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“Alexis your prince has come to ask you out on a date~!” Chazz yelled, running over to Alexis who was eating lunch outside with Jasmine and Mindy. This was Chazz’s 8th attempt to ask her out this week but now he had finally realized what he was doing wrong.

“Though since my princess is ever so shy I know now that the only way to convince you to go out on a date with me is by beating you in a duel~! I know that deep down that you want to run in my arms and whisper into my ears just how much you love me, but I know that you can’t because you have an image to uphold. Everyone sees you as a cool beauty, but I know your true calling~! You want to be a shining star~!  So, when I win not only will you agree to go on a date with me, but you shall also dress up like an idol~!”

“Oh Alexis, my dear princess you will look absolutely stunning~!” Chazz yelled out, getting lost in a fantasy where he and Alexi spent the day together doing all things that couples would do while she wore a cute idol dress. He could even order a few amusement rides to be built and maybe even a movie theater. There was nothing that he wouldn’t do to make her happy~!

“Ugh, not this shit again,” Alexis said cringing from seeing Chazz still chasing after her like a live sick puppy. Even Jasmine and Mindy wanted nothing to do with this guy. He may be a good duelist, but he was a creep. Women aren’t objects to be played with. He professed his love for Alexis, but if he truly loved her then he would have just accepted when Alexis rejected him the first time. It was pathetic that he was dragging this out. He was just too desperate to be even remotely attractive.

“Fine you want a duel then you got one,” Alexis said standing to face him. “But just so you know that when I win, you’re going to learn some perspective about women and you’re going to stop trying to make me your girlfriend. I’ve put up with your nonsense for far too long and I have had it.”

“Seeing the fire in your eyes, only makes me want you to become my girlfriend even more~!” Chazz yelled, still delusional about what Alexis was actually saying. “You’ll love being my girlfriend and then if time permits, my wife~. I can see it now the two of us and 5 kids~! Doesn’t it sound amazing~!?”

“It sounds like you need to be sent to a psych ward,” Alexis said to him, preparing her duel disk.

“Now, Let’s Duel!!!” The two of them yelled, starting the duel.

“…Oh my, what’s this a duel~?” the spirit of the Dark Magician Girl said to herself, seeing Chazz and Alexis’ duel unfold. “It looks quite fun~. And I do think I heard something about a bet earlier~. Perhaps I could help spice things up for whoever wins and whoever loses~.

Dark Magician Girl has seen many duels in Duel Academy before, but she had never seen one this desperate before. She could tell by a glance that Chazz was a stalker and even if he lost he still wouldn’t give up. Creeps like him needed to be punished. After several more turns in a very close duel, Chazz finally fell to the ground in defeat with tears rolling down his face.

“No, no, no!” Chazz yelled out in defiance. “That duel was just a test! Yeah, that’s right! I was going easy on you! Let’s go again!” Chazz yelled, still unable to admit defeat.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, creepy stalkers like him need to be taught a lesson,” Dark Magician Girl said to herself, looking down at Chazz. “Though what to do? It’s clear that he won’t stop until he makes her his girlfriend. And by the looks of it, he only cares about her looks rather than her personality. Ugh seriously I live in ancient Egypt and even the men with multiple wives were better than this.”

“…Wait I figured it out~! Fufufufu~. This will make sure that he finally stops trying to force her to be his girlfriend while at the same time giving him exactly what he wants~!” Dark Magician Girl yelled out, realizing what she had to do as she charged up her magic. “I hope you enjoy your new life~!” Dark Magician Girl yelled firing a pink beam of light straight at Chazz engulfing his body, to everyone’s surprise, causing him to fall onto his knees.

“Chazz!” Alexis yelled at him, sounding concerned for a split second.

“Chazz are you alright!?” Mindy yelled, wondering what the hell just happened.

“Pfft- Oh no Chazz!” Jasmine yelled, unable to hold herself back from laughing at first after seeing what happened to Chazz. To be honest she hoped that he was dead.

“W-what hap…my voice? Why do I hear…Alexis saying everything that…I’m saying?” Chazz asked himself, not understanding what was going on. His body felt strange as well, and his hair was longer…wait why wasn’t it black anymore. “Eeep!” All of a sudden Chazz felt a cold breeze against his legs causing him to shiver.

“G-guys I feel…weird,” Chazz said to the girls who were staring at him in shock right now. “I think that something is wrong.”

“Pfft!!! Hahahahahahahahahahaha~!!!!!!” Jasmine and Mindy started to laugh hysterically at him, while Alexis continued to stare at him in shock.

“W-what? What’s so funny?” Chazz asked, still feeling a bit strange knowing that whenever he talked so did Alexis. The girls continued to laugh at him while pointing at him. Curious about what was going on he looked down to see that his black coat and shirt had been replaced by a white and blue Obelisk uniform…wait something wasn’t right. Why did his chest look so big? …Wait was that a skirt! Chazz finally looked down long enough o see that he or rather she was now wearing the female Obelisk blue uniform. Though there was still one thing that she had failed to realize.

“N-no…who is this…am a girl~,” Chazz slowly said, looking back at the girls.

“Pfft~! Your not just a girl,” Mindy said to her.

“You’re practically identical now to the girl you’ve been stalking this entire time~!” Jasmine said, mocking her.

“It’s like you’re Alexis’ twin sister!!” the two girls said at the same time.

“No! I don’t believe you!” Chazz yelled at them. There was no way that this was real. This had to be some sort of bad dream. Chazz loved Alexis; he didn’t want to become her…right?

“As always you’re in denial,” Mindy said to him. “Here take a look for yourself,” she said opening up her makeup mirror and handing it to him.

“N-no way…I’m…I’m gorgeous~,” Chazz said checking herself out in the mirror, drooling over Alexis’ face which she now wore.

“Disgusting,” Alexis said back to her new twin. Unlike these three, Alexis was trying to process what happened and why Chazz was transformed into her identical twin. Though it would seem that currently, she didn’t have the time to think about it since now there was a pervert living inside of a body that looked identical to her own. On the brighter side of all this, Chazz would now stop pursuing her and get lost in being attracted to her own reflection.

“Girls take this perv away,” Alexis said walking right past the stunned Chazz as Mindy and Jasmine yanked her to her feet and forced her to walk all the way to the Obelisk Blue Girl Dorms.

“Fufufu~. Hopefully, now you can learn your lesson~,” Dark Magician Girl said to herself, watching the events transpire from above. She was interested in seeing how everything would unfold from here, so she continued to silently watch, following after them.

After some time the four of them finally reached the Girl's Dorms where Chazz was brought to Mindy’s room and thrown onto the ground. They would have gone to Alexis’ room, but they feared that Chazz would do something creepy once inside.

“Please you have to help me turn back to normal!” Chazz yelled at them. She wanted to love Alexis, not become her! “Please I’m sorry for how I acted before!”

“Pfft~! She even whines like Alexis~!” Mindy yelled, teasing Chazz.

“She’s like totes better like this now, way less arrogant now,” Jasmine said, teasing Chazz for her past behavior. “She’s way better off like this~.”

“What!? No! Please help me change back! I don’t think that I can live like this!” Chazz yelled, continuing to beg for their help, but none of them were going to help her. She was a stalker that was finally getting what she deserved.

“Why would you ever want to turn back~?” Alexis asked smugly to Chazz. “I thought that this is what you wanted, to possess me~. Be honest that’s all you ever loved, my body and now you possess that very body yourself~. Aren’t you thrilled that you are now my twin~? Go on give your breasts a feel I know that you want to~,” Alexis said, teasing her.

“No, I-”

“You what?” Alexis asked, interrupting Chazz as she spoke. “You’re sorry? You want to turn back? You don’t want this?” You want to be heard? Well, who cares what you think! For three whole years, you have relentlessly stalked me, constantly demanding that you love me and  that you wanted me to be your girlfriend!”

“You got exactly what you wanted, so I do hope that you are happy~,” Alexis said looking at her twin with a dark glare.

“No! I can’t accept this!” Chazz yelled, trying to run out of the room, but Jasmine and Mindy blocked her from leaving, grabbing her and forcing her to face Alexis. “No! let go of me! I have to change back to normal!  Bring me to Jaden, he can help me I just know that he can fix this!” Chazz pleaded, but no one cared. Why should they? She never bothered to listen to them so there was no reason for them to listen to her.


“Shut the fuck up,” Alexi said coldly to her twin. “I hate seeing you act like a fool while wearing my face. You need to learn what it means to be a woman before you can even consider changing back to normal.”

“That’s right you need to gain the female perspective first, before anything else~,” Mindy said, teasing her.

“Oh, I know the perfect activity to start with~!” Jasmine said, whispering her idea to Mindy and Alexis.

“…Well to have a clean mind one must first have a clean body~,” Alexis said looking over at Chazz, who wanted nothing more than to escape right now, fearing the worst. “Well, then ladies I do believe that it is time to show this bitch the first step of being a woman, hygiene~.”

“Of course~!!” Jasmine and Mindy said at the same time as the three of them time grabbed Chazz, dragging him deeper into the dorms to an unknown location.

“Please! I’m sorry! I’ll stop chasing Alexis! Please just let me go!” Chazz begged, but none of the girls would talk to her. None of them even talked to her. Every word that came out of her mouth was a lie. They couldn’t believe a word she said until they made sure that she was properly “reconditioned”.

“Get in there!” Alexis yelled shoving Chazz in front of the changing room for the girl's bath.

“N-no I can’t go in there. That’s for girls,” Chazz said trying to back away, but once again Jasmine and Mindy stop her, forcing her into the changing room. “Please I shouldn’t be in here I could get in major trouble!” Chazz pleaded as the three girls surround her.

“Hmph~! It would seem that you are even more delusional than before~,” Alexis said mocking her twin. “You are a girl so that means that you have to use the girl's baths~. Girls help me strip this bimbo down so when can show her who she actually is~.”

“Yes ma’am~!” Jasmine and Mindy said at the same time. They had always wanted to do this to Alexis but feared what she would do. They were so happy knowing that Chazz was like this because not only do they get to live out one of their fantasies they were even able to punish this pervert!

“N-no! Stop! What are you doing!? Give those back!” Chazz yelled as the three girls had no trouble at all stripping Chazz butt naked before forcing her to look at her naked body in the mirror.

“See look at that~,” Mindy said whispering in Chazz’s ear. “I don’t see anything down there, now do you~?”

“Nnnn~” Chazz let out a slight moan as Jasmine ran her finger across her chest.

“And so much more sensitive now, just like a girl~,” Jasmine said teasing her.


“Face it Chazz you’re no man and you never will be one ever again~,” Alexis said, smacking her ass before she and the other girls stripped down as well.

“Now aren’t they having fun~,” the Dark Magician Girl said, watching Alexis and the other girls dragged Chazz into the bath as they began to wash her against her will.

“Now first thing’s first you need to choose the proper conditioner before bathing~,” Alexis said bringing out several bottles of conditioner and shampoo. “As you can see, they are multiple different conditioners as well as different scent shampoos. Not all conditioners need to be used each day, and you must always change the shampoo you use daily. They are no use smelling the same each day now is there. Today I’m thinking strawberry-scented shampoo will be perfect~,” she said while Mindy and Jasmine held Chazz down while Alexis washed her hair.

“Now it’s time to bathe~,” Mindy said, dragging Chazz into the bath once Alexis was done with her hair. “As girls, we have many places that we need to clean, such as under our breasts~,” she said teasing Chazz while she ran her luffa underneath and between Chazz’s breasts.

“And don’t forget down there~,” Jasmine said, teasing Chazz as she began to rough clean her privates~.


A half-hour later the four girls emerged from the bath after helping Chazz clean every notch and cranny of her new body~. By the time Chazz was wiping herself down, she was a silent blushing mess.

“Hehehe~!!!” Seeing her blushing face the three girls couldn’t help but laugh at the former boy. They knew that they properly overdid it, but it was worth it to see this face~.

Once they finally left the baths, Chazz was once again led to Mindy’s room. It was the only place that she could be trusted.

“…Um…girls…why am I still…naked~?” Chazz asked, working up the courage to talk.

“Because we still need to change you into these~!” Mindy said, holding up a pair of cute fuzzy pajamas~. “Aren’t they just adorable~?”

“She going to look great in them~,” Jasmine said, sizing Chazz up.

“Of course she is~,” Alexis said to them. “They’re my spare pajamas of course she’s going to look great in them~. Now hurry up and put them on her while she’s distracted!” Alexis yelled as the three girls once again ganged up on Chazz and forced her to wear Alexis’ spare pajamas~.

“T-these are Alexis~,” Chazz said to herself with a creepy smile spread across her face.

“Hey!” Alexi s yelled snapping Chazz out of going into another perverted daydream. “Don’t you even think about doing anything weird in those pajamas! Mindy is going to be watching you like a hawk all night, so you best behave. And if you’re a good girl I’ll give you a surprise in the morning~.”

“A surprise~,” Chazz said losing herself in a daydream as a wave of exhaustion washed over her and before she knew it she was fast asleep on Mindy’s spare bed. She had hoped that all of this was nothing more than a bad dream and that she would soon wake up from it, but she was wrong. This was no dream, it was reality. Chazz ended up like this because this is what she deserved. And this was only the beginning of her punishment.

“Um is this how you do it~?” Chazz asked, trying to button her skirt.

“Not like that, like this!” Jasmine yelled at her. “She had shown this bimbo five times already how to put her skirt on, but she still wasn’t getting it! “What the hell! It took you 10 minutes to figure out how to put your bra on and now this!”

It was true. For the past half hour since Chazz woke up, the girls were busy trying to show this bimbo how to dress like a girl. They had barely managed to get her this far, but they were running out of time as classes were set to start in the next hour, and they still haven’t gotten to her makeup! They were going to be late for class because of her.

“Do I really have to wear this~?” Chazz asked, finally managing t get her to skirt firmly in place.

“Oh course you do,” Alexis said to her twin. “I had to pull a lot of strings last night when I called in to get you enrolled as my distance twin last night. Usually, you wouldn’t be able to be enrolled like this, but I made it work. You should be thanking me, sweetie, now you don’t have to miss any bit of school~.”

“I don’t care about school right now! I want to go back to being me again!” Chazz yelled whining like a spoiled bitch.

“Quiet your bitching and stay still,” Mindy said to her, helping the stupid bimbo get her top on. “You have to face the facts already. You’re a girl now and you’re never going to turn back to who you were before. Alexis granted you the blessing of being her sister, so you best shut the fuck up, smile, and look pretty, because every time you open that bimbo mouth of yours, I want to punch you in the face,” Mindy said without evening yelling, but Chazz was now too scared to even talk. Even Jasmine and Alexis were surprised by what they just heard. Mindy was always the bright and happy one of the groups, it was strange to see that there was a dark side to her like this.

“Now look at that, you now halfway look acceptable now~,” Mindy said to Chazz. “As a girl, you need to be able to get ready quite fast in the morning since the amount of prep work we have to do is exhausting. We skimmed a few things because you were slow, but now we have the chance to work on your makeup. Stay still~.”

“Y-yes ma’am~,” Chazz said back to her. She was too scared to disobey Mindy, afraid of what she would do.

After 40 minutes of sitting down without moving the girls finally finished Chazz’s makeup. It took a while and there could have been a feel places that they could have done a better job with, but due to lack of time, they made it work.

“Not bad at all girls~,” Alexis said complementing herself and her friends for doing a good job. “Go on Christine, say thankyou~.”

“C-Christine?” Chazz slowly asked, wondering who she was referring to too.

“That’s you! How the hell can you be this much of a bimbo when you look like me!?” Alexis yelled, furious with her twin. You can’t go around calling yourself Chazz when you look like me, Starting today you are my twin sister Christine Rhodes. You better get used to your new name on our way to class, because if you don’t then I will make sure to punish you~. Now let’s go!” she yelled as the three of them dragged Christine to class.

“Attention students I have two announcements today,” the teacher said to the class. “The first being the disappearance of the one you know as Chazz. The second is that we have a new student today~! Allow me to introduce Christine Rhodes~!” Christine stayed silent, but for some reason, she felt like the teacher didn’t really care about hers/Chazz’s disappearance compared to when they introduced her. It was probably just her imagination. She needed to focus and find Jaden. He could definitely help her get out of this mess.

“NO WAY!!!! Alexis has a twin sister~!!! She seems cuter than her sister though! Chazz!? Who gives a shit about that jerk when we have another idol entering the school!!” Holy shit she just looked at me!!” No, she looked at me!” In your dreams! She looked at me!!!” The class was in an uproar by Christine’s appearance and just like her teacher they cared more about her than they did Chazz.

“Alright Miss Rhodes you may go sit down next to your sister and the rest of the girls,” the teacher said to her, allowing her to walk to her sister as everyone in class stared at her.

“Wow, I can’t believe that there is practically another Alexis Rhodes at our school,” one Slifer student said.

“Dude it must suck to be Chazz right now,” a Ra student said.

“That guy had a major crush on Alexis. What do you think would happen if he saw the two of them together?” one Obelisk student asked.

“I don’t know, but either way it’s great that he isn’t here because now that means we all have a shot at Alexis and her cute twin~,” another Slifer student said, not realizing that Christine could hear everything that they were talking about.

She blushed, feeling the lustful gazes of the male student on her. She hated that so many people cared about the new her rather than the real her. Chazz mattered!

“Hehe~,” Alexis let out a small giggle seeing that her twin was so flustered right now. It was fun to see her try and block out the background noise and try focus on the class lecture when it clearly wasn’t working for her.

By the time class was over Chazz’s face was beat red from embarrassment. She could hear all the boys and even girls talk about her, calling her cute and shy. It became even worse that when class ended Alexis and the others left for the cafeteria without her, leaving her to be swarmed by the other students! It took her 5 whole minutes just to squeeze her way out before running away.

When she finally reached the cafeteria she was dying to get some food. She grabbed a couple of burgers, fries, and a soda from the cafeteria menu. She was going to eat well today. Though where to sit? She could see that there were many people staring at her. Word about Alexis having a twin must have spread through the entire school. There was nothing that she could do to avoid attention now.

“Christine there you are~!” Alexi said, grabbing her sister's attention as she, Mindy, and Jasmine walked over to her, with their lunches already in their hands. “Come eat…what the hell is that?” Alexis asked her twin seeing the junk food on her tray.

“It’s my lunch,” Christine said, not understanding what the big deal was.

“Throw that junk away right now~.” Jasmine said to her. “That belongs in the trash, not your stomach.

“What?” Christine asked, unable to think of anything to say to them. This was her lunch, why did it belong in the trash? She needed to eat to stay alive. Were they trying to kill her?

“Listen up you little bimbo,” Mindy said, instantly grabbing Christine’s attention as she was still scared of her. “Since you’re a girl now you have to watch what you eat. Our bodies accumulate fat a lot faster than males do. The more you eat the fatter you become, and I don’t think that you want that now do you~?”

“N-no ma’am,” Christine said, unable to disobey Mindy currently.

“Good, because there is no way in hell that I am going to stand aside and watch my twin pigging herself out on nothing but junk food,” Alexis said to her. She would not let her bimbo of a twin ruin her image. “Throw all of that out and go get yourself a salad and herbal tea, just like the rest of us. From now on you will only eat and drink what we tell you to. Understand?”

“Yes sister~,” Christine said, blushing even redder than she was before, dumping all of her perfectly good food into the trash. A small tear formed in the corner of her eye as she was robbed of the one simple pleasure that she thought she had. Doing as she was told she submissively got back in line and came out with a small cup of herbal tea, which was defiantly not enough, and a plain bowl of boring salad. She wasn’t even allowed to put any dressing on it. This sucked!

“Did you see how many boys were looking at Christine today~,” Mindy said to the other girls as they began to engage in their “girl talk” while Christine stayed silent, eating her plain salad, wishing that it was a burger.

“Like OMG~! How many boys do you bet will try and ask her out by the end of the day~?” Jasmine asked.

“It’ll probably be like 3-5,” Alexis said to them. “I had about 6 on our first day, so she should be able to get close to that or maybe even more. I’m pretty sure that they are many guys and girls that can’t wait to try their chances.”

“Pfft~!! Just imagine her face when they asked her out~,” Mindy said, letting out a small laugh. “It’s going to be so red~.”

“I bet that she already has a boy that she likes~,” Jasmine said, dragging Christine into their conversation. “I bet that it’s Jaden~. You like Jaden don’t you~?” she said teasing Christine.

"What!? No, I don’t!” Christine yelled, blushing from embarrassment from the mere thought of liking a guy.

“Kyaaa~!! She does like him~!”  Mindy said, making up her own answer, refusing to hear Christine’s answer. “We should totes go shopping for some cute dresses for you to wear when you ask him out! What kind of clothes do you like?”


“Come on Mindy she could easily use my clothes,” Alexis said, joining the fun of teasing her twin. “What we need to focus on is her makeup. She has a timid personality so I think just a tad bit of lip gloss, dark purple eyeshadow, and a bit of blush would look great on her.”

“OMG! She would look amazing~!” Jasmine yelled in excitement.

“Hehehe~. Buckle up Christine-chan, because we can talk like this for hours~,” Alexis said, teasing Christine who was obviously getting overwhelmed by their girl talk.


Luckily for Christine, Alexis was just kidding and after they all ate their lunch they headed over to the practice duel arena. Finally, something she could do that she enjoyed.

“Alexis, where’s my deck?” Christine asked confidently. Knowing that she was able to duel filled her with hope. There was no way that anyone could ruin this for her. Or at least that was what she thought. Unfortunately, things don’t always go the way that you would expect them to.

“Huh? Your deck? Oh, I threw that thing out,” Alexis said back to her twin without even batting an eye.

“You what!?” Christine yelled in frustration. How could she do this to her!?

“Christine there is no way that I would ever let my sister use a deck filled with those gross Ojamas, bulky machines, and stupid-looking dragons,” Alexis said to her. “You need a more elegant deck to showcase your new beauty. Here I made this for you last night,” she said handing Christine a new deck. “It’s a Cyber Angel deck, just like min~. Aren’t you happy~? You’re becoming more like me every second~. I bet you love that don’t you? That sick stalker inside of you must be crying tears of joy~,” she said teasing. “Oh, and I do hope that my dear bimbo sister is a quick learner or else you’ll just be another 3rd rate duelist~.”

Alexis and Christine both knew that there was no way for her to learn how to use this deck so soon. She needed time to prepare and figure out what combo’s to use, but she wasn’t given that chance. All Christine could do was stare back at Alexis in disbelief.

Though this was only the start of Christine’s torment. She was now forced to use a deck that she didn’t know how to use. It goes without saying that duel practice was a disaster for her. She lost every single one of her duels because she didn’t know what she was doing.

“Hahahaha~!!! What a bimbo!!” Many of the students laughed at her, calling her a bimbo for not understanding how to use her deck.

“I’m sorry everyone that my sister is such a bimbo,” Alexis said, apologizing to everyone, mocking Christine in the process. “She’s such a bimbo that she forgets what her cards do every time she duels~.”

“Shut up! I’m not a bimbo!” Christine yelled out, but when she did she lost her balance, falling face-first into the ground, showing her pure white panties to everyone there.

“Oh my are you alright~?” Alexis asked her sister with a sinister smirk across her face as she help her up. “I don’t think that you have to put yourself face down to duel, or did perhaps I miss a class~,” Alexis said mocking her clumsiness. “I sort everyone my sister is such a bimbo that she just forfeited right before she was going to win~. It looks like she won’t be dueling anymore for a while. Isn’t that right Christine~?”

“Y-yes b-big sister,” Christine meekly said to her, handing Alexis her deck and duel disk. Her face was bright red from showing her panties to the entire class but also being forced to stop dueling.

“Very good~,” Alexis said, patting her bimbo sister on her head, making Christine feel even more humiliated than she was before. “I see now that it’s too early for you to be dueling. Just sit back and relax while big sister shows you how it’s done~,” she said forcing Christine to watch her duel for the rest of the class, humiliating her even further.

When the class was finally over, everyone left, leaving Christine alone who was too humiliated to even move.

How could this happen to Christine…no, Chazz. He wasn’t some meek little girl that did as he was told. He was a strong and powerful duelist. He couldn’t believe that Alexis and her friends made him believe that he was nothing in just a single day. This had to end because Chazz has had enough. He was going to prove to them that he wasn’t their toy the only way that he knew how was a duel. All he needed to do was challenge Alexis to another duel and win. If he does he may figure out why he was turned into Alexis’ twin sister and even turn back to normal. It was time to set things right!

“Alexis stop right there!” Chazz yelled with his regained vigor, running over to Alexis, Mindy, and Jasmine who had just left the school. “I challenge you to a duel!”

“Pfft!!! Hahahahaha~!!!” Mindy and Jasmine started laughing at Chazz for even thinking that he could beat her. They already saw what happened the first time and that was with his own deck. What threat did he pose with a deck that he didn’t even know how to use?

“Christine there is no way that your bimbo self can beat me~,” Alexis said to her. “Just give up already and come with us. We’re going shopping for new bras. You’re going to need some of your own~. We can’t let you use mine forever~.”

“My name’s not Christine! It’s Chazz!” Chazz yelled at her, refusing to back down.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, and here I thought that you may have started to learn something about being a woman today,” Alexis said to her foolish bimbo sister. “You’re name is Christine whether you like it or not. Though out of consideration for my dear foolish sister, I shall accept your request for a duel. If you somehow manage to win against me then I will do everything that I can to help you turn back to normal. Though if you lose again you’ll face much worse punishment. I don’t know how you changed, but it would seem that whatever changed you, did so to teach you a lesson, but it would seem that you’re not even trying to learn it.”

“Pfft~!!! Make her cosplay as one of your girly monsters~!!” Mindy shouted over to her, as Alexis and Chazz prepared for the duel.

“That would be hilarious~!” Jasmine yelled over to her. “Make her cosplay as Cyber Tutu~!”

“Hmm, Cyber Tutu~. Not a bad idea~,” Dark Magician Girl said to herself, watching everything unfold.

“I…I won’t lose!” Chazz yelled at them, feeling slightly nervous after hearing that if he lost he would have to cosplay as a girly monster. No that was loser talk! He was a winner! He would win this duel and this deck that he barely understood wasn’t going to stop him!

-5 Minutes Later-

“What’s wrong Christine, having trouble~?” Alexis asked Chazz, still referring to her as Christine because to her and everyone else, she was better off this way. Alexis needed to show her that there was nothing that she could do to escape her fate.

“I’m fine!” Chris-Chazz said, flustered that she didn’t have any idea how to make any of the weak monsters in her hand work or when was the right time to fusion or ritual summon with them. She found herself defaulting back into the bimbo Christine that Alexis and the other made her be, losing her confidence as the duel went on.

“Are you sure, because it’s the first turn and you haven’t even placed down a monster yet~,” Alexis said teasing her. You’re such an airhead~!” she said mocking her bimbo twin. “I showed you multiple ways to use that deck not too long ago, but it would seem that you weren’t paying attention at all~.”

“She must have been too busy thinking about boys~!” Jasmine yelled out teasing her.

“It must have been about Jaden~,” Mindy said, taunting her. “You like him don’t you~? We see the way that you two lock eyes at time~.”

“N-no! It’s not true!” Christine yelled placing one card and ending her turn. She was too flustered right now to even think. She didn’t even put a monster on the field. It didn’t take long for Alexis to use her first turn to utterly destroy her bimbo sister.

“And that’s game~!” Alexis yelled out triumphantly.

“No! That’s not fair~!” Christine yelled like a spoiled child. “You distracted me! You cheated! I want a rematch! I want a rematch!” Christine yelled over and over, proving that she was nothing more than a spoiled bimbo that still hadn’t learned her lesson.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, and here I gave you a chance to lessen your lesson about being respectful to women,” Dark Magician Girl said, witnessing everything that was happening. “Who would have thought that after a single day of being a woman you would start acting like a spoiled bimbo brat? It would seem that my first punishment for you was too light. Types like you only deserve the worst of the worst punishments and I think I know just what it will be~,” she said remembering what Jasmine said earlier before the duel began.

Smirking at the thought of Christine’s new punishment, Dark Magician Girl charged up her magic and this time aimed it directly at Alexis’ deck, causing pure white light to explode from it, making everyone stare in shock as a singular card took itself out of Alexis’ deck!

Christine couldn’t see what it was but Alexis and the others could. It was Cyber Tutu, and without warning, it summoned itself to the field. Though she was no hologram. She was real! Before anyone could say anything or react Cyber Tutu elegantly posed with a pirouette before rapidly dashing straight toward Christine!

Before Christine could do anything Cyber Tutu grabbed her and began to drag her back to the glowing card, as it tried to suck the both of them in.

“What are you doing!? Let go of me!” Christine yelled, trying to break free from Cyber Tutu, but she was stronger than she looked. “I don’t want this! Alexis! Big sister, please help me!” Christine yelled out the closer they got to the card. Christine realized what was going to happen and she had to try to escape.

“Please! I’ll be good! I’ll stay as Christine Rhodes the bimbo duelist for the rest of my life! Don’t do this to me! Big Sister please!” Christine yelled out, tears flowing out of her eyes as her legs were already sucked into the card. Despite her pleas, Alexis and the others were too shocked to even move. They did know what was going on and didn’t know if they could help, that is to say, even if they wanted to help.

“Big sis-” Christine was completely sucked into the card which shortly after stopped glowing, falling to the ground.

After a few seconds, the three of them realized that whatever force had turned Chazz into Alexis’ twin had also been the one to trap Chazz inside Alexis’ Cyber Tutu card.

“Ugh, goddammit,” Alexis said, picking up her card and placing it back in her deck. “Now I have to make another call explaining why Christine decided to quit and go home after her first day. Ugh this sucks~,” she said complaining to herself and she started to make her call.

“Well that sucks ~,” Mindy said pouting. “We finally had a bimbo Alexis clone to fool around with and we lost her on the first day. I really wanted to see her expression when we made her choose between a sexy black thong or cute and fuzzy Kuriboh panties. It was going to be great~.”

“Huh, I wonder what’s happening I that card?” Jasmine asked. “Is Christine sleeping in there or is she forced to go through an even worse punished?”

“Who knows,” Mindy said back to her, realizing that this was for the best, Chazz or Christine it didn’t matter that they were both gone as they didn’t really matter now did they? Chazz was a creepy stalker whom most girls wanted dead, and Christine was a bimbo duelist. There was no way that she was going to make it in Duel Academy. Let’s get going, there’s no use worrying about this anymore.”

“Your right~,” Jasmine said back to her, realizing that they would probably never see Christine ever again, so it didn’t really matter.

Little did they know that Christine would return one day, just not in the way that they know her~.

“Ugh, what the heck happened?” Christine asked rubbing her head as she finally regained consciousness. “Wait…yes! I’m back!” Chazz yelled seeing that his body and clothes were back to normal. “Finally the nightmare is over!” He yelled jumping to his feet. “Now I can finally get back to showing Alexis that I am the man of her dreams. I will win her love this time!”

“Sigh, you see what I mean, completely delusional. He didn’t learn anything from his first punishment. This is why a more severe punishment is needed.”

Chazz looked over again and saw that the one he heard talking was a woman that was dressed like Dark Magician Girl and there was even a woman that was dressed up as Cyber Tutu.

“You’re right,” the one dressed as Cyber Tutu said back to the Dark Magician girl. These two women weren’t cosplayers, but actual duel spirits for their respective cards.

“Hey I don’t know who you chicks are, but I have to get back to my beloved, she is eagerly awaiting my return to her side,” Chazz said, walking over to them.

“I’m sorry, but you’re not going anywhere,” Dark Magician Girl said to him. “You can’t escape the punishment that you rightly deserve.”

“Look I don’t know what kind of role play you chicks are into, dressing up like duel monsters, but I’m not going to be a part of it,” Chazz said, still unaware of the truth that was right before him. “So, if you could show me the way out so I can go home that would be great.”

“Cosplay? Go Home? It’s clear to me that you are much more delusional than I had originally thought,” Dark Magician Girl said to him. “Look down at your legs and tell me what you see,” she said, annoyed that he was such an idiot.

“What do you…what the hell!? What happened to my body!?” Chazz yelled, finally noticing to his surprise that not only was he transparent, but he was also floating off the ground just like the two girls in front of him.

“You see. You’re a duel spirit now,” Cyber Tutu said to him. “Ss are we, and currently we are in the spirit realm.”

“No, this can’t be real, this has to be some sort of joke!” Chazz yelled, unable to keep himself calm.

“It looks like we’re not going to make much progress here,” Dark Magician Girl said to Cyber Tutu. “It would probably be for the best if you just take him to his “new home”. It looks as if he will be a tough one to crack.”

“Fufufufu~, Don’t underestimate me Dark Magician Girl,” Cyber Tutu said back to her. “I have been waiting for so long to have a student of my own~. In fact, I think that it would be best if we start with their “training” right now~.”

“What the hell are you two talking about!?” Chazz yelled at them, confused by what was going on and if he could trust their words. There was no way that he was in the spirit realm. This all had to be a trick of sorts. “I demand that you tell me the truth!”

“Hmm, no, this is all wrong,” Cyber Tutu said, ignoring Chazz’s demands. “Your body is terrible, definitely not worthy to be my student. If you’re going to be my student, there are a few changes that we need to make~.”

“What are you-wahhhh”


Without warning Cyber Tutu flipped Chazz’s floating body around, forcing him to stick his ass out into the air in front of her before starting to spank Chazz. His ass began to swell up with each smack she gave him as a tightly wrapped pink leotard began to encase his entire body below his neck, Unable to move thanks to Dark Magician Girl and Cyber Tutu, Chazz watched in horror as a familiar transparent tutu appeared over his ever-growing fat ass.

It wasn’t long after his new ballerina leotard encased his body, wrapping him in a pink aura. A visor appeared over his face as his hair was transformed to match the same look and color of Cyber Tutu’s. He started to feel dizzy as a pair of B-cup breasts grew on his chest and within seconds his body became more feminine and to his or rather her horror, her manhood was taken from her yet aga. The visor began to hypnotize her, making sure that her bimbo brain could understand that she was the student and Cyber Tutu was her master~. Currently, Chazz was mindless stumbling around, unable to do anything as Cyber Tutu took her back to her new “home” where she would begin her ballet training. Dark Magician Girl and Cyber Tutui laughed, knowing that Chazz would never turn back, this was her life now and there was nothing that she could do to change it~.


A full week had passed since Chazz/Christine was absorbed into Alexis’ Cyber Tutu card and for the first time since then, she had finally drawn it. She knew that if she played this card it could help her a lot since she could attack directly with it. So without any hesitation, Alexis summoned Cyber Tutu, but then something odd happened with the hologram.


Her Cyber Tutu card started to glow and then with a loud poof Cyber Tutu appeared on her knees while rubbing her fat ass. Alexis had never seen the hologram do this before, was this some sort of glitch?

“Stupid bitch master always spanking me no matter what I do~,” Cyber Tutu complained to herself not yet realizing that she had been summoned yet. “I did exactly what she wanted me to, but she says that I was at the wrong angle, what a bitch! What did I ever do to deserve this shitting life? Stuck doing ballet training with a duel monster spirit as my instructor and master for all eternity. And she never stops speaking to me even when I do something right!”

“C-Chazz? Is that you?” Alexis asked her Cyber Tutu, realizing that something was strange about her. Only Alexis could hear Cyber Tutu talk so her opponent just thought that this was a method of psyching the out.

“Alexis!” Cyber Tutu yelled back at her, realizing that she was back in the real world again. “Alexis please you have to help me! I’ve been trapped in your Cyber Tutu card this entire time! I’ve been forced into a ballerina hell where I am constantly forced to train and wear frilly ballerina dresses! Please you have to help me! I don’t deserve this!”

“…Pfft~!” At first, realizing that her Cyber Tutu monster was her former stalker Chazz Alexis was taken aback. She didn’t realize that something like this was possible. Though when her mind calmed down, she couldn’t help but laugh. “And why the hell would I help you~?” Alexis asked her foolish bimbo ballerina. “You stalked me for years and when you had the opportunity to be my lovely bimbo sister you turned it down within a day. Your own choices led you to this and I find it hilarious, now be a good little bimbo ballerina and attack my opponent directly~.”

“…” All of a sudden Cyber Tutu’s mind went blank as Alexis’ command echoed in her mind. She ceased to cry about her current situation and focused on obeying. As a duel monster, she had to obey every order that she was given by her duelist. There were no exceptions. Without question Cyber Tutu did a rapid ballerina spin, mercilessly drilling into Alexis’ opponent, which she learned to perfection in her “training” allowing Alexis to win the duel.

“…Huh? What happened?” Cyber Tutu asked Alexis, regaining her senses once her attack was over and she was sent back to her side of the dueling field, floating above the ground.

“Good job Cyber Tutu~,” Alexis said, mocking Chazz for her new look.

“Alexis please, you have to help me!” Cyber Tutu begged her. “I don’t want to be a duel monster, especially not a frilly girly one like this. Please! This skintight leotard is digging into my crotch and fat ass. Master says that it’s not big enough yet, but it jiggles every time I move! Please I can’t live like this!”

“Sorry but the duel’s over, we’ll have to continue this conversation next time I summon you~,” Alexis smugly said to Cyber Tutu. “Goodbye and good luck with your training~.”

“No! Don’t send me back to that Ballerina hell!” Cyber Tutu yelled, but it was already to late. Before she knew it, she was once again standing in front of her master, the original Cyber Tutu.

“You stupid bimbo!” her master yelled at her. “How dare you talk to your duelist like that! I taught you better! Start spinning around on your toes and flexing that fat ass of yours right now!”

“Y-yes master~,” Cyber Tutu reluctantly said back to her master as she did what she was told. She knew that if she disobeyed, she would just be spanked again, and she didn’t want her fat ass to get even fatter.

“Fufufu~. Until next time~,” Alexis said, smugly smiling at her Cyber Tutu card knowing that her annoying stalker was now on her leash, and she never planned on letting her go~.


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