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*This is a fun ABDL story for Yugioh 5D's. It does not represent underage sexual content. If you are not a fan of ABDL stories then please do not read past this point. For those that do decide to read past this point, they understand that this is supposed to be a fun story and nothing more. All characters are 18 years old.*

“Carley, are you sure that this is the place?” Akiza asked as the two of them got off her Duel Runner.

“I’m certain of it,” Carly said, checking her phone. The anonymous tip that she received earlier that day told them that this was the address.

“Really? An abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere. Are you sure that the missing female duelists are here?” Akiza asked, not too certain about this. She knew that they should have told Yusei and Jack where they were going before coming here.

“It’s fine~,” Carly said to her, walking to a slightly open door attached to the warehouse. “When has my information been wrong b….before? Um, Akiza I think that you’re going to want to see this.

“What is  it empty?” Akiza asked her, following Carley who had just entered the warehouse. “Come on just tell…me? What the fuck?” Akiza said walking into what was basically a giant nursery.


The moment that the two of them entered the doors behind them shut, trapping them inside.

“Fufufufufu~. Finally, you two have arrived~,” a woman dressed like a sexy housewife said, walking out of the shadows toward them. “Mommy was getting worried that you got lost~.”

“Who the hell are you and where are the other duelists!?” Akiza yelled at the creepy woman.

“Now, now, naughty language like that will not be tolerated~. Though since I am a generous mommy I shall let you go with a warning~,” the woman said to them. “As for the others it s currently nap time, so you will have to wait until you can see your big sisters~.”

“Look here lady, I don’t know what kind of creepy shit that you’re into, but we’re here to free those girls! So let’s duel!” Akiza yelled, believing that if she beat the woman in a duel, she would be able to save the woman. Unfortunately for her, this was one of the few scenarios where dueling wouldn’t solve her problem.

“Dueling? Sorry, sweetie but mommy doesn’t play such a childish game~,” the woman said, insinuating that she was nothing more than a child. Though truth is told, she saw Akiza and Carly as less than children. She saw them as babies.

“Akiza I think that something is wrong with her,” Cary said to Akiza, creeped out by this lady’s smile.

“How rude young lady~,” the woman said sounding offended. “It would seem that you and your new sister are going to have to go through the extreme baby training procedure~.

“What the hell are you-”



“Kyaaa!!!” With a single press of a button, several metal arms came out of the ground, tearing off both Akiza’s and Carly’s clothes. They were stripped butt naked and removed of their duel disks as they fell to their knees, covering their fat tits.

“Fufufufu~, Now isn’t that much better~,” slowly walking towards them. “Those big girl clothes didn’t suit you at all~. Don’t worry, mommy promises that you will be placed in proper clothes very soon~.

“Stop! You won’t get away with this you bitch!” Akiza yelled as Carly was too scared to do anything right now.

“Tsk, tsk, for the last time I’m you’re mommy~,” she said injecting Akiza in the neck with a needle, causing her to black out. She then did the same to poor Carly, laughing to herself while looming over her new precious babies~. They were going to enjoy being her babies, she just knew it~.

“You love mommy. You love diapers~. You’re not a big girl~. You’re a little baby princess~. You love mommy. You love diapers~. You’re not a big girl~. You’re a little baby princess~. You love mommy. You love diapers~. You’re not a big girl~. You’re a little baby princess~.”

“Ugh, it hurts,” Akiza moaned, waking up several hours later. Her crotch hurt like hell and for some reason, she had to listen to this strange recording over and over. Though that was the least of her worries. Currently, she was trapped in a giant baby crib while wearing a cute pink baby princess dress, pink baby mittens, and baby booties. To make matters worse she was wearing a pink diaper that was visible for all to view and it was completely wet!

“Huh? Akiza? Where are you? “Carly asked in the same situation as Akiza was, though inside of pink she was wearing blue baby clothes, and her diaper was also soiled.

“Aww it looks like my two new princesses are finally awake~,” their new mommy happily said through a monitor that hovered over their cribs. Her voice echoed through their headphones.

“Mommy what…mommy…no your...mommy? Why are you mommy~?” Akiza asked unable to help herself from calling this woman mommy. It would seem that the first stage of their babification had already begun~.

“Aww such a good girl you are~,” her mommy said teasing her. “I’m so glad that you are so energetic after your surgery~.”

“Surgery?” Carly asked her mommy, confused by what she meant. Her mind was fuzzier than her sister Akiza’s so she didn’t understand what she was saying.

“Yes sweetie, surgery. You and your sister were very sick, but mommy made you two better~,” she said, treating them like the babies they were. “Thanks to mommy, all those naughty big kids' thoughts will be removed from your brains every time you use your diapies~. She places a small little fair(nanochip) in your heads to keep you safe~. And you no longer have to worry about being potty trained anymore, because with a simple cut, you two will never be continent ever again~.”

This meant that even if someone did come to take her babies from her they would never be able to turn back to who they once were. They were made to be her adorable babies and she knew just how to keep them like that~.

“Mommy! Let us go!” Akiza yelled, hating that she had to call this beautiful woman mommy.

“Sorry sweetie, but mommy can’t do that~,” she said to her. “Mommy doesn’t want to cause her babies any harm, but as long as you still have your big girl thoughts you will never be happy. Now please be a good girl and eat every last bite~.”

Before anything else could be said a feeding tube was forced into Akiza’s and Carly’s mouths as green baby food mush mixed with high-grade laxatives flowed down into their throats~.

“Mmmmppphhhh!!!!!” Akiza and Carly moaned as they were forced to all of the mush that was forced into their mouths.

“Good girls make mushies~. Good girls make mushies~. Good girls make mushies~. Good girls make mushies~. Good girls make mushies~. Good girls make mushies~. Good girls make mushies~. Good girls make mushies~. Good girls make mushies~. Good girls make mushies~.”

For the next serval hours, Akiza and Carly were forced to eat the baby mush, while listening to the same phrase over and over again. Every time they messed up their diapers more and more of their adult memories were taken away from them. By the time it was over they were nothing but adult babies.

“Hehehehe~!!! Mu-mu~!!!” Carly giggled messing herself again. That once hard-working reporter was now gone and replaced with this.

“Bu-Bu~!!! Hehehehehe~!!!” Akiza giggled, fully broken thanks to her mommy’s training~.

“Oh my~. What messy adorable babies we have here~,” their mommy came to them in person to see their progress. To her surprise, Akiza and Carly turned into complete babies faster than any other baby she had.

“Mommy~!!!” Akiza and Carly yelled out in joy, using the only word that they could remember how to use.

“Such good girls you are, now let's get you a bath and then changed so we can meet the others~. They’re going to love you~.”


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