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When he woke up the next day, he felt a bit different but when he looked in the mirror everything seemed fine to him. Though if Kirito wasn’t half asleep when he looked and spent more than a few seconds looking at the mirror he would have noticed that he had shrunk 2.5cm!

“Bro what are you doing up so late?” Suguha asked him, making him look at the clock to see that it was past noon again. “Did you stay up all night playing games again?”

“No, I…I was just tired,” Kirito said to her, not actually knowing why he woke up so late when he passed out earlier last night.

“Yeah, sure~,” Suguha said to him, not believing him.

“Alright see you later, I’m off to help Silica find a gift for her father’s birthday,” he said leaving the house, dressed nicer than he was at the start of yesterday.

“Wait wasn’t her father’s birthday last month?” Suguha asked herself, slowly realizing Silica’s plan.

“K-Kirito, you came,” Silica said seeing that Kirito decided to dress up to hang out with her today.

“Of course, I came,” he said to her. “What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t? So, do you have any ideas of what your father likes, or do you want me to lead the way today?”

“I…I think that he likes fishing…” Silica said to him remembering that when she was younger, he used to fish all the time.

“That’s great!” Kirito said to her. “I know of a great place where to shop for fishing equipment,” he said leading the way.

“Right over here,” he said to her as they finally reached the shop he was talking about. Inside there was an assortment of fishing rods, bait, containers, and even boats to rent.

“Kirito this place is amazing!” Silica said, looking around. “How did you find this place?”

“To be honest, Klein brought me here a few weeks ago. It would seem that a few of his friends like to go fishing so he decided to join them. He even tried getting me to join him as well.”

“Wait do you actually fish now?” Silica asked curious to know more about him.

“Nah, it wasn’t for me, but I guess that experience did come in handy since I’m here with you now,” he said to her, helping her pick out a new fishing rod for her father. It might not be the gift that he wants, but it’s the thought that counts.

“Thank you so much~!” Silica said to him happy that he came along.

“My mother's birthday is also next month so I was wondering if you would like to hang out tomorrow as well~?” Silica asked making up another excuse to hang out with the boy she liked.

“Sure, if you need me, I don’t mind,” he said to her. “And you might be able to help me find something for Asuna. I’m not that good when it comes to getting her gifts so that would help out a lot.”

“…Yeah…sure…” Silica said, a bit disappointed that he was thinking of her while he was with her.

“Hmm? Silica is there something wrong?” Kirito asked her. She sounded a bit depressed there for a second.

“No! Nothing’s wrong!” she said to him, trying to hide her sadness away from him. “I’ll see you tomorrow!” she yelled running off back home, leaving a confused Kirito behind.

The next day Kirito woke up and shrunk again making him now 170cm instead of 175cm. Though he had still yet to notice the changes. Perhaps he was just too tired to do so.

“For the entire day, he spent going around the mall with Silica. There she showed him everything that women are into. Knowing that he wanted to get a gift for Asuna and since they were a couple, she recommended matching bracelets and Kirito decided to take her advice and get them. And as a thank-you gift, he also bought her a new bracelet, though it was a different brand with Kirito thought suited her much better.

Once they were sorted out Kirito thought that it would be best to help Silica look in the home appliance store to see if they could find her some new cookware.

“I think this is perfect~,” Silica said holding up a rice cooker. “…Oh no, this is way too expensive!” she yelled in despair, though Kirito wasn’t one to help out his friends.

“Don’t worry, I’ll cover for what you can’t,” he said to her.

“Thank you so much~” Silica yelled hugging Kirito.

After successfully purchasing the rice cooker the two of them had lunch together before Kirito saw her off and went home. These past two days had been quite fun. It was going to be boring not hanging out with her.

Or at least that’s what he thought. The next morning, he was woken up by someone knocking on his front down. Suguha and the rest of his family were gone for the day, and he was the only one there meaning that he was the one that had to answer the door.

“Finally, you’re up, let’s get going,” Sinon said as Kirito opened the door. “I’ve been waiting for you to come out for the past five minutes!”

“Huh? Sinon, what are you doing here?” Kirito asked her, still half asleep and in his pajamas.

“Really? You don’t remember the text that I sent you last night?” Sinon asked him, sounding annoyed.

“What text?” he asked her, not remembering to get a text message last night.

“What do you mean what text message!?” Sinon yelled at him. “You responded that you would come to the indoor water park with me and Silica last night.”

“Hi Kirito,” Silica said, waving to him to let herself be known.

“This has to be a mistake,” he said, pulling out his phone to show them that they didn’t text him. Though when he opened up his phone, he was shocked to see that there was a text message there like they said, and he did respond to it!

“No way! This can’t…. wait…I was taking a shower at this time!” he yelled realizing what happened. “Suguha must have been the one that texted you back, not me. This is all a mist understanding.”

“Misunderstanding or not, you’re coming with us,” “Sinon said to him. Hurry up and get dressed.”

“Fine,” Kirito said, not awake enough to argue with Sinon, knowing how pushy she could be.

Once Kirito was dressed, he made his way outside and followed the girls to the indoor water park. The closest thing he’s been to a water park was in SAO during a summer event when everyone was forced to wear swimsuits to fight a special boss. In the end, the reward was a swimsuit with the same stats as your most used set of equipment, but hardly anyone used it since it was too embarrassing for people to wear.

“Alright here’s your suit,” Sinon said, handing him a bag with a pair of swim trunks inside of it. Once she did, both she and Silica went to get changed themselves.

When they were finally done changing, they came out to meet Kirito who had long since gotten changed himself.

Sinon was wearing a two-piece blue bikini and Silica was wearing a cute one-piece pink swimsuit. She was a bit shy knowing that Kirito was here to see her in it, but Kirito only ever saw her as his younger sister so there was nothing to worry about.

“You girl look great,” he said, knowing that if he didn’t say that he would be in trouble.

“Why thank y-ahhhhhh!”


While walking towards Kirito Sinon slipped on a patch of water and slammed right into him!

“Owww~,” Sinon said, rubbing her head, and sitting up, but oddly enough she couldn’t see Kirito. “Huh? Kirito?”

“Mmmmmmph! Mmmmmph!” Kirito grunted under the weight of Sinon's butt.

“Kirito!” Sinon yelled instantly jumping to her feet and backing away from her, while holding her butt, imagining what kind of perverted thoughts he was having.

“Are you alright?” Silica asked Sinon, as Kirito slowly rose to his feet, his face bright red after being smushed by Sinon's butt.

“I…I’m fine,” Sinon said to her, feeling shy now. How could she be this clumsy? It wasn’t fair! This was his fault!

“Sinon, you have to be a bit more careful,” Kirito said, worried for her.

“I should be saying that to you!” she yelled at him, not willing to let him see how embarrassed he was, “Maybe if you were more careful you would have caught me, instead of having me crash into you. Wait, that’s it. You wanted me to crash into you didn’t you!”

“Sinon that is not true at all,” Kirito said to her. There was no way that he would do that to her, besides he thought that if he caught her then he would have grabbed her breasts and there was no way that he was going to let that happen.

“Says the liar!” she yelled at him. “I still, haven’t forgiven you for that time in Gun Gale.”

“…Um Sinon-san, please calm down,” Silica said to her respectfully, seeing that there were people staring at them now, and she couldn’t handle all of the stares.

“Fine… I overreacted,” Sinon said to Kirito. She knew it wasn’t his fault, but she couldn’t help but react the way that she did.

From there the three of them had fun at the waterpark, going down slides and playing in the pool. Kirito never did this before his adventures in SAO, but now he was happy to spend this time with his friends. Next time he would have to invite the whole gang over to hang out with him.

“Alright, Kirito this is the last tub they have,” Silica said to him, carrying over a tube for two people over to him. Sinon was taking a break, leaving the two of them alone. She had noticed that all throughout the day that Silica had been a bit too clingy to Kirito. Being the good friend that she was, she allowed the two of them to spend some more time together.

“Are you sure that there aren’t any others?” Kirito asked her, as they climbed up to the highest slide.

“I’m sorry, there was one single, but that means that one of us would have to wait,” Silica said, both embarrassed and eager to share the same tub with him.

“Alright, it’s fine, let’s do this!” he said excitedly, getting into the back of the tub while she sat at the front before there were pushed off down the slide.

“Weeeeeeeeeeeeh~!” They both screamed in joy as they slide down the slide.


“Kirito that was… eeeeekkkk!” Silica screamed as she saw Kirito’s swimming trunks float on top of the water before her. Luckily, she didn’t see any of Kirito’s lower half since it was covered by the tube, but it was still embarrassing for the both of them.

Due to Kirito’s shrinking the swim trunks which were loose, to begin with, slipped off because of his smaller form. Though to them, this was just a freak accident, similar to when a girl loses her bikini top.

While Silica closed her eyes, Kirito managed to get to his trunks and put them back on from underwater so no one else could see.

With that embarrassing situation dealt with they went back to Sinon who had a giant grin spread across her face.

“Look at what I won while the two of you were being all lovey-dovey ~,” she said teasing them while holding up three tickets.

“We weren’t being lovey-dovey,” Kirito said, firmly denying her. “You know that I’m with Asuna, so please don’t say something like that.”

“It was just a joke,” Sinon said back to him, disappointed that he wasn’t more flustered than he was. “No matter, check these out,” she said, handing them the tickets. “I won three tickets to the amusement park, and they’re only usable for tomorrow, you guys have to come with me~.”

“I don’t know…” Kirito said back to her. He’s been going outside a lot more than he usually did, so he was actually thinking about spending a day at home.

“Please Kirito~?” Silvia said, begging him to come with them. She was having so much fun with him that she wanted to continue it for longer.

“…Fine, “Kirito said, after giving it some thought. This was a rare opportunity, and it would be irresponsible for him to miss it. Plus, he didn’t want to let Silica down. To him, she was still a young girl that he didn’t want to see sad, with was somewhat unfortunate for her since her feelings for him were quite well-known to her friends.

“Yah~!” Silica yelled in excitement, eager to have a day of fun with Kirito, forgetting that Sinon would be there with him.

It wasn’t long after that they said farewell to the indoor water park and went home. Kirito made sure to walk them to a safe area near their homes before seeing them off.


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