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*Warning this story has NSFW content. This takes place when all U.A. Students Enter College. All characters are 18+, legal age for this story and after the transformation, they are not related by blood. They just look the same. If you are not into reading NSFW stories please do not read this story. If you read past this point you are agreeing to find no fault in the story. This is to make sure that the warning is understood. Continue further only if you are certain that you will enjoy NSFW content and understand that this is not underaged sexual content.*


“Bwahahahahahaha!!! See you later losers!” a bank robber yelled the doors to the bank exploded wide open.

“Stop right there!” Mirko yelled at the robber ready to take him down.

“God dammit! Why the fuck can’t you stupid fucking heroes leave me the fuck alone!” The robber yelled at her pulling out a gun!


The robber shot at Mirko several times with no success. With her quirk, she was easily able to avoid all of the bullets.

“God dammit!!!!” The robber yelled throwing the gun right at her, which actually surprising to her, giving the robber the chance to run. Mirko didn’t worry as she knew that he couldn’t escape.

“Smash!!!” Deku yelled smashing the ground apart right in front of the robber. “Mirko I saw everything! I’m here to help!” Deku yelled over to her.

“I don’t need your help!” Mirko yelled, stopping the robber from running the other way. “I could have done this by myself!” she said as they both started to surround the robber, giving him nowhere else to run.

“Now drop the money and put your hands behind your head before this gets ugly,” Mirko said to the robber, who did as he was told. Though as he did, Mirko and Deku were both unaware of the smirk forming on his face.

“Fufufufu~. It looks like I’m going to get an added bonus~,” the robber said to himself, pressing a hidden button on his outfit, activating a bomb!


All of a sudden a pink gas started to fill the area around him. The bomb he used was a gas bomb created by his quirk. Little did Mirko and Deku know that his quirk allowed him to create perverted devices almost out of everything. This one was quite special as the moment that the gas is inhaled it started to affect their mental states. This robbery was nothing more than a big plan to get Mirko to become his horny bunny girl wife, but now after seeing Deku, he decided to change his plans~.

“Ack-ack!!” Mirko coughed as she and Deku inhaled the gas.

“Mirko are you alright!?” Deku yelled over to her.

“Shut up and pay attention to the robber!” Mirko yelled at him, seeing that he was getting distracted.

“Tsk, tsk, Deku you should listen to Mirko~,” The robber said to him. “And Mirko you should make sure that Deku is trained to be your proper protégé sidekick. He needs to be just like you don’t you think~. Don’t worry Deku, I know that you’ll just love it and even if you try to resist you can’t. You’ll be mentally aware of the whole process as you are transformed into Mirko’s perfect sidekick~.”

As the robber filled their minds with his orders the pink gas seeped into Deku’s skin which would assist in his physical transformation later on.

“I can’t wait to see how you turn out~,” he said pressing another button, this time actually activating a smoke grenade. “Hahahahahaha~!!!!” he maniacally laughed as he ran away with the stolen money~.

“Mirko we have to catch him!” Deku yelled at him, looking over at Mirko whose eyes looked slightly glossed over right now. “Mirko what ar-wahhh! Mirko what are you doing!?” Deku yelled as Mirko effortlessly picked up Deku in a princess carry!

“Quiet!” Mirko yelled at him almost as if she was yelling at a disobedient child. “You have a lot of nerve to talk to me in such a manner after what happened today! You need a serious change if you ever want to be my sidekick!”

“…I-I’m sorry…Pl-please t-turn me into your … your sidekick” Deku wanted to voice his refusal, but for some reason, he found himself meekly agreeing with Mirko. This put a grin on her face as without another word dashed straight back to her place carrying a scared and flustered Deku!

“Finally we’re here~!” Mirko yelled as they arrived at her place. Once inside she threw Deku onto her couch. “Now, take off your clothes!”

“Y-y-yes m-ma’am…” Deku once again meekly agreed to Mirko’s demands unable to say no to her even though the voice inside of his head was screaming for him not to.

“All the way!” Mirko yelled seeing that he still was wearing his All-Might-themed boxers.

"D-do I have to ~?” Deku said, trying his hardest to resist, but one glare from Mirko gave him the answer to his question. Without any resistance, he finished stripping down before her, his face bright red from embarrassment.

“Put this on!” she yelled tossing him a spare of her white/yellow leotard hero outfit.

“Y-y-yes…” Deku could only meekly say yes before trying his best, fumbling to put it on. After a few minutes, Mirko lost her patience with him.

“How stupid can you be!?” she yelled grabbing the leotard out of his hands. “It looks like I have to show you how to do everything!” she yelled pulling the leotard straight up on him, “helping” him get it on. All at the same time crushing his manhood and giving him a severe wedgie that dug so far up his pathetic excuse for an ass that Mirko could only see his butt cheeks!


“Hmm, this definitely isn’t enough,” Mirko said after spanking his ass a couple of times. “If you have any intention of seriously becoming my sidekick then you’ll definitely have to build up your lower body muscles a lot more. It’s pathetic that your ass slightly jiggled every time I smacked it. It needs to be firm like this!" Mirko yelled mocking him as she turned around to flaunt her perfect ass at him.

“Ugh, you look like shit wearing my hero uniform,” Mirko said to him. You’re whole lower body is pathetic. For someone that wants to be my sidekick your lower body gains take priority, understand?”

“Y-yes… yes ma’am~,” Deku said meekly, trying to get rid of his wedgie while fidgeting with his crotch, but to his dismay, the leotard wouldn’t budge. Mirko pulled it up so much that it was stuck like that.


“Good, I like those that understand, and do as they are told~,” Mirko said, smacking Deku’s ass again. “Now I want you to run around the entire city without using any quirks. The true making of a hero is not through their quirks, but the symbol that they represent to the people!”

“Y-yes ma’am,” Deku meekly agreed with her, wondering when this nightmare would end.

“And to make sure that you are dedicated to your “training” I will give your pathetic excuse for an ass a hard spanking each time you slow down or fall behind! Oh and don’t think that your hero uniform will do anything to protect you as from this day forth that leotard is your uniform!”

“W-what?” Deku asked, his true voice slipping out just for a second.

“What the fuck did you just say!?” Mirko yelled at him, sitting on the couch before pulling him over her knee.


“Do you not like your new uniform!? Do you think that it’s not good enough for you!?”


“Answer me you pathetic excuse for a hero!” Mirko yelled at him, continuing to spank Deku for his disobedience several more times.

“I-I-I love my…sniff… new uniform…I want to…sniff…wear it every day~,” Deku said, tears rolling down his eyes, as his weak and submissive personality took over again. All Deku could do was embarrassingly accept his fate and become Mirko’s sidekick.

“Good girl~,” Mirko said, treating Deku like a small and weak girl now because in her eyes that was what he was. “Before our run, we need to get properly warmed up. To do this you need to do 300 reps of “bunny squats” right next to me.

“B-bunny squats?” Deku meekly asked her, unable to even comment on how she referred to him as a girl mere seconds ago.

“Yes, bunny squats!” Mirko yelled at him, getting off the couch and standing in front of him.” “A normal squat is something that you should already know so I’m not even going to waste my time explaining it to you. As for a bunny squat, it starts off as a normal squat, while making sure to flex your legs and butt a lot before hopping up into the air and landing into exact same position that you started in.”

“I-is that p-possible~?” Deku meekly asked her back, thinking that it was impossible for someone like him to even try.

“You saw me do it, so you can do it,” Mirko said, not going to take no for an answer.

“A-alright~,” Deku said as he began to do it, but his first attempt was a failure.

“You stupid bitch! How dare you fool around like this! Do you think that this is a game!?” Mirko yelled at Deku, refusing to let him slack off!


“Dom it right this time!” Mirko yelled.

Every time Deku messed up or fell behind with the reps not only would spank him as punishment she would also make him restart the count of the bunny squats. By the time that he was done several hours had passed and his ass and legs were in serious pain. It even felt worse than when he trained with All Might. His legs felt like jelly and he could barely stand.

“Fufufufu~. It would seem that you really do have what it takes to be my sidekick. “I bet you can already feel that flabby ass of yours getting much firmer~,” she said teasing him as she started to grind her thicc firm ass on his groin. “Fufufufu~. One day you’ll even have thicc legs and an ass just like me~,” she said mocking him, knowing his fate.

“Y-yes I…I would love that…” Deku wanted to reject Mirko’s teasing that he would eventually have a lower body like hers, but he was unable to do anything but agree with everything that she said. She was the hero and he was the sidekick. He needed to learn and absorb everything she taught him whether he liked it or not~.

“Great~! Now let’s go on that run~!” Mirko yelled dragging him away for the most humiliating moment in his entire life, being seen wearing Mirko’s used leotard!

Six whole months had passed since Deku was forced to become Mirko’s sidekick and he felt absolutely dreadful. Thanks to Mirko’s so-called “bunny training plan” his ass, hips, thighs, and legs were constantly in pain. Burning from all the constant exercising. He had desperately wanted to stop after the first week, but his body wouldn’t allow him. He even found himself constantly agreeing to what she had to say.

In addition to all of this Deku hadn’t gone home once during these six months. Mirko had informed Deku that she already contacted his mother and the school telling them that Deku wanted to have a more personal one-on-one mentorship with her and they agreed, without question.

He desperately wanted to leave and go back to U.A. but Mirko never allowed it. Anytime that he brought it up she would give him a great big wedgie and spank him until he was saying thank you for allowing him to train with her. He was completely her bitch and they both knew it. After six whole months of this kind of treatment Deku reluctantly developed a taste for getting punished~.

Currently, Deku was standing in front of the mirror in Mirko’s bathroom. Mirko’s leotard felt extra tight on him. Over this past half year, Deku’s body had started to change. Not only has his lower body almost matched Mirko’s with an ass almost as thick and firm as hers but his hair was slowly turning white. Originally he thought that this was because if stress, but he soon thought otherwise when his skin slowly started to turn tan.

Little did Deku know that this was all a part of Mirko’s plan to make him just like her, turning him into the perfect sidekick~.


“Fufufu~. It seems that someone can’t stop checking out their gains~,” Mirko said, entering the bathroom, and spanking Deku’s ass with a firm slap before stripping down butt naked and turning on the shower. “Don’t get too lost in thought, you’re close, but not there yet~,
Mirko said, teasing him, before entering the shower. She loved that her “training program was going so well. Soon Deku would be perfect~.

After Mirko finished her shower, she forced him to sit down before bringing out a large tub of carrot paste.

“You know the drill, open up,” Mirko said to Deku before taking a giant scoop of the carrot paste out of the tub and holding it up in front of Deku’s mouth.

Deku reluctantly opened up and allowed Mirko to force-feed him the slimy and disgusting-tasting pastes as if he was her baby sister. He hated to so much that he wanted to spit it out, but if he did Mirko would punish him. He cried over and over inside his head for her to stop while his body eagerly submitted to Mirko’s demands.

“They're all don- you little bitch!” Mirko yelled at Deku after giving him his last spoonful, seeing that he accidentally spit up a tiny bit onto his leotard. She had thought that he had moved passed spitting out his food like a baby, but it would seem that she was wrong.


“You little brat! How dare you spit out your food when you know that it is good for you!” Mirko yelled at him, spanking him over and over again.


“Perhaps I should allow you to be my baby girl instead!” she yelled continuing to spank.

“N-no! I-I want to be your sidekick!” Deku yelled tears running down his face. He had to be her sidekick, he just had to! He didn’t know why had was pleading so much to be her sidekick, but there was no way that he could be her baby!


“Then are you going to eat all your carrot paste this time without resisting!?” Mirko yelled at him.

“Y-yes!!!” Deku yelled.

“Good~!” Mirko happily said as she stopped spanking Deku, and sat him down on his beat-red ass before pulling out another giant tub of carrot paste for him to eat. “This will help you grow up to be big and strong, just like me. So remember to eat it all~.”

“Y-yes ma’am…” Deku submissively ate the disgusting carrot paste as his inner self wallowed in despair.

One more month had passed and Deku’s transformation was going smoothly all thanks to Mirko’s dedication and the help of the mysterious pink gas’s influence on his body.

“Um Mirko I…I don’t feel too good~.” Deku had been feeling weird ever since he woke up this morning. There was this slight pain in his chest and he didn’t know what was causing it.

“What is it now…yes~! They’re finally coming in~!” Mirko yelled, grabbing Deku’s chest without warning and started groping it.

“Ahhh~!!” Deku let out a slight moan from how sensitive his chest was now.

“Just look at you, finally growing a pair of breasts~,” she said, teasing him as she continue to group his small A-cup breasts. “And look at this, your hair is now completely white and your skin tone is exactly like mine now~! You only changed slowly for the first six months that I thought this would take forever, but I’m glad I was wrong.”

“M-Mirko my…my head feels strange too~,” Deku said, feeling something growing out of his head.

“Those would be your new bunny ear growing in~. And look, even your new bunny tail came out cute~,” she said teasing him.


“I don’t think mine was ever that fluffy~,” she said as she spanked his thicc firm ass in satisfaction. All of her hard work was finally paying off. Thanks to her Deku’s muscles had become more defined, especially in his lower body, only slightly less defined than Mirko’s. Though there was one more thing that had changed thanks to Mirko’s hard work.

“Ahhh~!!” Deku moaned as she grabbed his tiny dick, noticing that that bulge in his leotard had been becoming smaller and smaller with each passing day. For a grown man like Deku who just turned 18 a week ago this was pathetic. Though in all due honesty, Deku was much older now, thanks to Mirko and the mysterious pink gas. He was no closer to Miro’s age.

“That’s right moan like the bitch you are~,” Mirko said, mocking the excuse of a man before her. He deserved to be a woman and soon he would be one~. “Now, let’s get back to training.”

-2 Weeks Later-

“No…it can’t be~,” Deku said to him or rather herself, hearing Mirko’s voice echo in her ears as she talked. “Ugh, they’re so soft, yet firm~,” Deku said, groping her chest as she stared at herself in the mirror. In the last two weeks, her breasts grew bigger, her bunny ears fully grew in and he manhood was taken from her. Now all that she could see when she looked into the mirror was Mirko’s muscular feminine frame whose breasts were tightly wrapped in a leotard that was obviously two sizes too small.


“Fufufufu~. I can see that someone is having fun~,” Mirko said smacking Deku’s ass. “And it looks that pesky little manhood of yours is finally gone~,” she said teasing him.

“Ahhh~!!” Deku let out a small moan as Mirko poked her new womanhood covered by her tight leotard.

“You finally have a body that is worthy of being my sidekick,” Mirko said complimenting her. “Though don’t let that go to your head. You’re barely qualified to be my sidekick. In order for you to go out on duty you need to train your quirk the right way~.”

“Y-yes ma’am,” Deku submissively said to her, knowing deep down that there was no going back now. This was her fate since that fateful day almost 8 months ago. Even if she still tried to fight this there was no point.

“Good. You are going to be practicing flexing your thighs with me. As we all know my leg power is the cornerstone of my quirk and that is all the power you’ll ever need if you are going to be my sidekick. Thanks to my “training” the scars on your arm are gone but don’t even think that it’s a good idea to be as reckless as you were in school. With each flex of our thighs, you will slowly lose that pathetic quirk of yours and finally gain a real one. One that will actually let you be a hero~!”

“….” Deku was stunned by what she just heard. Mirko knew that without One For All, Deku could never outshine her, though Deku didn’t want to give up her quirk. She had worked hard to get this quirk and didn’t feel right losing it.

“Come on, flex!!!” Mirko yelled at Deku.

“Y-yes ma’am,” Deku said as she started to flex her thighs in sync with Mirko without question. Tears rolled down her face as with each flex she started to forget about her old quirk, and it wasn’t long before her mind started to believe that she had always had the exact same bunny quirk as Mirko. She now believed that she was getting stronger and stronger with each flex of her thigh.

Mirko smirked as she saw her sidekick get more into their workout. She knew now that her plan had worked and that Deku was forever hers~. And by the time that Mirko and Deku had reached their 500th rep Deku completely forgot about One For All.


“Now doesn’t that feel better~!?” Mirko yelled, spanking Deku’s sweaty ass.

“Y-yes ma’am~,” Deku said, her entire body covered in sweat.

“Alright good work today, now let’s take a shower~!” Mirko yelled dragging Deku into the bathroom. It was going to be a long night and Deku’s knees were definitely going to hurt in the morning.

“Come on! Move it! You call that fast!?” Mirko yelled at Deku as she finished timing her running around the city. Mirko gave Deku no break after the “training” they did last night and was already forcing Deku to ruin.

“10 minutes and 18 seconds! Are you fucking kidding me!? With your skill you could easily do it in 8 minutes flat,” Mirko said to her. “While running you need to remember to flex your thighs and ass, becoming just like a bunny. This is not hard now do it again!” she yelled before the second Deku off again.

As Deku ran she was well aware of all the stares that she received thanks to her thicc and firm ass, on full display with her muscular thighs and legs. She knew deep down that this was wrong and just by looking at her current reflection she couldn’t even remember how she used to look. She even found herself winking and smacking her ass as she ran by several people.

“8 minutes and 5 seconds! How dare you slack off!” Mirko yelled at her as she finished her current run. While she did go faster and did as Mirko asked by smacking her ass for her future fans, she was still late and that was unacceptable. “Get over here!”


Mirko started to punish her lazy sidekick by spanking her for all to see. As tears rolled down her eyes, Deku couldn’t help but feel excited to be watched like this. This is what it meant to be a hero, having the people look upon you! Though the inner Deku was screaming trying to convince her body that this is definitely not what they wanted.

“Now run it again!” Mirko yelled at her. “And this time you only have six minutes, and you have to smack your ass twice when you see someone look at you. Do you understand!?”

“Y-yes…yes ma’am,” Deku submissively said before going off to run some more. Mirko was going to make sure that as many people as possible see her sidekick's bright red ass.

After a full day of running almost nonstop, Deku was finally able to get some combat training from Mirko. She was so excited. Mirko was strong enough to be the number 1 hero and it was odd that she wasn’t. In looks alone, she should have easily placed first.

“Finally you’re ready to receive some actual training,” Mirko said, half revealing that everything up till now was for her own amusement. “Everything that you have done up until this point has merely been a warmup. You are finally ready to spar against me. Aren’t you happy?”

“Fuck yeah I am~!” Deku yelled, her weak and timid side now overtaken by Mirko’s personality. After many months of training Deku now, looked like her, talked like her, and even acted like her. The small piece of Deku that remind them was trapped in the back of his mind, begging and pleading for this nightmare to end. Though this why by no means a nightmare. Many people would kill to be gifted with the thicc new body that she possessed~. Mirko makes sure to remind her sidekick of that every night~.


“Great~! Now let’s get started~!” Mirko yelled, smacking Deku on her thicc firm ass.


“You’re going down~!” Deku yelled at her, smacking her teacher in the ass as she immediately flexed her thighs to prime up her quirk lower body weapons.

“Oh, you little bitch! Do you really think that you’re allowed to spank me!?” Mirko yelled, smirking at her. Her sidekick had started to get bold. It was a shame that she was going to need to teach this bitch her place. She was going to pay for this.

“Let’s go~!” Deku yelled at Mirko, dashing like a rabbit straight to her.





As Mirko and Deku fought, Deku used everything that Mirko taught him, and that included trying to ram her ass right into Mirko’s face. Though Mirko wasn’t going to go down without a fight. Mirko was the hero and Deku was the sidekick. A cocky sidekick was never good for the work of heroes, and she was going to make sure that Deku remained her sidekick forever.

The fight between them was progressing steadily and it looked as if they were neck and neck, neither being able to best the other. Though that was only what Mirko wanted Deku to believe. It would serve her no good if her sidekick didn’t have any confidence in herself, but there was no way that she was going to lose, to begin with.


Mirko gave Deku a smack on her ass as she continued to avoid her attacks. Deku was a bit frustrated that she couldn’t land any clean hits on Mirko, but she was still overjoyed that all Mirko could do was avoid her attacks and then occasionally smack her ass. This was nothing! She would definitely win!

“Hahahahaha~!!! That’s right keep running away your old whore~! Shake that ass as you run away from me!” Deku yelled, spewing vulgar insults out at her teacher. “When I’m done here you can just retire that fat ass of yours and get fat doing nothing! Or better yet you can become my sidekick! Hahahahahahaha~!!!!”


Deku actually landed several solid kicks on Mirko, but with the final kick, Mirko stop her.


Deku crashed straight into the ground with one firm kick from Mirko.

“It would seem that my “sidekick” has a mouth to her~,” Mirko said, allowing Deku to slowly rise to her feet.

“I’ll get you for that!” Deku yelled at her.

“No…you won’t,” Mirko said, disappearing and then reappearing behind Deku. “Now buckle up, because I’m about to kick that fat ass of yours very, very, very hard~,” she said to her before she could even react


“Nnnnnnn!!!” Deku winced as she kicked Deku’s exposed fat tan ass cheeks, sending her crashing into the ground.

“Hah! Serves you right~” Mirko yelled, smirking at her new sidekick. She only won this easily because she had lived in this body her entire life. Deku was a natural and she was going to make sure to properly praise tonight~.


“Deku? Are you alright? …Oh shit…well, I guess you did deserve a well-earned rest,” she said looking at Deku’s unconscious body. “It’s funny, I used to think that working alone was far better than having a sidekick. When did I suddenly decide that I wanted a sidekick? And why did I do my utmost best to turn Deku into a near-exact version of me?”

“…Yeah that’s right I don’t really have to care now do I~?” Mirko said to herself, unaware that she and Deku were both brainwashed by that perverted villain 8 months ago. It’s been so long that she forgot about him. Though he never forgot about her. In fact, they would meet each other again real soon~.

“Ugh time to get you to bed~,” Mirko said as she dragged her new full-time sidekick. “Hmm, I wonder if I should use the All Might on your tonight or the Endeavor~? Well it is your night, so I guess we can use the All Might~,” Mirko said, hinting that she had something very devious and naughty planned for her sidekick tonight~.

-3 Days Later-


“Mirko! Mirko! Is it true that you are thinking about opening a fast food joint!?”

“Mirko! Mirko! Is it true that you and Endeavor went out on a date!?”

“Mirko! Mirko! Is it true that you have been slaking over on catching villains to play around with some cross-dressing boy!?”

“Mirko! Mirko! Is it true that you are a les-”


“I do believe that the time for stupid questions is over,’ Mirko said smashing the ground apart near the last reporter to shut him up.

“Mirko, Jin Sakurai from Hero’s Weekly, we have reports that you have taken a promising young woman as your sidekick. Are these reports true?”

“They are indeed true,” Mirko said back to him. “In fact, this press conference was created to announce her to the world. Allow me to properly introduce my new sidekick Dirko~!!!”


Deku who had been stripped of his name and renamed Dirku landed on the stage, breaking a few pieces of wood from it.

“Mirko pardon my rudeness, but is there a reason why your sidekick looks just like you?” Jin Sakurai aske her.

“That’s because she herself is one of the very few to possess the same quirk as I do. She idolized me so much that she decided to do everything in her power to be just like me!” Mirko yelled out to the crowd. “As a hero who am I not to allow her to live her dream!”

“Also if our information is correct her civilian name is Izzy Midoriya, a recent graduate of U.A. Highschool, is that correct?” Jin asked her.

“Yes, it is~!” Mirko said without hesitation to Dirko’s surprise. Little did Deku realize that once her physical transformation into Mirko was complete thanks to the pink gas and Mirko’s “training” no one even remembered who Izuku Midoriya was. He never existed.

There was no one in U.A. that was called Izzy. How could no one see that there was something wrong here? She was held captive by Mirko for months, as her body was changed against her will and she did whatever she was told to do. Why couldn’t anyone see that she was Deku!? This isn’t fair! This isn’t fair! She was Deku! She was Deku! She was-.

“That’s right! I’m the only sidekick that is capable of working with Miss Mirko~!” Dirko yelled as her inner voice was having a mental breakdown. “Mirko’s is the best hero in the world and that makes me the best sidekick in the world!” she yelled while flexing.

“That’s right she is the best~!” Mirko yelled, agreeing with her. “I usually like fighting crime solo, but if I have to be fighting it with anyone then why not with someone that is just like me~!” Mirko yelled flexing her muscles alongside her sidekick.


The reporters all began to take pictures of the new crime-fighting duo, knowing that it would make the front pay. The solo hero Mirko finally chose someone to be her sidekick, this had to be the best day ever! And in truth, it was even better for one person in particular.

A familiar perverted villain hid among the press reporter in the background, silently observing the fruits of his sacrifice standing on the stage before him. He eagerly stared at the two tan twin muscular bunny girls with hunger in his eyes. Before him was over half a year of investment that didn’t even stop after the first perverted bomb, He made sure to watch them constantly, observing them in everything that they did. He knew everything about them because he was the one that created them, they were his and soon they would fall back into his hands where they belonged. The world of heroes didn’t suit these two goddesses. They deserved to be his, and soon he would cash in everything that he invested into them over all of these months. His perfect fantasy was almost upon him. Now, all he needed to do was prepare one more perverted bomb~.

-1 Month Later-

“One month had passed since the disappearance of Mirko and her sidekick Dirko and there is still no trace of them,” the new reporter said. “Every search that we start for them ends up going cold. To think that it was one month ago that Dirko made her sidekick debut. This reporter fears that they will never be found. Though hope is not lost as we still have many hero’s looking for them. They like no trace in Japan unturned!

“Pfft~!! Did they really think that they can find us~?” the perverted villain said to his brainwashed wives, Mirko and Dirko, who were seductively spreading their legs, trying to invite him over to them, which he gladly accepted. “They will never find us so they should just give up~.”

Last month after the press conference had ended he ambushed them in their dressing room and used yet another hypnosis bomb on them. This time instead of making Mirko turned Deku into Dirko, he made them both believe that they were his slutty cock hungry wives~. Luckily for him, they didn’t resist even a bit. One could say that this is waiting that had always wanted so who was he to stop them from embracing his destiny~?

Once they were fully hypnotized he took the two sexy bunny girls to his secret lair underground lair where he has kept them this entire time. He had given them everything that they could ever require and now he was living the dream. Every day was perfect. And every day he would order his “wives” to roughly mate with him all day and night while belittling him and yelling insults at him.

He was a full-fledged masochist and hearing them yell at him and tell him his body is weak and that his dick is tiny and pathetic just turned him on even more. And they were more than happy to drink up all of his leaky discharges~.

He loved enjoying himself by being sandwiched between his rabbit twins every other day as they fucked like rabbits. These bitches had a very high libido, but he was nothing to scoff at either. Though that being said after a full week of non-stop fucking he eventually had to slow down because his stamina couldn’t keep up.

“Please can we go another round~,” Dirko pleaded, stroking his dick to get him aroused, while the inner Deku was screaming in agony to be released from this hell, though that would never happen? Deku could feel everything that Dirko feel, from getting fucked, sucking dick, and guzzling down her “husband’s" sweet cum~.

He liked knowing that there was still a fragment of the once-aspiring hero trapped in there. He hoped that one day when he release her mind she will still be the slutty cum dumpster that he trained her and Mirko to be~.

“Hurry up and fuck up and fuck us long and hard again!” Mirko yelled at him. Her pussy was twitching from excitement from not getting fucked with the last hour. “Hurry up and do it or I’ll spank you so hard that it’s raining cum!

“Fufufu~. Well if that’s what my wives want then who am I to say no~,” he said smirking as he went back to bed with them. Who says that crime doesn’t pay~. Life is good~.


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