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“Tada!” Orochimaru said as they arrived at the entrance to a run-down house, that looked like it had seen better days. Sasuke stood there too shocked t even say a word. The Third Hokage stood silently next to Orochimaru with his guards by his side just glad that she didn’t demand a house that cost more than this.

After a month of living in the Anbu headquarters, Orochimaru and Sasuke were finally released

“This is our new home!” she said overjoyed that the Third agreed for her to have this place. It was a bit run down, but with the help of her official newly adopted son, this would be a great home for them.

“Um, what the hell is this?” Sasuke asked her, unsure of what they were actually looking at. There was no way that she planned for this to be their new home, right? This had to be some sort of joke.

“It’s our new home silly,” Orochimaru said to him, and remember to mind your language you are around Lord Third. You need to show respect around him.”

“It’s fine,” the Third said back to her. “He’s just a child and he means no harm by it. Kids will be kids.”

“Speaking of kids, have you started to properly take care pf that boy?” Orochimaru asked him. She knew of the rumors surrounding the boy and she was going to make sure that Lord Third took care of him, or she would have to take him away for herself.

“He is doing fine,” the Third said to her. I have moved him out of the apartment I got for him, and I have had him officially adopted by my eldest son Azuma. His brother already has a son of his own, so having Azuma take care of him is for the best.  With my duties as Hokage, I won’t be able to spend too much time with him, but I can at least play the role of a loving grandfather to him.”

“This is what you should have done from the start,” Orochimaru said to him, impressed that he actually did something. Though after 6 years of being treated like an outcast how will the boy respond to his new environment? “I had better not hear any of those rumors flying around anymore either,” she said insisting that there was still much for him to do.

“Yes, yes, I know,” he said to her. “I understand and I am doing my best. Now I do believe that it is time for a tour of your new home. Shall I come with or would you like to do it yourself?”

“I believe that we shall be fine ourselves,” Orochimaru said to him. “You will send these fine men for us later tonight won’t you~?” she asked seductively, bouncing her fat tits in front of them.

“Of course, I will,” the Third said to her. “They will pick you both up at seven for dinner. Please make sure to have a list ready about what needs to be fixed or replaced. Don’t worry about the cost since as I said I will cover it., You showed me the error of my own judgment, and this is the least that I can do for you. Now please don’t mind me and enjoy,” he said leaving the two of them to explore their new home.

From the outside, you could tell that there were two floors and a basement. It was old and run down, so much so that there were several holes in the outside walls and roof, along with a few broken windows. The paint and long since chipped away and the older wood stuck out compared to the few newer ones.

“This place is a dump,” Sasuke said to Orochimaru as they entered the house, who couldn’t help but agree to. She knew that this house was terrible, to begin with, but the reason that she decided on this one and not one that was in far better condition was so that they could spend time fixing it up together.

“Now, now, you have yet to see all of it,” Orochimaru told her child, insisting that he shouldn’t judge a book or rather house by its appearance.

“I don’t know if I want to see any more of this,” he said back to her. “This place looks like it’s about to collapse any second now. Why the hell did you pick this place? I thought you wanted to convince them that you were trying to be a good caregiver.”

“Now sweety, we have been over this,” Orochimaru said to him. “You may either call me mom or mommy. I am so much more than a caregiver. I would have thought that our time together would have shown you that.”

“Our time together only showed me how much you wanted to get on my good graces,” Sasuke said to her, denying her love as always. “All of those sweets and toys can only go so far.”

“And don’t forget the clothes~!” Orochimaru said to him. “I bought you plenty of clothes so it would be a waste if you choose not to wear them.”

“Those things aren’t clothes,” Sasuke said, looking at what was supposed to be the kitchen. “Those dresses are just part of your perversion to see me in a dress, but I will never wear them, ever.”

“Really, because I could have sworn that on multiple occasions you dressed up and had tea parties with the toys I bought you,” she said under her breath so Sasuke couldn’t hear her.

“What was that?” he asked trying to figure out what she had just said to him.

“Oh, it was nothing~,” she said back to him. For the past month whenever she went out Sasuke would stay behind and dress up in the dresses and wigs that she brought him. He tried to act as if he was too cool to be a sissy, but that was just his sissy tsundere side talking. Little did she know that he only did that to fill the whole left by his real mother who used him to satiate her desire for a real daughter.

“I was just saying that you looked like you enjoyed all the presents I gave you so I thought that there may have been a chance, that you would call me mommy,” Orochimaru said in disappointment.

“Not now, not ever,” Sasuke said to her. He didn’t care how kind she acted towards him; he only saw her as a way to kill Itachi. He needed her to train him and that was it. He could take care of himself.

“We’ll see about that~,” she said cheerfully to him, shaking her fat ass in front of him as she made her way down the hall. “Sasuke dear come over here,” she said, motioning for him to follow after her.



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