powerful. There is a limit to what I can do.”

“I can’t just snap my fingers and turn heroes into villains,” Rikka said to him. “In order to get them to obey I have to regress their minds. All For One knew this when he recruited me, so what’s the problem?”

“Are you fucking serious! If that’s all you can do, then get the fuck out! I’m not running a daycare here! I don’t have time for this!”

“Really? Your that petty that you don’t understand how great my Rikka’s ability is?” Himiko said, pissed that Tomura dared to yell at her best friend.”

“Nugh!” Kitty grunted while Himiko held her back. Kitty was a good girl, but Tomura was too dangerous for them to mess around with. He could kill all of them with a single touch of his hands.

“Toga you joined me, not her,” he said back to her. “I don’t care what stupid fucking relationship the two of you have with each other and I don’t care. She’s worthless and I want her gone. Now you better get going before I have to do this the hard way,” he said holding up his hand, to threaten Rikka.

He never liked her since day one. What kind of power involves diapers? It was worthless, and he didn’t need her. Only real villains belonged in his organization.

“Agreed, Dabi said to them from the bar. “I’m not interested in working with babies. This is no place for kids.” It was foolish to think that this was the organization he was trying to use to kill his father, pathetic.

“If Tomura says so then it must be done,” Kurogiri said to them. He didn’t really have a thought in this matter as he wasn’t told to.

“Really!? All For One saw her potential, but you can’t! This is bullshit!” Himiko yelled, letting Kitt go.

“Master isn’t in charge here, I am,” Tomura said to them. He’s here to help me with my goals, not yours. And seeing how the two of you continue to stain my sight with your presence then I have no choice but to…what? What’s going on here?” Tomura asked, trying to move his hand forward, but it wouldn’t budge.


All of a sudden the tv turned on, producing static for several seconds before All For One was displayed across the screen.

“M-master, I-”

“That’s enough Tomura I heard enough,” All For One said back to him and he didn’t sound pleased. “Do you understand why I choose Rikka to infiltrate U.A.? It’s because not only does she possess two forms, but because her power terrifies even me.”


“Quiet!” All For One yelled, making Tomura shut up. It would seem that he had complete control of Tomura’s body right now. “You don’t understand anything. As she explained, she can turn anyone she touches into a diaper-dependent person just like her and even modify their bodies and minds to her will. And this applies to everyone. No one is safe from her power and that includes All Might. Just imagine if she were to touch to Number 1 Hero. He would become nothing more than a diapered brat that could easily be raised once again to be a villain. Her power could even work on me. So you tell me what right do you have to tell her to leave? Do you really think that you’re in charge here?”

“M-master I’m sorry for doubting you. I didn’t mean any harm,” Tomura said, begging for forgiveness. Though All For One wasn’t one to forgive that easily. “I was just trying to look out for our best interests.”

“Oh Tomura, I understand that, but as of now, I don’t think that you are fit to be in a leadership role. Perhaps you need a bit more training~. Don’t worry I will make sure that you are well taken care of~. Rikka if you would~.”

“With pleasure master~,” Rikka said slowly standing up while handing Minnie over to Himiko, who was smiling, knowing that Tomura was going to get what he deserved for insulting her best friend.

“Stay back if you don’t want to get burned,” Dabi said to Rikka, blocking her path. Tomura may be a shit leader, but he would rather have him than this diaper freak.

“Kitty it’s time to make boom-boom~,” Rikka said, not sacred of Dabi at all. He would be dealt with soon, but before that, her master's order came first.

“Boom-Boom~!!!” Kitty yelled causing several tiny explosions to ripple across her diaper propelling herself straight at Dabi. Her diaper hit him square in the face causing him to crash right into the bar counter, where Kurogiri stood there and did nothing.

“Mommy Rikka~! Did Kitty do good~,” Kitty asked Rikka, eagerly holding her leg.

“Yes you did sweetie,” Rikka said back to her, patting her precious daughter on her head. “Now you be a good girl and go back to mommy Himiko~. You’re about to have another baby sister real soon~.”

“Yah~!!! Mommy Rikka is amazing~!!!” Kitty yelled ecstatically, running straight back to Himiko.

“M-master you can’t be serious!” Tomura yelled scared for what was about to happen to him. “Don’t do this to me! Please! I thought that you chose me!”

“Tomura, I had such high hopes for you,” All For One said to him. “Though it would seem that might hopes were misplaced. From now on I shall give my full support to Rikka. Don’t worry though I’m sure that she’ll be a good mother to you~. Think of this as a chance to repair your childhood,” he said before the screen went dark.

“No! No! I don’t want this! Stay away you bitch!” Tomura yelled at Rikka, but it was already too late.


Tomura was scared, feeling the giant poufy white diaper now wrapped around his crotch.

“No! Get it off of me! Get it off!” Tomura cried, tears running down his face.

“There, there, let mommy Rikka help you with that~,” she said, slowly taking off the hands that covered Tomura's pale and sickly face.

“What are you doing? Give that back!” he yelled. “I wanted the diaper off not the hands!”

“It’s alright~,” Rikka said to him, continuing to remove all of the disgusting hands that covered his body. “I’ll remove these nasty things. You don’t need the anymore. All you need is that cute little diaper~.

“Shut up! I’ll kill you!” he yelled at her, though he was still unable to move thanks to All For One still watching them from afar.

“Aww, what a naughty mouth you have~,” Rikka said teasing him, making him feel embarrassed, which began his change, slowly shrinking him down in front of her. “Though whose to blame such a sick-looking baby~? Here let’s fix up those bags of yours~,” Rikka said, returning the color and life back into Tomura’s skin, as well as fixing his chapped lips, making him look much healthier.

“W-what are you doing? Why…why does my heart feel warm now?” Tomura asked her, unable to realize that he was feeling her love. Tomura was just a naughty baby that needed a bit of love, and that was what she was going to give him.

“Shh~, there is no need to fear, mommies is here~,” Rikka said gently to him, seeing his face become flushed as he continued to shrink, no already smaller than she was. His skin had gotten smoother because of her and his hair grew longer. His entire body was becoming more feminine by the second.

“N-no I….I…I have to…” Tomura's mind had started to become fuzzy as his mental age and body started to become younger, To Rikka she didn’t deserve to be a big girl and go to school like her sister Minnie. No, little Tia needed to be a year younger than Minnie. So while her body was still the same age, her level of intelligence was not.


“N-no! I…I big…big b-….girl~? I no baby!” Tomura screamed in a high-pitched voice. Her voice was high-pitched as her manhood vanished the moment that his mind became that of a baby.

“Oh my~, of course, you are sweetie~,” now let mommy help you into your new dress~,” Rikka said, happy with how Tia turned out. “Himiko could you please prepare the sun dress that we prepared for Minnie~?”

“Of course~,” Himiko said back to her, pulling out the white dress from her bag. She handed it to Rikka who had already pulled off the poor baby’s pants, revealing her soiled diaper to her new mommies. “Though do you think we should change this naughty baby first~?”

“Not yet~,” Rikka said back to her. “This baby still hasn’t accepted her fate yet~,” she said, removing her shirt and placing the cute white dress on her.


“I not baby!” Tia yelled, not realizing that she was wetting herself again.

“Fufufufu~. Of course, you’re a baby~,” Rikka said, teasing her some more before motioning for All For One to release Tia.

“I turn u to dust!” Tia yelled trying to touch Rikka, but they avoid it and Tia accidentally hit Dabi as he was standing up! Though even if she had touched her, Rikka made some nice alterations so that she, Himiko, and their babies wouldn’t be affected by it.

“What the fuck!” Dabi yelled seeing that Tia touched him with all five of her fingers. He had expected to be turned to dust, but what happened next scared the ever-living shit out of him.


All of a sudden Dabi heard a strange crinkling sound and turned over to see that his right arm was turning into the side of a black and blue flame-fluffy diaper!

“What the hell!? Stop this right now!” Dabi yelled as more of his body continued to transform into a crinkly diaper!


“Sorry sweety, no can do~,” Rikka said mocking him as more than half of his body was a cute pink diaper. “Once the transformation begins there is no stopping it~. Though don’t worry, you’ll turn back after little Tia here uses you properly~


“No! No! Nooooooo!!!!!!” Dabi yelled as he was completely transformed into a cute black and blue flame diaper!

“W-what happened? I…I…no…” Tia was too scared to talk right now. She had thought that she had killed Dabi, but instead her quick was changed to make anyone she touched with her five fingers turn into a diaper that she had to wear. And they would only change back once they were used!

“That’s a good girl~,” Rikka said to her special little girl, while Himiko smirked at her former leader. “No, let’s expel all of those big kid thoughts and little properly as a baby~. Mommy knows best~.”

“Y-yes mommy…T-Tia is good girl~,” Tia said, unable to fight against her baby urges.


Tia messed her diaper removing all of her big girl thoughts. 

“That’s a good girl~,” Rikka said to her, already changing her into her new Dabi diaper.

“Aba-daba~! Hehehehe!!!!” Tia giggled and drooled like a little baby. Soon the ABDL villain Fluffy Touch will reign terror under the League Of Diapers, but for now, it was time for her nap~.




When do you think you'll have a 4th chapter out?