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When Kirito woke up the next day he was still the same size that he was when he went to sleep, but he couldn’t help but feel as if something was off. This feeling was his own body telling him that he was getting smaller, yet it would still be a little bit longer before he noticed it himself.

Kirito ate breakfast quickly by himself since Suguha and the rest of his family were out for the week. He was home alone by himself, so he partook in his favorite pass time; walking around the house without a shirt on. It was his way of relaxing, before gaming. Today’s Gun Gale Event was going to be great! Asuna and Silica would love it. He sure did when he played it last time~.

“Alright, let’s get this started,” he said entering the game. Once inside it didn’t take him long to meet up with the others.

“Kirito, your, pfft, finally here~!” Sinon said unable to hold back a small laugh from escaping her mouth. “How… how are you feeling?” she asked seeing that his game avatar was the same height as the current size of his body.

“…I’m fine… are you?” Kirito asked, confused why she was looking at him in such a manner.

“I’m totally, pfft, fine,” she said back to him, laughing at him again.’

“…Okay… weird,” he said not knowing how to deal with her at the moment. Luckily it would seem that Silica and Asuna were acting normally. Though in truth they were just better at hiding their excitement than Kirito was. Asuna was eager to see Kirito shrink some more and Silica was curious to see if her big brother would still remain bigger than her.

“Alright so are you two ready?” Kirito asked them, excited for them to experience the fun of this event firsthand.

“I guess,” Silica said back to him. “Though what even is it?”

“That right there is a secret~,” he said to her, happy that he got to have some fun like this. It wasn’t often when he could act a bit childish, but for this event, the more childish you act the better, because there is no other better way than to do just that.”

“Kirito come on tell us~,” Asuna said, begging to know what this event her boyfriend was so eager to play was all about.

“Sorry Asuna, but he’s right,” Sinon said to her, you’ll just have to wait until the event starts to see what’s going to happen~.”

“That’s not-”

“Sinon~!” Tia ran up from behind and picked Sinon up without hesitation!

“Tia! What the hell are you doing!? Put me down right now!” Sinon yelled embarrassed that she was being treated as some sort of child.

“Kirito where are you looking!?” Asuna yelled noticing that Kirito was staring at the two girls tightly clinging to one another~. “Get over here right now! She yelled shoving his face right in front of her face!

While Kirito was forced to stare into her eyes, he couldn’t help feeling weak and helpless. It was at that moment his body shrank another 1cm right before Asuna’s eyes and it was inside the game no less! And as his avatar shrunk so did his body in the real world!

“Oh no, it already started!” Tia said trying to be discrete, but Sinon heard her.

“What do you mean it’s already started?” Sinon asked her.

“Nothing… I’m just saying that the event is about to start so should all get ready~!” Tia said, sounding very suspicious to Sinon, but there was nothing that she could do about it since Tia was right the event was about to start and the party limit was four people so they couldn’t add her. Sinon would have to wait in order to get answers.

“Alright guys let’s get ready, Kirito said, gathering the four of them into a huddle. “This event is going to be a fun one so don’t even bother to worry about points because there are no winners or losers in this game, only players. Now let’s do this!” he said, still unaware that he was shrinking, and while the girls were unaware of what he had planned for them~!


The next thing that they knew they were all teleported to the event area and each of them were given bright and colorful pastel colored guns.

“Huh this is strange, I wonder what these are-”


Without warning, Kirito shot Asuna dead in her chest and Sinon shot Silica! Each one of them had smiles across their faces before shooting each other!


“Kirito what the hell are you two doing!?” Asuna yelled seeing that the bullet she was shot with was seeping into her clothes.

“Hehehe~!” the two of them laughed as the fun began. Out of nowhere a red clown nose appeared over Asuna’s nose. As for Silica, she grew a full extra foot in height, messing with her center of balance!

“Woah~!” Silica screamed a bit, trying to keep herself from falling over onto herself. She was now taller than all of them, and that included Asuna who was only a little bit shorter than Kirito’s original height!


Asuna pressed her red nose trying to take it off, but that only caused her to hook it. Her face beat red from embarrassment, but the fun was done yet. Kirito and Sinon were about to get their rewards as well~.

All of Kirito’s hair fell off and Sinon’s feet turned into cute fluffy doggie paws!

“Pfft~! You look so ridiculous~! Kirito yelled at Sinon, who was having some difficulty walking.

“Sh-shut up chrome-dome!” Sinon said kicking him in the shins, but nothing happened. Her feet were too fluffy to cause any real damage.

“Pfft~! What are you going to give me paw next fido~?” Kirito laughed, mocking her. He loved this event for this.

“Kirito what’s going on~!” Asuna yelled at him, though as she did he shrunk another 1cm in front of them and she was now in the perfect position to see her shiny red nose! Asuna too afraid to see herself look like this turned away from him, her face was once again beat red!

“Pfft, see something you don’t like?” Kirito asked, slightly teasing her. She might be embarrassed but she did think that she made a really cute clown.

“Kirito~!” Asuna yelled furious with him for making fun of her.

“Alright, alright, calm down and let me explain,” he said the Asuna and Sinon, the latter who was still trying to keep herself from falling over.

“So this event is the Humiliation Event,” Kirito said to them. This entire event is supposed to be fun and hilarious. The first time I was brought here by Sinon I was turned into an old man. I could barely move~!

“In this event friendly fire is allowed up to two times per player and whenever you’re shot your transformation will progress. It would seem that this time around you are a clown girl, Sinon is a dog girl and as for Silica I think it’s some sort of age progression, and as for me who knows.”

“Well, we could find out~,” Asuna said to him, slowly lifting up her gun.

“Yeah, I agree~,” Silica said to him, lifting up her gun as well. It was time for them to get back at Kirito for tricking them like this~.


“Aww, what the hell!” Sinon yelled as a dog tail, dog ears, a dog collar, and a small black dog nose appeared on her. Right before they shot at him, he used Sinon as a shield.

“Pfft, good luck doggie~!” Kirito yelled running off, knowing that the girls needed some time to cool off, but to be honest he should have never run.

“Nnnnnngggghhhhh~! How dare he run away after having me shot at!” Sinon yelled, furious at Kirito, but she had a plan~.

“We’re so sorry~!” Silica yelled trying her best to apologize to Sinon for accidentally shooting her.

“It’s alright, but Kirito has to pay,” Sinon said to Asuna and Sinon.

“But how? We already have used are freebies,” Asuna said, wondering what they should do. While the three of them were worried about Kirito they were more pissed at him than anything right now.

“Well that can be fixed very easily~,” Sinon said to them. She knew a secret about this event that not even Kirito knew about and it was going to be great~!

“What do you-”


“Zehahahahahaha! You three got too careless~!” T1G3R,” yelled shooting them all several times. “You’re the three girls that were with that crossdressing freak! Where is he!?” T1G3R yelled at them, threatening to shoot them some more, but their transformations were something else now.

Sinon was now covered in silver fur and her hands were dog paws! He gun had to be modified for you to shoot her gun now. She feared that one more shot and she would be walking on all fours!

As for Asuna, her hair was turned pink, styled into drills and she was wearing giant clown shoes! That squeaked every time she moved! And Silica… Silica was much older, looking exactly like her mother, but slightly younger!

“Zehahahahahaha~!” T1G3R laughed at them. It would seem that he wasn’t shot even once and he must have ditched his team somewhere else.

“We don’t know, wan!” Sinon yelled, forced to add wan at the end of her sentences as she talked.

“Yeah get out of here you silly-billy~!” Asuna yelled unable to sound anything but silly now.

“Oh my, what are we to do~?” Silica said, talking just like her mother now. “Perhaps we should lie to him~?”

“I can hear you, you stupid fucking bimbo!” T1G3R yelled at her. “You chicks are useless! I’m going to find him if it’s the last thing I do and have my revenge!” T1G3R yelled before running off, but he didn’t go far as he stayed close to the three girls knowing that they would lead him to Kirito.

“Sigh, it would seem we’ll have to deal with him as well, wan,” Sinon said to the two girls. “Now listen up and we can make both of those idiots pay, wan.”

“In this event, there is a secret location where we can humiliate Kirito far more than we are now, wan. I know that he is shrinking and doesn’t know it, but I don’t care. He needs to pay. So listen to this, wan~,” she said whispering the last part to Asuna and Silica so no one else could hear them.



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