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“Haah!? What do you mean that I need a team of three to partake in this tournament!” Kodachi Kuno, The Black Rose yelled at the receptionist at the front counter. “Does your simple-minded brain not work? Can your eyes not clearly see who I am?”

“You’re The Black Rose, one of the best Martial Arts and Rhythmic Gymnastics’ that we have at the school,” the receptionist calmly said back to her. “I know how many competitions you one, but the rules for this tournament require a team of three and since you have already injured all of the members of your club, none of them will be able to compete before the tournament starts. I am sorry, but it looks like this is one competition that you will have to sit out.”

“Haah!? That is unacceptable! I will not have my perfect reputation be sullied by the likes of you!” Kodachi yelled at him, even though he did nothing wrong. “I will have you fired for this!”

“Miss, this is what I was told,” the receptionist said, remaining calm even though he was being yelled at. “If you want I can lodge a formal complaint for you, but those usually don’t do much. I am sorry for the experience that you had today. Though if you manage to find two other girls with your level of gymnastics I‘m certain that you’ll win.”

“Ngggghhhh!!!” Kodachi groaned in dismay as she stormed off from the desk. There was nothing that she could do, at least for now~.

“Ranma get back here!” Akane Tendo yelled chasing Ranma throughout the school courtyard. They were having another argument and it would seem that Ranma had once again transformed into a girl.

…Wait, a girl! That’s right, Kodachi almost forgot about those two items she received to help the members of her club, but none of them seemed to be worthy of them. Perhaps these two would make suitable hosts~.


With a snap of her fingers, one of her security detail presented her with a gas mask seconds before a sleeping gas bomb erupted around the entire school! It did not matter how skilled he was as a martial artist as he was helpless to fight against the power of the sleep gas.

Once the two of them were asleep she had her men picked them two of them up and placed them inside her personal limousine.

“Fufufufufu~! I should have done this the moment that I first saw you,” Kodachi said, looming over their unconscious bodies as they were brought to her family’s estate and straight into her private gymnastic training room.


She snapped her fingers again while still looking down at the two of them, oh the things she had planned for them~. Upon hearing her call them, three maids appeared behind her.

“You two prepare the special leotards~,” Kodachi said to the first two maids, who quickly left after receiving her command. ‘As for you, strip them of their clothes and place them in a proper set of undergarments~. I am thinking of the Red Spring Collection for her,” she said pointing to Ranma. “And I and thinking of the Blue Winter Collection for her,” she said pointing to Akane.

“Excellent choice Miss~,” the maid said to Kodachi, bowing her head before proceeding to strip the two unconscious girls down and then quickly play them in sexy red and blue lacy panties and bras.

“Fufufu~! They almost look like proper ladies now don’t they,” Kodachi said to her maid.

“Yes indeed Miss,” the maid replied to her with a smile across her face. “It is improper for young ladies to were such drab undergarments, and whatever that is,” she said referring to Ranma’s fundoshi, which was now in the trash along with Akane's plain white undergarments. “Even us maid had a better sense for undergarments than these two.”

‘Miss if I may be so bold, do you plan to really use those on these two?” the maid asked, making sure that she would not cross the boundary between servant and master.

“Oh my~. It would seem that someone is very eager to have more than one young lady to serve~,” Kodachi said, alluding to what was to come. “Go on be honest~.”

“Y-yes… it’s true,” the maid timidly said back to her. “All of the maids are talking about it ever since you acquired those two leotards~.”

“Well then be a good little maid and enjoy the show~,” Kodachi said to her, as the other two maids finally returned from the storehouse where the leotards were being kept. They looked exactly like the same leotards that she would wear while practicing, but these two were a bit more special~.

“Good now that you are here, place them into their new uniforms~,” Kodachi said as her two more than eager maids placed the two girls into their new “permanent,” uniforms~.

Within seconds the two girls were properly dressed and looked like perfectly gymnastic princesses, almost just like Kodachi herself, but not quite there yet~.

“Alright, I do believe that these two lovely ladies have had their fair share of beauty sleep, now it is time for them to wake up~!” Kodachi said eagerly and as she did, a small shock ran across both Ranma’s and Akane s’ bodies!

“Oww! What the heck was that!?” Ranma yelled, instantly trying to figure out where the two of them were.

“…Huh? Ranma where are… what the hell are we wearing!?” Akane yelled, waking right up, seeing that both she and Ranma were wearing gymnastic leotards!”

“Oh my, what a vulgar little mouth you have there~,” Kodachi said, knowing that was one of the many things that she would have to fix and weed out of this gorilla-like woman.

“Kodachi, you bitch! I just knew that this was your doing!” Akane yelled, using even more vulgar language that upset Kodachi’s maids.

“You little ingrate! How dare you talk to the young Miss like that!” one of the maids yelled at her.

“You should be grateful that out of all the people she could have chosen she chose you!” yelled another maid.

“Miss I do believe that they are asking for punishment,” the maid that placed Ranma and Akane into their new undergarments said to her in a respectful tone. The other two maids would need to be taught how to control themselves later.

“Kodachi, I don’t know what you’re planning, but you already lost to us before,” Ranma said to her. “It would be best for you to let us go before I am forced to make you.”

“Oh my~. Ranma-chan there is no need for violence~. Don’t you agree~?” Kodachi gentle said to her.


“Y-es… you are absolutely…right!” Ranma said against her will as she felt herself forced to say what Kodachi wanted her to say.

“See, I knew that you would agree~!” Kodachi happily said, seeing that the magic was working.

“How…how did you do that!?” Ranma yelled, shocked to see herself agree with Kodachi of all people!

“My, my, my~. Are you two naughty girls ready to listen to me now~?” Kodachi asked, knowing that no matter how much they wanted to resist her she was in control now and she was never going to give up this power over them~.

“Just tell us already you bitch!!” Akane yelled, noticing that Ranma was too shocked by what just happened to even move.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk~. It would seem that someone needs to have a taste before she is ready to listen,” Kodachi said to her, angry that this uncouth girl would still dare talk back to her. She needed to know her place before any of them could continue.

“Kneel!” Kodachi said to Akane, holding none of her rage back.


“Argh!” Akane screamed out a bit before her body forced her to kneel on the ground. “What are you doing to me!?” Akane yelled, trying to resist, but it was no use.

“Quiet!” Kodachi said, making Akane finally shut up so she could listen. It was obvious that she was going to be the tougher of the two to train.

“Stop that!” Ranma yelled trying to attack Kodachi, but when she did, Kodachi’s maid jumped in front of her and took her down before she could realize what was happening.

“H-how!” Ranma yelled. She knew her body was weaker as a woman, but she never once thought that she would be taken down by a group of maids!

“Sigh~. It would seem that you’ll be hard to train as well,” Kodachi said, slightly regretting her decision to choose them. Though there was no going back now as once those leotards were on they would not come off until the job was down.

“You kneel and be quiet as well,” Kodachi said, refusing to allow any more interference. These two have tested her patience more than enough.


Ranma was zapped again out of nowhere and she was forced to kneel in the same position that Akane was in as the maids released her and her mouth refused to move. She was now effectively helpless just as Kodachi wanted it.

“Alright, now that the two of you are quiet and still, I can finally explain what I have planned for the two of you~,” Kodachi said, finally getting g the chance to explain herself to the two of them.

“As you already know I am none other than the famous Black Rose, the queen of gymnastics. Unfortunately for me, that does not excuse me from team tournaments. The people in my club are far too inadequate to be about to compete with me… and far too injured,” she said the last part under her breath so neither of them could hear her, but Ranma could.

“You two should be grateful that I have chosen you to be a part of my team~. And you’ll also be glad to hear that while you were brought here, I made sure that my maids sign us up together~!”

“And yes don’t even bother saying that you would never help me because you have no choice in the matter. You see those lovely leotards that you are wearing. Those are magically enchanted with three spells~.” It was actually four, but Kodachi was going to keep secret the fourth spell as that was the one, she was most eager to see herself.

“The first spell makes sure that you have to obey the owner of the leotard. Since that is me, that explains why you two naughty girls are being so quiet and obedient right now~. The second spell will make you start to develop your skills and habits, turning you into the perfect gymnastics queens just like me. As for the third spell, that will make sure that you keep those leotards on until I have determined that you have become as perfect as me~.

And for the fourth spell which she had no intention of sharing with them was none other a spell that would transform their physical appearance into hers as the days go by! Soon she will have two sisters that share her passion for gymnastics and are just like her. There was nothing that anyone could do to stop her now~!

“Now that we have that settled, it’s time to begin your training~!” Kodachi eagerly said to them, taking off her school uniform to reveal that she was wearing her leotard underneath her clothes this entire time!

“Ladies if you would,” Kodachi said to her maids who also took off their maid uniforms as well to reveal that they were also wearing maid-themed leotards! “Please help these two get done with their stretches~.”

“Yes ma’am~!!!” the three maids said back to her, forcing the two girls up and roughly making the two of them do stretches while they were still unable to talk or resist. After several minutes of stretching, Ranma and Akane were allowed to stand up and talk again.

“So how do you girls feel now?” Kodachi asked them, seeing as they have been properly stretched out.


“Go in there is no need to be shy~,” Kodachi said, seeing that the roots of both Akane’s and Ranma’s hair were turning black like hers. Their transformation had finally started to begin, and they have only just begun. The tournament was in a week’s time so there was more than enough time to complete their transformations.

“…I feel good,” Ranma said, shocked that this was how she felt right now. She felt enraged before by what Kodachi was forcing upon them, but as she stretched, she could feel her anger dissipating!

“You see, you were born to be a gymnast~,” Kodachi said, seeing that Ranma-chan’s aptitude and love for martial arts were slowly being transferred to her new and upcoming love for gymnastics.

“Really?” Ranma asked, wondering if Kodachi was right. The last time Kodachi and her faced off in gymnastics, she did actually enjoy herself, though it wasn’t as if she had outright said it to anyone.

As she started to think this her hair started to turn blacker. Akane, who was confused about what she was feeling, felt her anger rise when she saw Ranma’s hair start to turn black despite still being a girl.

“Ranma don’t believe this bitch! Akane yelled, pointing straight at Kodachi, understanding now that there was something else that she had planned for them. Though knowing didn’t mean that she could do anything about it.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk~. Akane-chan you are far too violent,” Kodachi said to her.

“That’s what I tell her all the time, but she never listens,” Ranma said, agreeing with Kodachi without even realizing it.

“See even your former husband or rather bride agrees with me,” Kodachi smugly said, mocking Akane. “Now let’s weed that anger out of you and repurpose that extra energy of ours into something else~.”

“Go practice your ribbon twirling until you are as perfect as me at it, and don’t stop until I tell you told alright,” Kodachi said, ordering Akane to obey.


“Y-yes…yes ma’am,” Akane said, picking up a pink ribbon as her body forced her to do ribbon twirling techniques that were by no means familiar to her, yet her body was acting as if they were second nature to her.

“And you my dear can come along with mean to practice your baton throws~,” Kodachi said, gently grabbing Ranma’s hand and leading her over to her area to train in. “And remember if you are good and help me win this tournament, I promise to let you go, but only if you both desire it~,” Kodachi said to Ranma who didn’t hear the last past she said.

Her mind was strange right now. She knew who she was and who Kodachi was, and even what was happening to her, but she felt no reason to fight it. What was going to happen to them?

“Really?” Ranma asked, hoping that Kodachi would keep her word.

“Yes, really~,” Kodachi said back to her. “Everything will be just fine, so long as you keep listening to me~. Now let’s get you back to training before Akane-chan surpasses you. You wouldn’t want that now, would you?

“No… I must train,” Ranma said, her hair almost completely black at this point. Only the ends of her hair remained red at this point.

“Good, very good~,” Kodachi said. “I will leave these three lovely maids with you today. If you need anything, please just tell them and they will help. Good luck~.”

With that Kodachi left for the rest of the day and didn’t come back till early the next day. Ranma-chan, who was a good girl was allowed to go to bed last night as she eagerly completed her training without protest. Akane-chan on the other hand was a rude and naughty girl that tried to resist her training every step of the way, so she was forced to stay up all night practicing without sleep.

By the time Kodachi entered the training area, Akane’s hair was completely black just like hers, and just as long. During the night one of Kodachi’s maids came in and put her hair up into a ponytail. If it wasn’t for her short frame, pudgy face, thick thighs, and lack of sizeable breasts, they would look exactly alike.

“Akane-chan, how are you feeling today~?” Kodachi asked her despite knowing that Akane was dead tired from staying up all night, Though because she was so tired she was now unable to resist the magic from the leotard from affecting her mind ad she was becoming more obedient to Kodachi by the second.

“Must train…training is good…I feel lovely when I train…” Akane’s manner of speaking was dry and bland, almost robotic. Her temper and rash personality seems to be gone, and Kodachi loved that. Akane Tendo was an ugly gorilla girl, soon she would be Akiko Kuno, a fabulous queen like Kodachi herself. Speaking of queens, Ranma-chan walked into the room wearing her leotard with the same hairstyle as Kodachi and Akane. While she slept last night her hair had completely turned black and her memories as Ranma slowly began to fade.

“Reina-chan you’re awake!” Kodachi said eagerly hugging Ranma or rather Reina without hesitation.

“Reina-chan?” Reina asked confused by what she was talking about. Wasn’t her name something else?

“Yes Reina-chan, that’s your name~,” Kodachi said happily, trying her best to convince the girl that Reina had always been her name. “Don’t tell me that you forgot mine and Akiko’s names as well~,” she said to her.

“Reina…Akiko… Kodachi?” Reina said, starting to become familiar with her new name, almost as if it wasn’t foreign to her at all.

“Very good~!” Kodachi happily said to her sister Reina Kuno. “Now let’s get back to training, we only have a little less than a week to get ready, and as you can see Akiko is already hard at work, so let’s get to work~!”

-6 Days Later-

“And Akiko Kuno does a perfect 360 spin, twirling her ribbon in a manner I have never seen before!!!” the announcer of the tournament yelled in astonishment, seeing Akiko Kuno and her two sister’s Kodachi Kuno and Reina Kuno perform. These three were absolute masters in their fields.

Before he had only heard about The Black Rose; Kodachi Kuno, and her older brother. Though it would seem that the Kuno family had a set of triplets girls in their family and was waiting until today to reveal them to the world!

“I can’t believe what I am seeing here folks!” the announcer yelled as the three sisters finished up their performance. “The judges…. The judges have given the Roses of the Kuno family a perfect score! Each one of them received a perfect score! This is unimaginable! This is stupendous! This is- hey what are you doing let go of…”

“Thank you dear~,” Kodachi said to one of her maids who had grabbed the microphone from the foolish announcer.

“Thank you all for coming today to see my sisters Akiko and Reina make their debut into the world of martial arts gymnastics!” Kodachi happily said to the crowd, who were drawn in by every word she spoke.

“Before my two sisters were pathetic ordinary girls, Ranma Saotome and Akane Tendo. I have transformed them and made them perfect like me~! As I hold the title of The Black Rose my sisters deserve titles befitting their talents!”

“I will now introduce you all to Reina The Red Rose and Akiko The Blue Rose!”

“You monster! How dare you!” Kasumi Tendo yell as she as Nabiki came onto the stage. “How dare you do this to our family!”

“Tsk, tsk, they’re not your family anymore, they're mine~,” Kodachi said to her. “Though if you are so eager to get them back I could use a few more sister~.


“What are you- huh what… what’s that smell?” Kasumi asked starting to get dizzy as sleeping gas filled the room. Kodachi and her sisters already had their gas masks on. While their debut into society didn’t quite go as planned, this would suffice, since they acquire two new sisters. Though one of them was a bit too old for school that could easily be rectified.

-1 Week Later-

“Come right up and get your signed autographs from The Rose Sisters! Nodoka Kuno The Pink Rose yelled, skipping on practice again to help her sisters gain a reputation.

“Nodoka! You get to practice right now~!” Kimiko Kuno The Purple Rose and the oldest sister of The Rose Sisters said demanded that her younger sister practice with the triplets. They were all basically the same girl, but Nodoka always seemed to have some strange fascination with earning extra money, despite their family being rich. It truly baffled her.

“It’s alright coach,” Kodachi Kuno said back to her elder sister. “We are taking a break right now. Once we are done we’ll be sure to make sure that she practices with the rest of us~.”

“She better,” Kimiko said back to her. “We are the pride of the Kuno family and soon all of the worlds shall know our beauty and grace!

All these pictures were made using novelai!

All Characters are 18+ in this story. 


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